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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Atlantic Geology

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Abstract: A.G.S. geological highway map of New Brunswick

L. Ferguson

Abstract: Acoustic-stratigraphy of quaternary slope and rise sediments, Labrador Sea

Robert Myers

Abstract: A dissected Mississippian caldera in southwestern New Brunswick

S. R. McCutcheon

Abstract: A model of the Late Wisconsin Newfoundland ice sheet with applications to mineral exploration

T. E. Day

Abstract: An example of structural deformation of the Halifax Formation in the Whitehead area, Meguma terrane, eastern Nova Scotia

Jeff Poole

Abstract: A petrochemical study of the Carboniferous volcanic rocks in the Chance and Dipper Harbour area, southern New Brunswick

H. C. Teng

Abstract: Apparent crystal fractionation trends due to X(H2O)X(CO2) variations in a gabbroic melt

J. B. Murphy, A. J. Hynes

Abstract: A study of the Fisset Brook Formation at Lake Ainslie, western Cape Breton Island

A. A. Huard, H. C. Teng

Abstract: Benthic foraminiferal assemblages on the Continental Margin off Nova Scotia: their response to oceanography

M. A. Williamson

Abstract: Biomineralization and deposition of gold in Lower Proterozoic paleoplacers

D. J. Mossman

Abstract: BIOSTRAT: son of Rangefile

M. S. Barss, E. H. Davies, G. L. Williams

Abstract: Carboniferous Basins in eastern Cape Breton Island - Near but yet so far?

R. C. Boehner

Abstract: Clay mineral distribution in Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments of the Labrador Shelf

Marten Douma

Abstract: Composition and depositional environment of the Albert Formation oil shales, New Brunswick

W. D. Smith

Abstract: Cone-in-cone investigations

E. Spatz DiVeto

Abstract: Contasting types of hydrothermal alteration associated with the late-magmatic stages of the South Mountain Batholith

J. Logothetis

Abstract: Continuing investigations in the Miramichi earthquake region of New Brunswick

K. B. S. Burke, J. J. Chandra

Abstract: Depositional environment of the Westphalian B Cumberland Basin coals of Springhill, Nova Scotia

J. H. Calder

Abstract: Development of an electric rock core drill for deep ocean use - present status and future possibilities

P. J. C. Ryall

Abstract: Digital mapping in the geosciences

J. J. Chandra, R. Mullin

Abstract: Dinoflagellate and pollen records of glacial cycles in Baffin Bay during the past 0.3 Ma

P. J. Mudie, A. E. Aksu

Abstract: Discussion of models for the formation of Mississippi Valley type deposits as they may apply to the Carboniferous Basins of Nova Scotia

C. Ravenhurst

Abstract: Elphidium excavatum (Terquem): paleobiological and statistical investigations of infraspecific variation

A. A. L. Miller, F. S. Medioli, D. C. Hamilton

Abstract: Geochemistry and geochronology of York River Formation volcanic rocks and associated intrusive of the Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec

C. LaRocque, R. Doig

Abstract: Geology of the Gillanders Mountain intrusive complex and satellite pluton, Lake Ainslie-Whycocomagh area, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia

V. A. French

Abstract: Geology of the Ingonish River area, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia

S. M. Barr, R. P. Raeside, W. Jong

Abstract: Gold-bearing structures in the Bay of Fundy coastal zone of southern New Brunswick

A. A. Ruitenberg

Abstract: Goldenville Formation, Eastern Shore, Nova Scotia: stratigraphic correlation and sedimentology

J. W. F. Waldron, L. R. Jensen

Abstract: Goldenville Formation, Nova Scotia: Lateral tracing of sandstones by magnetic gradiometer

J. W. F. Waldron, L. R. Jensen

Abstract: Gold in till

Ian J. MacEachern

Abstract: Meandering river deposition in the Morien Group at Alder Point, Sydney Basin

M. R. Gibling

Abstract: Mineralization associated with St. Anns Mountain Pluton, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia

A. S. Macdonald, S. M. Barr

Abstract: Mineral resources information data bases in the Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy

N. A. Lyttle

Abstract: Morphology and gravitational processes on the Canadian Beaufort Continental Slope

P. R. Hill, K. Moran, S. M. Blasco, R. A. Harmes

Abstract: Ordovician intracratonic sediments in the Lac-St-Jean and Chicoutimi areas, Quebec

R. K. Pickerill, T. L. Harland, D. Fillion

Abstract: Origin of compositional variation in basalts from Mount Glooscap Map at 36°35’N: successful use of a submersible drill

J. A. Walker, P. J. C. Ryall, M. Zentilli

Abstract: Paleobotanical succession in Sydney Coalfield, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

E. L. Zodrow

Abstract: Plutonism of the Loch Lomond-Irish Cove area, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia

