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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Atlantic Geology

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Abstract: A Cambrian carbonate platform in the Québec Reentrant: new insights from in situ platform core data and slope conglomerates

Denis Lavoie, Osman Salad Hersi

Abstract: A comparison of the internal and external biogeological structure of rusticles from the RMS Titanic

Jim McCarron, Henrietta Mann, Frank Thomas

Abstract: A damaging earthquake could occur in the western Lake Ontario area

Joe Wallach, Arsalan Mohajer

Abstract: Advancements in the lithostratigraphy, palynology and boundary relationship of the Upper Carboniferous Cumberland and Pictou groups in southeastern New Brunswick

Clint St. Peter, Susan C. Johnson, Graham Dolby

Abstract: A forensic petrological study of granite blocks from the Sambro Lighthouse

Michael A. MacDonald, Alan Ruffman

Abstract: Aggregate resource assessment techniques

Dan Bragg

Abstract: A high resolution stratigraphic and petrological investigation of the Braeburn Member, Charlie Lake Formation, Peace River Arch, northwestern Alberta: reservoir implications?

Christie Dyble

Abstract: An assessment of in-stream restorative structures on tertiary streams in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia

S. Brooke Cook, Ian S. Spooner, Michael Brylinsky

Abstract: Appalachian foreland and platform architecture in Québec, New Brunswick and Newfoundland: an up-to-date NATMAP contribution to the Geological Bridges of Eastern Canada

D. Lavoie, D. Lebel, S. R. McCutcheon, S. Colman-Sadd, A. Tremblay, O. Salad Hersi, S. Castonguay, M. Rocher, K. Lauzière, L. Nadeau, Y. Lemieux, J. Gagnon

Abstract: Application of combined enhanced aeromagnetic and digital elevation data in the geological interpretation of the eastern Meguma Terrane of Nova Scotia

M. S. King, R. J. Horne

Abstract: Applied geomatics research at the Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS)

Tim Webster

Abstract: Avalanches in Newfoundland

David Liverman, Martin Batterson, David Taylor, Janice Ryan

Abstract: BASIN: a hydrocarbon exploration database and model for data distribution

P. N. Moir, P. B. Lake

Abstract: Building GIS databases of digital geoscience data coverage for Newfoundland and Labrador

L. W. Nolan, A. Bassan

Abstract: Dating alkali feldspar granites: revised age and tectonic interpretation of the Georgeville Granite, Antigonish Highlands, Nova Scotia

A. J. Anderson, J. B. Murphy, R. F. Cormier, R. A. Creaser

Abstract: Delineation of glacial dispersal patterns in areas of thick overburden and multiple ice-flow events, northeastern New Brunswick

M. L. Dickson, B. E. Broster, M. A. Parkhill

Abstract: Detailed structural analysis of a transpressional terrane boundary, Minas fault system, Nova Scotia

Ellie MacInnes, J. C. White

Abstract: Determination of protoliths and pressure-temperature conditions of metamorphic rocks in the “Pocologan mylonite zone”, southern New Brunswick

Elizabeth M. Grace, Sandra M. Barr

Abstract: Differences in pyrrhotite and pyrite reactivity in acidic solutions and the possible influence on acid base accounting prediction techniques

Don Fox

Abstract: Documentation of abundant intergranular felsic mesostasis in the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia: product of silicate liquid immiscibility

Michelle DeYoung, Daniel J. Kontak, Jarda Dostal

Abstract: EarthNet: a Canadian education resource has its roots in the Maritimes

J. L. Bates, S. Baldwin, E. Frith, A. Henry, G. Nowlan, J. Shimeld, K. Silverstein, I. Spooner, P. Moir, C. Vodden, J. Waldron, G. L. Williams

Abstract: Emplacement style of the Wentworth plutonic complex, Cobequid Highlands

David J. W. Piper, Georgia Pe-Piper, Ioannis Koukouvelas

Abstract: Episodes of rapid coastal change on the eastern shore of Nova Scotia: are they related to the North Atlantic oscillation?

