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Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
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Aspectos Relevantes en la Exploracion de Apure [PAPER IN SPANISH] Important Aspects of the Exploration in Apure
Nestor Chigne
Campo Caño Limon, Llanos Orientales de Colombia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Caño Limon Field, Eastern Llanos of Colombia
Victor H. Gabela
Campo de Arauca [PAPER IN SPANISH] Field of Arauca
Jaime Navas
Comentarios Biostratigraficos en Relacion al Terciario en Areas Adyacentes a los Andes Colombo-Venezolanos [PAPER IN SPANISH] Comments Biostratigraphic in Relation to the Tertiary in Areas Adjacent to the Colombo-Venezuelan Andes
Enrique Gonzalez Guzman
Cuenca del Putumayo/Provincia Petrolifera Meridional de Colombia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Putumayo Basin/Southern Oil Province of Colombia
Humberto Cáceres Calderón, Plutarco Teatín Margfoy
Cuenca Llanos Orientales, Exploracion Petrolera en la Subcuenca Apiay – Ariari [PAPER IN SPANISH] Eastern Llanos Basin, Petroleum Exploration in the Subbasin Apiay - Ariari
Victor Eduardo Pérez H., Adolfo León Bolívar B.
Cuenca Neuquina (Republica Argentina) sus Principales Caracteristicas Geologicas, de Produccion y Exploracion [PAPER IN SPANISH] Neuquina Basin (Argentina) Its Main Geological Characteristics of Production and Exploration
Humberto G. Marchese
Cuencas Sedimentarias de Colombia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Sedimentary Basins of Colombia
Carlos Govea Rodríguez, Hernando Aguilera Báez
Desarrollo Campo Apiay [PAPER IN SPANISH] Apiay Field Development
Egon Castro A., Yesid Puerto M.
Discurso de Inauguracion de II Simposio Bolivariano el 13 de Agosto de 1985 [PAPER IN SPANISH] Inauguration Speech of II Simposio Bolivariano on August 13, 1985
Roberto A. Leigh
Discurso de Inauguracion de II Simposio Bolivariano el 14 de Agosto de 1985 [PAPER IN SPANISH] Inauguration Speech of II Simposio Bolivariano, on August 14, 1985
Roberto A. Leigh
El Campo Cononaco del Oriente Ecuatoriano [PAPER IN SPANISH] East Cononaco Ecuadorian Field
W. Robert Canfield, N. Romulo Diaz, Jorge Montenegro
Estudio de Ingenieria de Yacimientos Campo Auca Yacimientos NAPO "U" Y "T" [PAPER IN SPANISH] Engineering Study of the Sites of Auca Field Sites NAPO "U" and "T"
Giovanni Rosania SH., Patricio Jaramillo C., Marco Olmedo B.
Estudio y Control de la Explotacion del Yacimiento Corrientes, Peru Mediante Simulacion de Reservorios [PAPER IN SPANISH] Study and Control of Current Reservoir Exploitation, Peru by Reservoir Simulation
R. José Sierra, Carlos Azálgara
Exploracion y Desarrollo del Campo Caigua en el Subandino Boliviano [PAPER IN SPANISH] Exploration and Development of the Bolivian Sub Andean Caigua Field
Medardo Mendoza Delgado, Oscar Sanchez Terceros
Exploracion y Desarrollo del Campo Libertador [PAPER IN SPANISH] Exploration and Development of Field Libertador
Fernando Lozada T., Patricio Endara B., Cesar Cordero A.
Generation and Migration of Hydrocarbons in the Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela
Suhas Talukdar, Oswaldo Gallango, Marcel Chin-A-Lien
Genese do Alinhamento Estrutural do Juruá e do Arco de Iquitos Bacia do Solimoes (Alto Amazonas) [PAPER IN PORTUGUESE] Genesis of the Structural Alignment of Juruá and the Arch of Iquitos Solimoes Basin (Upper Amazon)
Mário Vicente Caputo
II Bolivarian Symposium Oil Exploration in Subandean Basins (Part One): Geologic Field Trip along the Bogota-Villavicencio Road and Apiay-Castilla Oil Fields
Victor E. Pérez, Gerardo Rincón, Carlos Ulloa, Pablo Caro, Gildardo Pérez
II Bolivarian Symposium Oil Exploration in Subandean Basins (Part Three): Reconnaissance of the Guadalupe Group Section in the Tausa Boqueron Area
Gildardo Pérez
II Bolivarian Symposium Oil Exploration in Subandean Basins (Part Two): The Apiay Block, Llanos Orientales Basin
Victor Eduardo Pérez
II Simposio Bolivariano: Exploración Petrolera en las Cuencas Subandinas
Improving Structural and Target Definition with Deviated Well VSP: Abstract
Jonathan Knight
Interpretacion Geoquimica Preliminar de la Cuenca de los Llanos Orientales [PAPER IN SPANISH] Preliminary Geochemical Interpretation of the Eastern Llanos Basin
Rafael Valderrama R., Fabio Cordoba
La Politica de los Hidrocarburos en la America Latina y su Problematica en el Mediano Plazo [PAPER IN SPANISH] Oil Policy in Latin America and its Problems in the Medium Term
Alberto Bozzolo
Las Cuencas Intramontanas Andinas [PAPER IN SPANISH] Andean Intermountain Basins
Aldo Rodríguez G.