D. W. McMullin

Abstract: Possible earthquake-induced sediment remobilization and syn-sedimentary faulting in the Tynemouth Creek Formation (Lower Pennsylvanian) of southern New Brunswick

A. G. Plint

Abstract: Precambrian rocks in the Trousers Lake area, Miramichi Highlands

L. R. Fyffe

Abstract: Preliminary classification of carbonate breccias Newfoundland zinc mines, Daniel’s Harbour, Newfoundland

T. E. Lane

Abstract: Quartz grain surface features and diagenetic fabric associated with Carboniferous strata in the western Minas Basin

A. M. D’Orsay, H. W. van de Poll

Abstract: Quaternary biostratigraphic database

Iris Hardy

Abstract: Quaternary geology in New Brunswick: an historical perspective

J. J. Thibault

Abstract: Quaternary mapping and stratigraphic studies in northern mainland Nova Scotia

R. R. Stea

Abstract: Quaternary sediments of southeast Baffin Shelf

D. B. Praeg, B. MacLean

Abstract: RALPH Observations of shoreface sedimentation processes at Martinique Beach

Don Forbes, D. E. Heffler, Ron Boyd

Abstract: Regional significance of five new Rb-Sr dates from the Cape Breton Highlands

R. A. Jamieson

Abstract: Relative sea level changes in Atlantic Canada - observed vs. theoretical

D. B. Scott, F. S. Medioli

Abstract: Sand or gravel waves and mass failures generated by the 1929 Grand Banks earthquakes: a SeaMARC I survey

D. J. W. Piper, A. Shor, J. Farre

Abstract: Sedimentology of Goldenville Formation, Eastern Shore, Nova Scotia

L. R. Jensen, J. W. F. Waldron

Abstract: Soil geology and forest productivity in New Brunswick

A. A. Ruitenberg, S. R. McCutcheon, H. van Groenewoud

Abstract: Stratigraphy, deformation and metamorphism of the Meguma Group, southwest Nova Scotia

R. P. Raeside, H. D. Rogers, C. E. White

Abstract: Surficial geology as a tool in mineral prospecting - a till sampling project in the Long Lake area, New Brunswick

Toon Pronk

Abstract: Surficial hydrogeological investigations involving solid waste landfilling: A case study

Ole P. Lund

Abstract: Terrestrial glacial and nonglacial events in Atlantic Canada: correspondence with offshore sediment cycles and with oxygen-isotope temperature variations

D. R. Grant

Abstract: The Cape Breton granitoid pluton project: another progress report

Sandra M. Barr

Abstract: The deglaciation of Atlantic Canada and the postglacial relative sea level record

G. Quinlan

Abstract: The development (depositional) history of New Brunswick peatlands

D. Keys

Abstract: The glacial and post glacial history of the Labrador Shelf, Hopedale Saddle

H. W. Josehans, J. Zevenhuizen

Abstract: The other side of computing

Aubrey Fricker

Abstract: The petrography of pyrite in some Maritime coals

J. A. R. Stirling, R. Gilders

Abstract: Thermal history of the southwestern Meguma Zone, and Hercynian mineralization: an Argon Age Study

P. H. Reynolds, M. Zentilli, P. N. Elias, G. K. Muecke

Abstract: The studies of magnetic anomalies over Davis Strait

Wu Mingxian

Abstract: The Wisconsinan Glaciation, of the southeast Canadian Continental Shelf

G. B. Fader

Abstract: Transgressive seismic stratigraphy of the Eastern Shore, Nova Scotia

R. K. Hall, R. Boyd

Abstract: Upper Carboniferous strata of the east half of the Tatamagouche syncline, Cumberland Basin, Nova Scotia

R. J. Ryan

Geochemistry of Silurian-Devonian alkaline basalt suites from the Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec Appalachians

R. Laurent, J. Bélanger

Granitoid rocks and associated coper skarn, Whycocomagh Mountain, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia

Sandra M. Barr, R. Yip Choy, J. A. Colwell, H. S. Oldale

Marsh foraminifera in the Bay of Fundy: modern distribution and application to sea-level determinations

D. A. Smith, D. B. Scott, F. S. Medioli

A new Lower Silurian fossil locality in the northeastern Mascarene-Nerepis Belt, southern New Brunswick

S. R. McCutcheon, A. J. Boucot

A note on the Upper Carboniferous bivalve Curvirimula Corvosa Rogers from Chimney Corner, Nova Scotia, Canada

G. M. Vasey

On the holotype of “Astropolithon hindii”

R. K. Pickerill

A survey of coastal environments in the vicinity of Nain, Labrador

Robert Gilbert, Alec Aitken, Brian McLaughlin

Systematic ichnology of the Middle Ordovician Trenton Group, St Lawrence Lowland, eastern Canada

D. Fillion, R. K. Pickerill