G. K. Manson, D. L. Forbes

Abstract: Evolution of Proto-Avalonia: a 1.0 Ga tectonothermal event and geodynamic linkage to the breakup of Rodinia?

J. B. Murphy, R. A. Strachan, R. D. Nance, D. K. Parker, M. B. Fowler

Abstract: Extension of the St. Lawrence fault zone into, and beyond, western Lake Ontario

Joe Wallach, Arsalan Mohajer

Abstract: Geochemical trends in a river receiving treated mine water, Bathurst, New Brunswick

Tracy A. Cochrane, Tom A. Al, Robert A. Butler

Abstract: Geological Bridges of Eastern Canada NATMAP Project: bedrock mapping in Restigouche County, New Brunswick

R. A. Wilson, J. P. Langton, J. I. Carroll

Abstract: Geological investigation of the Coxheath Cu-Mo-Au System, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia: structurally controlled porphyry-type mineralization

J. DeWolfe, D. J. Kontak

Abstract: Geology of the lower to middle Paleozoic metamorphic rocks in the Digby-Weymouth area, southwestern Nova Scotia

Rick Horne, Chris White, Catherine Muir, Mike Young

Abstract: Geophysical imaging of a shallow aquifer: initial field tests at Fredericton

K. E. Butler

Abstract: Geophysical mapping of a shallow contaminant plume in thin glacial till, Terra Nova waste disposal site, northeast Newfoundland

Hugh G. Miller, G. Keith Guzzwell

Abstract: GIS-based map modelling using the weights of evidence method applied to acid rock drainage prediction in the Meguma Supergroup, Nova Scotia

Don Fox

Abstract: GIS-based metallogenic studies in the Carboniferous Deer Lake basin, Newfoundland

Jody Hodder, Derek H. C. Wilton

Abstract: Glacial dispersal in west-central New Brunswick

Allen A. Seaman

Abstract: Glacigenic fault reactivation and enhanced groundwater flow: a previously unrecognized hazard to restoration of abandoned mine sites

Adrian F. Park, Bruce E. Broster

Abstract: Gold environments in New Brunswick

M. J. McLeod, S. R. McCutcheon

Abstract: Gravity models over the Shubenacadie-Stewiacke Carboniferous subbasin, Colchester and Hants counties, Nova Scotia

Ken Howells, Alan Ruffman

Abstract: Ground penetrating radar and seismic methods applied to detection of ‘windows’ in the clay aquitard overlying the Fredericton Aquifer

J. A. Paasche, T. Gilman, K. E. Butler

Abstract: Haughton-Mars Project 1999: geology of the Haughton impact structure, Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada

G. R. Osinski, J. G. Spray, P. Lee

Abstract: Historical seismicity in New Brunswick - one key to future earthquake activity

Kenneth B. S. Burke

Abstract: Holocene paleoceanography: marine palynology records from Atlantic Canada

Elisabeth Levac, Andre Rochon, Peta J. Mudie

Abstract: Holocene paleoproductivity in the Northwestern Pacific determined by foraminiferal assemblages in some fjords of Vancouver Island, British Columbia

T. M. Schell

Abstract: Hurricane records on the South Carolina coast: patterns of periodicity over the last 5000 years

D. B. Scott, E. S. Collins, P. T. Gayes, E. Wright

Abstract: Hydrogeology, water quality and groundwater protection of the Miramichi East (former town of Chatham) aquifer, northeastern New Brunswick

Don Fox

Abstract: Integration of geosciences for resource evaluation at Hibernia

John D. Evans, Iain Sinclair, Robert Stokes, Will DaSie

Abstract: Investigation of integrated geologic and geophysical data using GIS: Crooked Creek and Decaturville impact structures, Missouri

G. A. J. Nickerson, J. G. Spray, L. A. Mayer

Abstract: Isotope and chemical hydrogeology of the Avon River drainage basin, Nova Scotia

Duncan Johannessen, Dorothy Godfrey-Smith, Joel Kronfeld, Marcos Zentilli

Abstract: Kimberlites in northern Labrador and Nunavut: do they have exotic relatives in Québec?

