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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Alaska Geological Society

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Abstract: Holocene Depositional Environments of the Glacial Outwash Plain Shoreline of the Northeast Gulf of Alaska

Miles O. Hayes

Abstract: Holocene Dispersal of Yukon River Sediments in the Bering Sea and Implications for Interpretation of Ancient Epicontinental Shelf Sediments

C. Hans Nelson

Abstract: Sedimentary Sequence in Aleutian Trench: Implications for the Depositional Environment of Alaskan Eugeosynclinal Rocks

D. W. Scholl, M. S. Marlow

Contrasts Between Braided and Meandering Stream Deposits, Beluga and Sterling Formations (Tertiary), Cook Inlet, Alaska

John B. Hayes, J. C. Harms, T. Wilson, Jr.

Deep-Sea Fan Deposition of the Lower Tertiary Orca Group, Eastern Prince William Sound, Alaska

Gary R. Winkler

Depositional Environments and Processes Associated with a Late Paleozoic Volcanic Chain in the Eastern Alaska Range

Gerard C. Bond

Depositional Environments in the Colville River Delta

H. J. Walker

Depositional Environments of the Tertiary Coal-Bearing Group, Central Alska

R. T. Buffler, D. M. Triplehorn

The Dezadeash Flysch, Eastern St. Elias Mountains, Canada, and its Relationship to the Gravina-Nutzotin Belt, Alaska a Discussion

G. H. Eisbacher

Exploration and Distribution of Stratiform Sulfide Deposits in Alaska

C. C. Hawley

Facies and Environments of Deposition of Carboniferous Rocks Arctic, Alaska

Augustus K. Armstrong, Kenneth J. Bird

Front Matter: Recent And Ancient Sedimentary Environments In Alaska

Thomas P. Miller

Glaciofluvial and Glaciolacustrine Depositional Processes on the Malaspina Glacier Foreland, Alaska

Thomas C. Gustavson

Glaciomarine Deposits of Miocene through Holocene Age in the Yakataga Formation along the Gulf of Alaska Margin, Alaska

George Plafker, W. O. Addicott

Metal-Bearing Sediments of Economic Interest, Coastal Bering Sea

J. Robert Moore, Carol J. Welkie

Prediction of Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir Geometry Prudhoe Bay Field, Alaska1

W. R. Eckelmann, W. L. Fisher, R. J. DeWitt

Sandur Plains, Northeast Gulf of Alaska: A Model for Alluvial Fan - Fan Delta Sedimentation in Cold-Temperate Environments

Jon C. Boothroyd

Sediment of the High Tidal Range Environment of Upper Turnagain Arm, Alaska

A. Thomas Ovenshine, Susan Bartsch-Winkler, Neal R. O’Brien, Daniel E. Lawson

Significance of Textural Criteria in the Recognition of Ancient Polar Deltaic Sediments

A. S. Naidu, T. C. Mowatt

Some Sedimentary Aspects of the Kenai Group Cook Inlet, Alaska

D. M. Hite

Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Nation River Formation, a Devonian Deep-Sea Fan Deposit in East-Central Alaska

Tor H. Nilsen, Earl E. Brabb, Tully R. Simoni, Jr.