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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Alaska Geological Society
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The 2009 Eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: A Progress Report - Abstract
Katharine Bull, Staff of the Alaska Volcano Observatory
Accretionary Tectonics of Southern Alaska Constrained by GPS - Abstract
Julie Elliott, Jeff Freymueller, Chris Larsen
Active Faults in or Near the Proposed Trans-Alaska Gas Pipeline Corridor, East-Central Alaska - Abstract
Gary A. Carver, Sean P. Bemis, Diana N. Solie, Kyle E. Obermiller, Ray J. Weldon
Alaska CO2 Geologic Sequestration Overview - Abstract
D. P. Shellenbaum
The Alaska Geological Society 2009 Technical Conference, Reichardt Building and Museum of the North University of Alaska Fairbanks, Abstracts Volume - APRIL 24, 2009
Patrick S. Druckenmiller, Shirish Patil
An Analysis of Parameters Influencing Porosity and Permeability of Tight Gas Sandstones in Cook Inlet Area, Alaska - Abstract
Satyajit Mondal, Joanna Mongrain, Debasmita Misra
Archiving and Indexing Legacy Data for the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys - Abstract
Kandace L. Krejci, Simone Montayne
Bristol Bay-Alaska Peninsula Region, Overview of 2004–2007 Energy Research - Abstract
Rocky R. Reifenstuhl
The Cannery Formation: Devonian to Early Permian Arc-Marginal Deposits in the Alexander Terrane, Southeast Alaska - Abstract
S. M. Karl, P. W. Layer, P. J. Haeussler, B. L. Murchey
Changes in Bathymetry and Sedimentation in Pro-Glacial Mendenhall Lake 1973–2008 - Abstract
Ivy Smith, David Sauer, Nick Korzen, Edwin Knuth, Richard Barnes, Matt Heavner, Cathy Connor, Sonia Nagorski
Changes in Gold Composition and Gold-Associated Mineralogy with Time and Temperature at the Fort Knox Gold Deposit, Alaska - Abstract
R. J. Newberry, A. A. Bakke
Characterization of Subsurface Hydraulic Parameters Using Geophysical Signatures - Abstract
Peter Calvin
Chemostratigraphic Characterization of Lower Cretaceous to Paleocene Formations of the Brookian Sequence, Alaskan North Slope Foothills - Abstract
A. M. Wright, K. T. Ratcliffe, P. L. Decker, M. A. Wartes
Cretaceous to Neogene Structural History of the Tok Valley Region, Eastern Interior Alaska - Abstract
J. E. Andrew, L. K. Freeman, R. J. Newberry, D. J. Szumigala, M. B. Werdon
Determination of Bedrock Weathering Rates in the Juneau Area, Northern Southeast Alaska - Abstract
Louie Hoock, Cathy Connor, Kelly Lawrence
A Dinosaurian Ichnofossil Assemblage from the Nanushuk Formation, National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska - Abstract
Kevin C. May, Patrick S. Druckenmiller
Exploration Success... and Failure on the North Slope of Alaska - Abstract
Greg Wilson
Flow Characteristics of the Nanushuk Group at Umiat Field - Abstract
Levi-johnson Obioma
Geologic Map of the South-Central Sagavanirktok Quadrangle, North Slope, Alaska - Abstract
A. M. Loveland, B. G. Gillis, P. L. Decker, M. A. Wartes, T. D. Hubbard
High-Resolution Records of Mid-Holocene Paleoceanographic Change from the Subarctic Northeast Pacific Ocean - Abstract
J. A. Addison, B. P. Finney, W. E. Dean, M. H. Davies
K-Spar Thermochronological Constraints on the Correlation Between “Modern” East to West Variations in Slip-Rates Along the Denali Fault with Long Term Exhumation Patterns - Abstract
J. A. Benowitz, P. Layer, S. Perry, P. Fitzgerald
