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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Abilene Geological Society
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Box Palo Pinto Field Callahan County, Texas
V. H. (Pete) Willis
Boyd Conglomerate Field Stonewall County, Texas
Charles F. Word
Butler and Toenail Fields Schleicher County, Texas
W. N. Tindell
Clairemont Field Kent County, Texas
J. C. Barker, R. F. Ellison
Claytonville Field Fisher County, Texas
George S. Galbraith
The Flowers and Flowers West Fields Stonewall County, Texas
William R. Kendall
The Hylton Northwest Multi-Pay Field Nolan County, Texas
B. F. Hoffacker Jr.
Jameson Strawn Sand Field Coke County, Texas
Don Riddle
Lake Trammell Area Nolan County, Texas
L. A. Williams, J. C. Monk
Lindemann -- McMillan Field Runnels County, Texas
Clyde L. Fife Jr.
McCutchen and West McCutchen Fields Coke County, Texas
J. B. Jordan
Miers Gas Field Sutton County, Texas
A. M. Schiemenz
North Bronte Ellenburger and Rawlings Fields Coke County, Texas
S. D. Ayres
Pitzer, Largent, and Ball-Kuehn Fields Jones County, Texas
W. K. Kerfoot
Preliminary Report on the Geology of the Cambrian Trend of West Central Texas
Frank B. Conselman
The Stamford West Field Jones-Haskell County
Charles F. Passel
Sueise (Fry Sand) Field Runnels County, Texas
John McDonald, James Stewart
Upshaw Field Stonewall County, Texas
A. E. Kersey
War-Kirk and A C Scott Fields Callahan County, Texas
Joseph L. Brown
White Flat Field Nolan County, Texas
Arthur W. Neff