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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Abilene Geological Society
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The Dyer Flippen - Strawn Field Callahan County, Texas
Robert W. Wagner
The East Bartlett Field Jones County, Texas
Arthur L. Jenke, Emory W. Parrott
Gly-Hart Field, Callahan County, Texas
Frank J. Spiva Jr., A. K. Doss Jr.
Herr King Fields Callahan County, Texas
George C. Fraser III
Matilda Perkins Field Shackelford County, Texas
John H. DeFord
North Truby (Strawn) Field Jones County, Texas
Bill J. Burton
P. W. C. Field Runnels County, Texas
Floyd Adcock
Preliminary Report on the Baylor-Knox Shallow Producing Trend
Dan McClung
Rowan and Hope Northwest Field Nolan County, Texas
L. A. Williams, F. L. Schatz
The Santa Anna Field Coleman and Brown Counties, Texas
Howard E. Rothrock
South Crews Fry and Gardner Fields Runnels County, Texas
J. E. Lawless, G. C. Webber
Sweetwater Canyon Sandstone Field Fisher and Nolan Counties, Texas
Donald E. Luff
Tannehill Petroleum Company Newell Waterflood Project Shackelford County, Texas
James E. Russell
The Weinert West Strawn Field Haskell County, Texas
Wynant S. Wilson
West Norton and North Norton Fields Runnels County, Texas
Richard R. Bloomer
The White (Multi-Pay) Pool Taylor County, Texas
M. G. Akmal