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Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
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Actividades Realizadas y Perspectivas en la Exploracion Petrolera de la Region de Apure, Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] Activity and Perspectives of Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Apure Region, Venezuela: Abstract
José Francisco Ortega, Leroy Hernández
Ambientes Sedimentarios y Distribucion de Porosidad y Permeabilidad de las Formaciones Mirador y Carbonera en la Region de Lobatera, Edo. Tachira, Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] Sedimentary Environments and Distribution of Porosity and Permeability of the
M. Toro, G. Paparoni, F. Yoris, R. Falcón, M. Taheri
Analisis Estructural - Estratigrafico del Area de Barinas Norte (Cuenca de Barinas) y su Importance en la Exploracion de Hidrocarburos [PAPER IN SPANISH] Structural Analysis - Stratigraphic Area of North Barinas (Barinas Basin) and its Importance in Oil
Luisa Figueroa, Euries Gil, Antonio Daal, Hermes Peraza
Analisis Secuencial de las Formaciones Barranquin y el Cantil en el Flanco Sur de la Serrania del Interior Oriental de Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] Sequence Analysis of the Barranquin and el Cantil Formations South of the Interior Range of Eastern Venezu
Ragusa Giovannina, Rafael Falcón, Maria Salazar, Grover Gonzales
Analisis Secuencial y Correlacion Estratigrafica del Tardio del Norte de Monagas [PAPER IN SPANISH] Sequencial Analysis and Stratigraphic Correlation of the Late Oligocene of Northern Monagas: Abstract
María Salomón de Salazar, George P. Allen
Applications of Modern Geochemical Techniques in Petroleum Exploration
Suhas C. Talukdar, Wallace G. Dow
Applications of Reservoir Geochemistry to Development and Production Problems: Abstract
R. L. Kaufman, B. A. Patterson
Arquitectura Sedimentaria en el Medioambiente Fluvial de la Formacion Betijoque [PAPER IN SPANISH] Sedimentary Architecture in Fluvial Environments of the Betijoque Formation: Abstract
Rosa Aquino
Balanceo en Mapa del Subandino Centro de Bolivia: Consideraciones Cinematicas [PAPER IN SPANISH] Rolling in Central Subandino Map of Bolivia: Cinematic Considerations: Abstract
Bertrand Guillier, Patrice Baby, Edgar Mendez, Genaro Montemurro, David Zubietta
Bioestratigrafia Cuantitativa (Nannofosiles) de la Parte Inferior de la Formacion Carapita (Venezuela) [PAPER IN SPANISH] Quantitative Biostratigraphy (Nannofossils) of Lower Carapita Formation (Venezuela): Abstract
Nieves Di Gianni C., Bernard Lambert, Thierry Malvesy
Bioestratigrafia y Paleogeografia de la Cuenca Oriental de Venezuela durante el Oligo-Mioceno [PAPER IN SPANISH] Biostratigraphy and Paleogeography of the Eastern Venezuela Basin during the Oligo/Miocene: Abstract
S. Crespo de Cabrera, N. Di Gianni Canudas
Biofacies de Foraminiferos en la Formacion Carapita y su Relacion con los Eventos Tectonicos (Mioceno Temprano – Mioceno Medio) en el Norte de Monagas, Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] Foraminiferal Biofacies in the Carapita Formation and their Relationship
Francia Antonia Galea-Alvarez, Joselys Moreno-Vasquez
Cadena Andina y Cadena Caribe en Venezuela Relaciones Tectonicas, Cronologicas y Geodinamicas [PAPER IN SPANISH] Andean Chain and Caribbean Chain in Venezuela Tectonic, Chronological and Geodynamics Relationships: Abstract
Jean François Stephan
Depositional Model of the Cogollo Group, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela
Karl W. Stauffer
Diagenesis y Mineralogia de Rocas Cretacicas y Terciarias Frente de Montanas, Barinas [PAPER IN SPANISH] Diagenesis and Mineralogy of Tertiary/Cretaceous Rocks Barinas Mountain Front: Abstract
M. Mahmoudi, O. Zorrilla, S. Osuna
Estimating Subsurface Fracture Spacing with Data from Near-Vertical Wells: Abstract
Wayne N'Arr
Estratigrafia por Secuencias del Cretacico Superior en el Subsuelo del Area de Barinas [PAPER IN SPANISH] Upper Cretaceous Sequence Stratigraphy in the Subsurface at Barinas