Low Salinity Cyclic Waterfloods for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Alaska North Slope - Abstract
Sathish Kulathu, Abhijit Dandekar, Shirish Patil, Santanu Khataniar, Godwin Chukwu
Methane Hydrate Resource Potential Associated with the Barrow Gas Fields - Abstract
T. P. Walsh, G. T. Morahan, D. N. Greet, P. J. Stokes, M. Panda, P. K. Singh
New Geologic Map of the Eastern Bonnifield Mining District, Alaska - Abstract
L. K. Freeman, R. J. Newberry, J. E. Andrew, D. J. Szumigala, M. B. Werdon, J. E. Athey, L. E. Burns
Preliminary Geologic Map of the Gilead Syncline Area, Northeast Brooks Range, Alaska - Abstract
Garrett Speeter, Wesley K. Wallace, Paul Decker
Preliminary Interpretation of an Upper Triassic (Norian) Ichthyosaur from the Otuk Formation, Western Brooks Range, Alaska - Abstract
Jennifer Parsons, Patrick Druckenmiller, Michael Whalen
Regional Geology and Reservoir Potential of the Schrader Bluff, Prince Creek, and Sagwon Member of the Sagavanirktok Formation (Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary), Sagavanirktok Quadrangle, North Slope, Alaska - Abstract
Peter P. Flaig, Richard Garrard, Dolores A. van der Kolk
Relations at the Leading Edge of the Endicott Mts. Allochthon, East-Central Brooks Range - Abstract
Wesley K. Wallace, Steven J. Polkowski, Robert Swenson, Marwan Wartes
Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, and Subsurface Expression of Upper Cretaceous Strata in the Sagavanirktok River Area, East-Central North Slope, Alaska - Abstract
P. L. Decker, D. L. Lepain, M. A. Wartes, R. J. Gillis, J. R. Mongain, R. A. Kirkham, D. P. Shellenbaum
Siberian and Uralian Fossil Faunal and Floral Affinities of Alaska Terranes - Abstract
James G. Clough, Robert B. Blodgett
State and Fate of Permafrost in a Changing World - Abstract
V. Romanovsky, S. Marchenko, G. Grosse, A. Kholodov
A Surface to Subsurface Correlation of the Lower Cretaceous Pebble Shale Unit, Northeastern Alaska - Abstract
D. A. van der Kolk, M. T. Whalen, M. A. Wartes, R. J. Newberry, P. J. McCarthy
Tertiary Depositional Systems in Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska: Influence of Fluvial Style on Reservoir Geometries and Stratigraphic Trap Potential - Abstract
David L. LePain, Marwan A. Wartes, Richard G. Stanley, Paul J. McCarthy, Laura J. Silliphant, Kenneth P. Helmold, Diane P. Shellenbaum, Shaun Peterson, Jacob R. Mongrain, Robert J. Gillis, Paul L. Decker
Timing and Continuity of Sediment Source Rock Exhumation Along the Upper Alaska Peninsula-Cook Inlet Forearc Basin Corridor, Alaska: Inferences from Apatite and Zircon Fission-Track Thermochronology - Abstract
Robert J. Gillis, David LePain, Rocky R. Reifenstuhl, Paul L. Decker
The Trans-Alaska Crustal Transect and Continental Evolution Involving Subduction Underplating and Synchronous Foreland Thrusting - Abstract
Gary Fuis, Thomas E. Moore, George Plafker, Thomas M. Brocher, Michael A. Fisher, Walter D. Mooney, Warren J. Nokleberg, Robert A. Page, Bruce C. Beaudoin, Nikolas I. Christensen, Alan R. Levander, William J. Lutter, Richard W. Saltus, Natalia A. Ruppert
The University Alaska Southeast’s (UAS) Annual Carbon Footprint - Abstract
Stephanie Ashley, Cathy Connor, Sanjay Pyare, Rick Wolk
Wrangell Saint Elias National Park and Preserve Cave Inventory Project 2009 - Abstract
Kevin Allred, Steve Lewis, Carlene Allred, Cathy Connor