Derek H. C. Wilton

Abstract: Laboratory models of partial melting

Tammy Perry, Allison Leitch

Abstract: Late Quaternary relative sea-level variations in the North Atlantic: comparison of mid-Holocene highstands to the last interglacial (isotope stage 5e) highstands

D. B. Scott, R. R. Stea

Abstract: Li isotopic composition of foraminiferal tests: can we measure it using a quadrupole ICP-MS?

Jan Kosler

Abstract: Magmatic sulphide mineralization in the Pants Lake Intrusion, Labrador: implications for geological exploration models for Voisey’s Bay-style deposits

Andrew Kerr

Abstract: Metal impact on benthic populations within the Baie des Chaleurs, New Brunswick: a reconnaissance review of marine geochemistry and species diversity

Ryan Campbell, David Scott, Ray Cranston

Abstract: Minor folds and their relationship to regional fold evolution, central Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia

Michael Young, Richard Horne, Nicholas Culshaw

Abstract: Monitoring oil spill bioremediation using marsh foraminifera as indicators

J. Sabean

Abstract: New 1:50 000 geological maps of the Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia

Georgia Pe-Piper, David J. W. Piper

Abstract: New Brunswick and water management

Darryl A. Pupek

Abstract: New insights into the classification and formation of zeolites hosted by the North Mountain Basalt, Annapolis Valley, southern Nova Scotia

Daniel J. Kontak

Abstract: New lithogeochemical and Pb isotope data from the Buchans area, central Newfoundland

L. S. Winter, D. H. C. Wilton

Abstract: Observations on the nature of aplite-pegmatite sheets in the Peggy’s Cove area, Halifax County, Nova Scotia

Daniel J. Kontak, Jarda Dostal

Abstract: ODP Leg 191 -- An account as an undergraduate student trainee in the northwest Pacific Ocean: a summary of radiolarian biostratigraphy

Warna Susanne Downey

Abstract: Paleontological resources management

W. D. Boyce

Abstract: Pervasive migration of magma through the crust

A. M. Leitch, R. F. Weinberg

Abstract: Petrology of the San Miguel ultramafic body, Acatlan Complex, southern Mexico: an oceanic fragment of the lapetus or Rheic oceans?

J. Muise, J. Dostal, J. D. Keppie, F. Ortega-Gutierrez

Abstract: Pleistocene glacial history of the Petitcodiac area, southeastern New Brunswick

A. G. Pronk, G. M. Allaby, B. E. Broster

Abstract: Pock marks in the nearshore and their relationship to forcing conditions and lunate megaripple genesis

Rachel Speller, Alex Hay

Abstract: Post-Horton Group, pre-Windsor Group recumbent folding and cleavage deformation in the St. Peters area, Nova Scotia

Thomas O. Wright

Abstract: Quaternary mapping and till, stream-sediment, and water geochemical surveys in northern New Brunswick: a NATMAP contribution to the Geological Bridges of Eastern Canada

Michael Parkhill, Toon Pronk, Rex Boldon, Marni Lynne Dickson, Peter Friske, Stephen Day

Abstract: Radarsat: a tool for environmental monitoring and terrain evaluation

Tim Webster

Abstract: Re-evaluating the role of lithogeochemistry in base- and precious-metal exploration

Alan Galley

Abstract: Recognition of a modern sediment oscillation in Loon Lake, Halifax County, Nova Scotia: implications for paleoclimate and environmental research

Janet Fownes, Ian Spooner

Abstract: Resources of a different kind: application of geochemical analytical techniques to archaeological research

