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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Abilene Geological Society
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Edwards Gas Trend of South Texas
George R. Pinkley
Geology of Certain Gas Fields of the Western Anadarko Basin Texas & Oklahoma Panhandles
Robert B. Totten, Paul H. Horn
Natural Gas - Its Value as A Function of Its Chemical and Physical Characteristics
Otto K. Wetzel Jr.
Natural Gases of North America
B. W. Beebe
Oil Accumulations Along ABO Reefing, Southeastern New Mexico
W. J. LeMay
Oil and Gas in North Central Texas, United States
Samuel P. Ellison Jr.
Page Field Schleicher County, Texas
Jim Weig
Recent Bell Canyon Exploration in the North Delaware Basin
Marsh W. Nottingham
Structure of the Puckett Field Pecos County, Texas
Robert J. Hester, R. R. Holland