Javier Helenes Escamilla, Clara de Guerra, Javier Vasquez
Estratigrafia Secuencial de la Seccion Eoceno (Formacion Misoa) en la Costa Oriental del Lago de la Cuenca de Maracaibo [PAPER IN SPANISH] Sequence Stratigraphy of an Eocene Section (Misoa Formation) in the Eastern Coast of Lake Maracaibo, Maracaibo Basi
Genaro Giffuni, Cecilia González, Jairo Lugo, Alfredo Mederos, Pedro Rojas
Estratigrafia Secuencial y su Aplicacion en la Exploracion de Hidrocarburos en la Subcuenca de Barinas [PAPER IN SPANISH] Sequencial Stratigraphy and its Application in Hydrocarbon Exploration in Barinas Subbasin: Abstract
Euries Gil, Luisa Figueroa, Antonio Daal
Estudio Geologico en el Frente de Montaña de los Andes de Barinas - Venezuela Occidental [PAPER IN SPANISH] Geological Survey on the front of the Andes Mountain of Barinas - Western Venezuela: Abstract
S. Osuna, M. Mahmoudi, Z. de Monroy, R. Arnstein, N. Di Giani, O. Macsotay
Estudio por Nannoplancton Calcareo del Mioceno Temprano del Norte de Venezuela Comparado con las Localidades Tipo para Foraminiferos Plancticos en la Isla de Trinidad. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Early Miocene Calcareous Nannoplankton of Northern Venezuela Compar
Marianto Castro Mora
Eventos y Estilos Tectonicos en la Cuenca de Barinas-Apure [PAPER IN SPANISH] Tectonic Events and Structural Styles in the Barinas-Apure Basin: Abstract
B. De Toni, D. Loureiro, C. Marquez, B. Colletta
Evolution of the Llanos Basin and the Deformation of the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia: Abstract
M. Cooper, F. T. Addison, R. Alvarez, M. Coral, R. Graham, A. Hayward, S. Howe, J. Martínez, J. Naar, R. Penas, A. J. Pulham, A. Taborda
Flexural and Full Wave Logging Using the Low-Frequency Dipole Sonic
David E. Sharbak
Fluctuaciones del Nivel del Mar entre el Barremiense y el Paleogeno, Cuenca Oriental de Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] Sea-Level Fluctuations from the Barremian to the Paleogene, Eastern Venezuelan Basin
Iraida Paredes, José I. Guzmán, Javier Helenes, Marta Carrillo, Sandra de Cabrera, Jason Crux, Marianto Castro Mora, Flor Luna
Foraminiferos Grandes del Oligoceno Tardio y Sistemas Sedimentarios Asociados en el Area de Boqueron, Venezuela Oriental. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Upper Oligocene Larger Foraminifera and Associated Systems Track in the Boqueron Area, Eastern Venezuela: Abstrac
Vincenzo Mitacchione, Marco Odehnal
Formacion Morichito: Un Enigma Resuelto ? [PAPER IN SPANISH] Morichito Formation: A Resolved Enigm ?
Luz Marina Linares
Geochemical Characterization of the Stratigraphic Column in the Western Venezuelan Basins: Abstract
M. Alberdi, R. Tocco, F. Parnaud
Geochemistry of Crude Oils and Oil Seeps from the Western Venezuelan Basins: Abstract
Oswaldo Gallango, Rafael Tocco
Geometria E Historia Tectono Sedimentaria Del Frente De Montanas Caribe De Venezuela, desde Lara hasta el Norte de Monagas. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Geometry and Sedimentary Tectonic History of the Caribbean Mountains Front of Venezuela, from Lara to the north
Jean-Francois Stephan, Christian Beck, Victor Vivas, Hubert Arnaud, Jean Chorowicz, Oliver Macsotay, Miguel Lujan, Alfredo Perez D'Gregorio, Alejandro Sequera
Global Distribution of Northern Subandean Source Rock Equivalents
Donald C. Foley, Daniel R. Burggraf
Hidrodinamismo Existente en la Cuenca de Barinas y sus Efectos sobre la Produccion de Hidrocarburos en los Yacimientos del Area Mayor de San Silvestre - Distrito Barinas [PAPER IN SPANISH] Existing hydrodynamics in the Barinas Basin and its Impact on Oil
Simón Zilberberg
Historia de Maduracion Termal de Rocas Madre del Cretacico Superior y Mioceno en la Subcuenca de Maturin [PAPER IN SPANISH] Thermal Maturation History of Upper Cretaceous and Miocene Source Rocks in the Maturin Sub-Basin: Abstract
Richard P. George, Jr., Mercedes Socas B.