Cathy Mathias

Abstract: Seismic imaging of the Bjerkreim Layered Intrusion

Sharon Deemer

Abstract: Seismic modeling of ore bodies -- massive sulphides

K. Laletsang, J. A. Wright, C. A. Hurich

Abstract: Sequence-stratigraphic interpretations of alluvial-lacustrine basins: Uinta Basin, Utah, as an analogue of the Moncton Basin, New Brunswick

Dave Keighley, Stephen Flint, Andrea Moscariello

Abstract: Sequence stratigraphic interpretation of regional Upper Cretaceous limestone units, offshore eastern Canada

John W. Shimeld, R. Andrew MacRae

Abstract: Spatial distribution and grades of conjugate veins associated with mesothermal saddle reef gold mineralization, The Ovens, Nova Scotia: implications for an open pit resource

Donnette M. Mugridge

Abstract: Stratigraphic analysis and possible tidal influence in the Stellarton Basin, Nova Scotia

Tanya Costain

Abstract: Stratigraphy, geochemistry and age of the White Rock Formation in the Yarmouth area, Nova Scotia

Lisa A. MacDonald, Sandra M. Barr, Chris E. White, John W. F. Ketchum

Abstract: Stratigraphy, structure, and mafic sills in a section through the Halifax Group, Black River area, Kings County, Nova Scotia

K. Gladwin, S. M. Barr, A. S. Macdonald

Abstract: Stratigraphy, structure, and mafic sills in a section through the Halifax Group, Black River area, Kings County, Nova Scotia

K. Gladwin

Abstract: Structural and geometrical analysis of saddle reef folds at the mesothermal gold deposit, Port Dufferin, Halifax County, Nova Scotia: implications for future exploration and resource assessment

Ian A. DeWolfe

Abstract: Structure of the San Miguel ultramafic body and its host rock, the Acatlan Complex, southern Mexico: a fragment of the lapetus or Rheic oceans

D. Fox, J. D. Keppie, J. Dostal, F. Ortega-Gutierrez

Abstract: Tectonomagmatic evolution of the northwest Reindeer zone, Trans-Hudson orogen, Reindeer Lake, Saskatchewan

T. G. MacHattie, D. Corrigan, G. A. Jenner

Abstract: The application of stratigraphic and mapping studies in delineation of landslide hazards: an example from British Columbia

Andrew J. Stumpf, Bruce E. Broster

Abstract: The Benton LL6 chondrite: formation and evolution of a brecciated and shocked meteorite

Erin L. Walton

Abstract: The Environmental Earth Sciences Division (EESD) of the Geological Association of Canada: Current Environmental Research and Foci For the Next Century: Assessment of earthquake hazard for major engineering projects: the probable versus the determinable

Bruce E. Broster

Abstract: The geological history of the Brunswick subduction complex in Bathurst, northern New Brunswick -- an important clue to understanding the tectonic evolution of the Northern Appalachian Orogen

C. R. van Staal

Abstract: The geology of the Fogo seamounts

Ashely de Jonge

Abstract: The Hammondvale metamorphic suite: part of an exhumed Neoproterozoic convergent margin in the Avalon Terrane, southern New Brunswick

C. E. White, S. M. Barr, R. A. Jamieson, P. H. Reynolds

Abstract: The Parrsboro EdGEO Workshop

J. L. Bates, S. Baldwin, H. V. Donohoe, Jr., R. A. Fensome, R. Grantham, L. Ham, I. A. Hardy, N. Koziel, H. Mann, J. Shimeld, K. Silverstein, G. L. Williams

Abstract: The petrogenesis of amazonite-bearing pegmatites in the Georgeville area, Nova Scotia

Shannon Hay

Abstract: The potential of flood basalts for hosting magmatic sulphide deposits: an application of exploration criteria to the Sverdrup basin, Nunavut, Canadian Arctic

Marie-Claude Williamson

Abstract: The role of geochemistry in metallogeny: examples from Newfoundland, Australia, and Nunavut

George A. Jenner

Abstract: The search for the Fredericton Fault: new exposures along the Longs Creek to Fredericton section of the (toll-free) Trans-Canada Highway

J. Whitehead, A. F. Park

Abstract: The style of Late Paleozoic deformation in the Antigonish Basin: an example from the Monks Head section, Antigonish, Nova Scotia

Jason Johnson

Abstract: The use of regional geochemistry data in environmental assessment and planning: ignorance or missed opportunities?

