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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Alaska Geological Society
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Frontmatter, TOC: Glaciation in Alaska: The Geologic Record, 1986
Thomas D. Hamilton, Katherine M. Reed, Robert M. Thorson
Glacial Geology of the Aleutian Islands: Based on the contributions of Robert F. Black
Robert M. Thorson, Thomas D. Hamilton
Glacial Geology of the Yukon-Tanana Upland
Florence R. Weber
Glacial History of the Northeastern Gulf of Alaska–A Synthesis
Bruce F. Molnia
Glacial History of the Seward Peninsula
Darrell S. Kaufman, David M. Hopkins
Glaciation in Alaska: Introduction and Overview
Thomas D. Hamilton, Katherine M. Reed, Robert M. Thorson
Glaciation of the Alaska Peninsula
Robert L. Detterman
Late Cenozoic Glaciation of the Central Brooks Range
Thomas D. Hamilton
Late Cenozoic Glaciation of the Northern Nenana Valley
Robert M. Thorson
Pleistocene Glaciation of the Upper Cook Inlet Basin
Henry R. Schmoll, Lynn A. Yehle
Two Glacial Records from West-Central Alaska
Jeffrey T. Kline, Thomas K. Bundtzen
Wisconsin and Holocene Glaciation of Southeast Alaska
Daniel H. Mann