Las Cuencas Subandinas desde Venezuela hasta el Plateau de Malvinas [PAPER IN SPANISH] Sub-Andean Basins from Venezuela to the Malvinas Plateau
Carlos M. Urien, Jorge J. Zambrano
Legislacion Petrolera Estable y Futurista [PAPER IN SPANISH] Stable and Futurist Oil Legislation
Ivan Duque Escobar
Los Nuevos Contratos Petroleros [PAPER IN SPANISH] The New Oil Contracts
Giovanni Rosania
Mapeo de Depositos Petroliferos Mediante Muestreo de Hidrocarburos Gaseosos Sub-Superficiales [PAPER IN SPANISH] Mapping of Oil Deposits Sampling of Gaseous Hydrocarbons Sub-Surface
Avila G. Eduardo, Rice K. Gary
Momento Historico para la Industria del Petroleo en Latinoamerica [PAPER IN SPANISH] Historic Moment for the Oil Industry in Latin America
Edilberto Torres Rueda
Observaciones Sobre la Nomenclatura Estratigrafica de la Cuenca de los Llanos Orientales, Colombia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Observations on the Stratigraphic Nomenclature of the Eastern Llanos Basin, Colombia: Abstract
Hernando Dueñas-Jimenez
Oil Exploration and Exploitation in the New Energy Era
William L. Fisher
Plan Quinquenal de Inversiones [PAPER IN SPANISH] Five-Year Investment Plan
Politica y Legislacion Petroleras [PAPER IN SPANISH] Oil Policy and Legislation
Jose Luis Padron
Presente y Futuro de la Exploracion de Petroleo en las Cuencas Subandinas Argentina [PAPER IN SPANISH] Present and Future of Oil Exploration in Sub-Andean Basin of Argentina
Pedro J. Lesta, José Digregorio, Marcos E. Mozetic
Presente y Futuro de la Exploracion Petrolera en la Cuenca Subandina de Colombia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Present and Future of Oil Exploration in the Sub-Andean Basin of Colombia
Rafael Bueno Salazar
Presente Y Futuro de la Exploracion Petrolera en las Cuencas Sedimentarias Venezolanas [PAPER IN SPANISH] Present and Future of Oil Exploration in Venezuelan Sedimentary Basins
Roberto Gabaldon
Presente y Futuro de la Exploracion Petrolera en las Cuencas Subandinas del Peru [PAPER IN SPANISH] Present and Future of Oil Exploration in the Sub-Andean Basins of Peru
Pedro J. Touzett, Victor R. Sanz
Presente y Futuro de la Exploracion por Petroleo del Ecuador [PAPER IN SPANISH] Present and Future of Oil Exploration in Ecuador
Rosanía Giovanni S.
The Relationship of Porosity Development and Diagenesis in the Upper Cretaceous Guadalupe Formation, Neiva Basin, Colombia
Michael G. Waddell
SIDIS — Un Sistema Interactivo para el Interprete Moderno [PAPER IN SPANISH] SIDIS - An Interactive System for Modern Interpretations
Federico Martin, William C. Ade, Keith Burkart
Situacion Actual y Perspectivas de la Industria Petrolera en Guatemala [PAPER IN SPANISH] Current Situation and Prospects for the Oil Industry in Guatemala
C. Paredes, H. N. Díaz, D. Rosales, A. Estrada
Source Rock Studies of the Eastern Cordillera Adjacent to the Llanos Basin, Colombia
James E. Keal
A Tectonic Model for the Northern Llanos and Southern Barinas-Apure-Basins
James C. Howard, Trudi Webb, Tom Christensen
Tocaria Oil and Gas Field and La Gloria Norte Oil Field Two Examples of Casanare Hydrocarbon Fields
Pierre Charitat, Luis Carlos Carvajal, Jairo Ruiz