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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Abilene Geological Society
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The "Flippen" Sandstone of Parts of Taylor and Callahan Counties, Texas
The Boonsville (Bend Conglomerate Gas) Field Wise County, Texas
Robert A. Gardner Jr.
Corsica, Pumphrey and Ashmore Conglomerate Fields Stonewall County, Texas
H. W. (Buddy) Herndon
Dunman-Hudson Area Coleman County, Texas
Ralph Bridwell
E. V. B. Field Nolan County, Texas
Harold C. Beaird
Fluvanna Multi-Pay Field Borden and Surry Counties, Texas
Robert W. Anderson
Group 4000 Pool Nolan County, Texas
Earl Harrison
Hamlin and North Hamlin Fields Jones County, Texas
Richard R. Bloomer
The Jocelyn-Varn Fry Sandstone Field Taylor County, Texas
Russell N. Taylor
Manly-Neas Area Jones County, Texas
J. Earle Lawless
Moro Area Taylor County, Texas
Clyde L. Fife Jr.
Rasberry Field Foard County, Texas
J. N. Van
The Rickels Field Stephens County, Texas
Benson M. Kingston
SMS FIELD Kent County, Texas
John A. Godfrey Jr.
Taylor County Regular (Cedar Gap) Flippen Sandstone Field Taylor County, Texas
B. H. Boney
The Tompkins (Multi-Pay) Field Stonewall County, Texas
J. D. Tompkins
Tuscola, North (Flippen Sand) Field Taylor County, Texas
Eugene M. Goltz
Warner-Gardner Field Coleman County, Texas
Louis Franklin
West Gloria Gay (Conglomerate) Field Stonewall County, Texas
Jack B. Ryan