Historia Sedimentaria y Tectonica de la Parte Oriental de la Serrania del Interior Oriental (Venezuela) [PAPER IN SPANISH] Sedimentary and Tectonic History of the Eastern Part of the Serrania del Interior Oriental (Venezuela): Abstract
Jean Francois Stephan, Christian Beck, Michel Chaplet, Jean François Sauvage, Victor Vivas, Alirio Bellizzia, Pierre Saint-Marc, Luc Bulot, Hubert Arnaud, Annie Arnaud-Vanneau, Jean Pierre Ivaldi, Jean Chorowicz, Carla Müller, Jean-Pierre Masse, Agnés Ia
Identificacion de Fracturas en Rocas Carbonaticas [PAPER IN SPANISH] Fracture Identification in Carbonate Rocks
E. Becerra, R. Rojas, M. Frass
Identificacion de Intervalos Productores Profundos, Mediante Perfiles de Imagenes, Evaluacion Petrofisica y Caracterizacion de Facies, Formacion Misoa, Eoceno, La Ceiba, Cuenca de Maracaibo, Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] Deep Producing Interval Identifica
R. Carmona, R. Casco, B. Murat, C. Olivares, O. Suarez
Influencia Tectonica y de Fluctuaciones del Mar en Sistemas Fluviales, Con Ejemplos del Eoceno en la Cuenca de Maracaibo, Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] Tectonic Influence of Fluctuations of the Sea and River Systems, with Examples from the Eocene of Marac
P.J. Pestman, P. Bartok, S.K. Ghosh, L. Meléndez
Laminated Reservoir Evaluation in a Case of High Apparent Dip
Gary Frisch, B. Dean Gulick, Michael Manning
Las Formaciones Caujarao y el Veral al Este de Cumarebo, Falcon Nororiental, Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] The Caujarao and el Veral Formations, East of Cumarebo Northeastern Falcon, Venezuela: Abstract
María Lourdes Díaz de Gamero, Genaro Giffuni, Marianto Castro Mora
Lateral Extensional Faulting in Tertiary Piggy-Back Basins and Foredeeps along the Southern Trinidad Fold-Thrust Belt: Abstract
N. G. Tilander, C. F. Kluth
A Lower Cretaceous Shelf and Delta in the Eastern Venezuela Basin
Johan P. Erikson
Magnetostratigraphy of Oligo-Miocene Continental Red Beds: Salar de Atacama Northern Chile: Abstract
P. Turner, S. Rape
Metodo Electromagnetico en el Dominio del Tiempo (EMDT) para la Solucion de Problemas Geologicos en Areas Complejas [PAPER IN SPANISH] Time Domain Electromagnetics (TETM) for the Solution of Geological Problems in Complex Areas: Abstract
H. Passalacqua, H. Galán, J. Penott, J. Navarro, C. Márquez
Modelado de Cuencas y Biomarcadores en la Reconstruccion de Procesos Geoquimicos [PAPER IN SPANISH] Watershed Modeling and Reconstruction of Biomarkers in Geochemical Processes
Fernando Marcano, Fernando Cassani
Modelo Biolitoestratigrafico del Occidente de Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] Bio-Lithostratigraphic Model of Western Venezuela: Abstract
F. Parnaud, I. Truskowski, Y. Gou, M.A. Capello, B. De Toni, J.C. Pascual, A. Sanchez, A. Pilloud, M. Canache, S. Gamarra
The Mérida Arch: Tectonic Control on Deposition from Late Mesozoic to Early Cenozoic in Western Venezuela
Jairo Lugo, S.A. Lagoven
Nuevos Aportes sobre la Estratigrafia del Cretacico en el Flanco Surandino, Estado Merida, Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] New Contributions to the Cretaceous Stratigraphy in the Southern Flank of the Andes, Merida State, Venezuela: Abstract
S. Gamarra, M. Boujana, A. Pilloud, C. Suarez, I. Truskowski
Observaciones al Modelo Tipo de "Depositional Sequence" a partir de Registros de Pozo: Superposicion y Distribucion de Facies. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Deposital Sequences, their Geometry, Facies and Conceptual Problems.