A. G. Pronk

Abstract: The Willett Cu-rich massive-sulphide deposit, Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick: general geology, deposit characteristics, and felsic volcanic chemostratigraphy

Chris D. MacDonald

Abstract: Trace element zoning in calcic, pelitic garnet: garnet growth histories and Cr immobility

Panseok Yang, Toby Rivers

Abstract: Transformation of Fe–Ti gabbro to coronite, eclogite, and amphibolite in the Baie du Nord segment, Manicouagan Imbricate zone, eastern Grenville province: evidence for high heat flow in the lower crust during orogenesis

Richard Cox, Aphrodite Indares

Abstract: U-Pb geochronology and geologic significance of the two oldest known mafic dyke swarms on earth: 3659 Ma Inaluk dykes and 3490 Ma Tarssartôq dykes, southern west Greenland

J. L. Crowley, R. V. White, J. S. Myers, G. R. Dunning

Abstract: Using whole rock geochemistry to locate the source of igneous erratics from drumlins on the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia

Rudolph R. Stea, Georgia Pe-Piper

Abstract: Where’s the science? Rethinking river restoration and enhancement

Ian S.Spooner, Michael Brylinsky, Brooke Cook

Abstract: Whose environment is it anyway? A search for environmental accountability over areas in the coastal zone and the offshore

David Monahan, Sue Nichols

Abstract: Δ18O prediction from corelog data -- high-resolution paleoclimate proxy generation

M. E. Weber

Abstract: “The Last Billion Years”

R. A. Fensome, G. L. Williams

Acadian transpression and the exhumation of the sillimanite-bearing Passagassawakeag terrane along the Liberty-Orrington Fault, coastal Maine

Heather Short

Geochemistry of Early Devonian calc-alkaline plutons in the Merrimack Belt: implications for mid-Paleozoic terrane relationships in the New England Appalachians

Brandon G. Watts, Michael J. Dorais, Robert P. Wintsch

Geochemistry of metavolcanic rocks of the Ross Island and Ingalls Head formations, Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick

Georgia Pe-Piper, Begashaw Wolde

A giant beaver (Castoroides ohioensis Foster) fossil from New Brunswick, Canada

R. F. Miller, C. R. Harington, R. Welch

A Late Neoproterozoic age for the Caledonia Mountain Pluton, a high Ti-V layered gabbro in the Caledonia (Avalon) terrane, southern New Brunswick

Sandra M. Barr, Michael A. Hamilton, Chris E. White, Scott D. Samson

Les erratiques de dolomie sur le rivage des Escoumins, Côte Nord de l’estuaire maritime du Saint-Laurent, Québec

Jean-Claude Dionne, Pascal Bematchez

A multibeam bathymetric survey of Bay of Islands, Newfoundland: new evidence of late-glacial and Holocene geological processes

John Shaw, Martin Batterson, Harold Christian, Robert C. Courtney

Palaeophycus bolbitermilus isp. nov. from the Lower Silurian Upsalquitch Formation of New Brunswick, eastern Canada

Jeong Yul Kim, Ron K. Pickerill, Reg A. Wilson

Zn-Pb mineralization associated with a mafic dyke at Cheverie, Hants County, Nova Scotia: implications for Carboniferous metallogeny

Daniel J. Kontak, Kevin Ansdell, Douglas A. Archibald