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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Appalachian Geological Society
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The Back Creek Siltstone, A Newly-Named Member of the Brallier Formation (Upper Devonian) in Virginia and West Virginia
Katharine Lee Avary
The Benthic Marine Fauna of the Foreknobs Formation (Late Devonian) in Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia
George R. McGhee Jr.
Biofacies Patterns in the Needmore Shale: Paleoenvironmental and Paleobathymetric Implications
Cathryn R. Newton
Devonian Shales of the Petersburg Region
Roy S. Sites
Field Trip Route and Road Logs
Katharine Lee Avary
Gas Fields in the Area of the Field Trip
Katharine Lee Avary
The Keyser Gas Field Mineral County, West Virginia
William D. Bagnall, Richard W. Beardsley, Richard A. Drabish