Wenceslao Martinez del Olmo
Origen del Petroleo en la Cuenca de Falcon [PAPER IN SPANISH] Origin of Oil in the Falcon Basin: Abstract
D. Del Olio, M. Escandon, F. Galarraga
Petroleum System of the Northern and Central Bolivian Subandean Zone
P. Baby, I. Moretti, B. Guillier, R. Limachi, E. Mendez, M. Specht
Procesamiento de Datos Sismicos en Areas de Topografia Irregular: Caso Historico en el Flanco Sur Andino [PAPER IN SPANISH] Seismic Data Processing in Areas of Irregular Topography: A Case History in the Andean Southern Flank: Abstract
Eulogio del Pino, Jose Licheri, Sergio dos Santos
Revision Estratigrafica de la Seccion Cretacica del Rio Maraca, Sierra de Perija, Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] Stratigraphic Revision of the Cretaceous Section of the Maraca River, Sierra de Perija, Venezuela: Abstract
M. Canache, A. Pilloud, I. Truskowski, J. A. Crux, S. Gamarra
Sedimentary Geology and Carbon-Isotope Stratigraphy of Cretaceous Marine Strata in Western Venezuela
Cara Davis, Lisa Pratt, Luis Mompart, Bruno Murat
Significado Paleoambiental de las Facies Fosfaticas en el Cretaceo de la Cuenca Barinas - Apure: Una Contribucion a la Estratigrafia del Area [PAPER IN SPANISH] Paleoenvironmental Significance of the Cretaceous Phosphatic Facies in the Barinas – Apure Ba
Celia Bejarano, Oscar Zorrilla
Sintesis Estructural del Subandino Boliviano [PAPER IN SPANISH] Structural Synthesis of the Bolivian Sub-Andean: Abstract
Patrice Baby, Bertrand Guillier, J. Oller, G. Herail, Genaro Montemurro, David Zubietta, Martin Specht
Sismo-Estratigrafia del Terciario Inferior de la Parte Sur-Occidental de Apure, Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Tertiary Section of the Apure-Llanos Basin, Southwestern Venezuela: Abstract
A. Finno, J. Reistroffer
Sistema Automatizado Bioestratigrafico (SABIO) [PAPER IN SPANISH] An Automatized Biostratigraphic System (SABIO): Abstract
I. Truskowski, E. Agustin, M. Furrer, M. Canache
Stratigraphic Framework for the Eocene, South-West of Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela
Timothy J. Catlin, Enrique González Guzmán, Mariela Stredel
Sub-Surface Jurassic Shelf?, NE Venezuela and Trinidad
James L. Pindell, Johan P. Erikson
Tectonic Controls of Basin Evolution in Argentina and Bolivia
A.J. Tankard, M. Turic, F. Fernandez-Seveso, P. Aukes, M. Cirbian
Tectono-Stratigraphic Controls on Deltaic Reservoir Architecture and Recovery Response in Foreland Basins
Noel Tyler
Terreno Merida: Un Cinturon Aloctono Herciniano en la Cordillera de los Andes de Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] Mérida Terrane: An allochthonous Hercynian Belt in the Andes of Venezuela
Alirio Bellizzia, Nelly Pimentel
Three Dimensional Visualization of Borehole Images: Abstract
Douglas Seiler
Timing, Amount and Type of Generated Hydrocarbons in the Perija Area, Maracaibo Basin, Western Venezuela: Abstract
L. Mompart
Transtension en Venezuela Oriental y Trinidad desde Hace 10 MA [PAPER IN SPANISH] Transtension in Eastern Venezuela and Trinidad Since 10MA: Abstract
James L. Pindell