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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Atlantic Geology

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Abstract: 2007 deep-water marine seismic acquisition to define the Canadian Extended Continental Shelf under Article 76 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

John Shimeld, Ruth Jackson, Kevin DesRoches, Jacob Verhoef

Abstract: 3D geophysical and geologic modeling of the Betts Cove Ophiolite, Newfoundland

Bill J. Spicer, Bill A. Morris, Hernan Ugalde, Tom Skulski, Neil Rogers

Abstract: 40Ar/39Ar dating of three shear-zone hosted gold occurrences, northern New Brunswick

Sabine Schwarz, David R. Lentz, Doug Archibald, Jim Walker, Steve McCutcheon

Abstract: 500 million years of episodic anorthosite/leucogabbro - granodiorite/monzogranite (ALG) magmatism in the Archean Yilgarn craton

Paul Sylvester, Jim Crowley, Kate Souders, John Myers

Abstract: A conceptual magmatic model for the genesis of Brunswick-type VMS deposits, Bathurst Mining Camp

Steven R. McCutcheon, James A. Walker

Abstract: A conceptual model of horse mussel reef formation, Bay of Fundy, Canada

Gordon B. J. Fader, D. J. Wildish, D. Russell Parrott, Laura Hussey

Abstract: Acoustic velocity and elastic moduli profiles and corresponding fracture density and orientation patterns in artificially shocked granite: preliminary results

Samantha F. Jones, Alan R. Hildebrand

Abstract: A detailed gravity survey on the Baie Verte Peninsula, Newfoundland: preliminary results and geological integration

Hernan Ugalde, William A. Morris, Tom Skulski, Neil Rogers

Abstract: A Holocene sedimentary record of the Labrador Current

Kieran McDonald, David Piper, Ian Spooner

Abstract: Analog experiments on transport and mixing of immiscible liquids

Karina Zavala

Abstract: An overview of volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits of the Newfoundland Appalachians: lassification, mineralization styles, and grade-tonnage data

Stephen Piercey, John Hinchey

Abstract: Anthropogenic climate change: a geological perspective

David J. W. Piper

Abstract: A Raman and X-ray absorption spectroscopic investigation of the structure and speciation of aqueous zinc bromide solutions at hydrothermal conditions

Alan J. Anderson, William A. Bassett, I-Ming Chou, Robert A. Mayanovic, Kenji Mibe

Abstract: A research agenda for Fundy: results from the 2006 'Fundy Session' at the Atlantic Geoscience Society Colloquium

Elisabeth C. Kosters, Karl Butler, Gordon Fader, Tim Milligan, Kee Muschenheim, D. Russell Parrott, Danika Van Proosdij

Abstract: A tale of two estuaries: Comparison of anthropogenic impacts on the contemporary evolution of the Avon and Petitcodiac River systems, Bay of Fundy

Danika van Proosdij, Tim Milligan, Gary Bugden, Karl Butler

Abstract: A tale of two microbialites - the Late Jurassic extremes: the #9 Limestone beneath the shelf margin delta of the Venture gas field in the Sable Island area versus the Albatross B-13 slope of the Abenaki shelf margin on the Western Shelf, offshore Nova Scotia, Canada

Leslie S. Eliuk

Abstract: A unique Neoproterozoic to Cambrian trace fossil assemblage from the Goldenville Group, southwestern Nova Scotia

Murray Gingras, John W. F. Waldron, Chris E. White, Sandra M. Barr

Abstract: Background concentrations of arsenic and mercury in soils from the Montague and Goldenville gold districts, Nova Scotia

Michael B. Parsons, Megan E. Little, Terry A. Goodwin

Abstract: Barium as a possible indicator of biogenic methane generation

Erica C. Underwood, Grant A. G. Ferguson

Abstract: Cement timing and distribution in Lower Cretaceous sandstones: Glenelg, Thebaud and Chebucto fields, offshore Scotian Basin

Atika Karim, Georgia Pe-Piper, David J. W. Piper

Abstract: Character of the mafic trigger of the Kos Plateau Tuff eruption

Darren Lefort

Abstract: Chemical and Sm-Nd isotopic constraints on the provenance and tectonic setting of late Neoproterozoic and Cambrian sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks in Avalonia of southern New Brunswick

Aaron M. Satkoski, Sandra M. Barr, Scott D. Samson

Abstract: Chloride in kimberlites? Constraints from diamond oxidation experiments

Luke Hilchie, Yana Fedortchouk

Abstract: Chlorite diagenesis in reservoir sandstones of the Lower Missisauga Formation, offshore Nova Scotia

Kathleen Gould, Georgia Pe-Piper, David J. W. Piper

Abstract: Climate-change impacts and adaptation: a coastal geoscience perspective

Donald L. Forbes

Abstract: Climate change: An atmospheric perspective

Glen Lesins

Abstract: Communicating the natural and cultural history of the Joggins Fossil Cliffs: A demonstration of innovation and collaboration

Jenna Boon, John Calder

Abstract: Correlation of thermo-tectonic and metallogenic events in the Avalon and Meguma terranes of Nova Scotia with the use of 40Ar/39Ar and Re-Os geochronometry

Daniel J. Kontak, Richard Horne, Robert Creaser, Douglas Archiblald

Abstract: Defining the stratigraphy of the Meguma Supergroup in southern Nova Scotia: where do we go from here?

Chris E. White

Abstract: Dendrochronological Analysis of Four Conifers in Western Labrador

Peter Nishimura, Colin P. Laroque

Abstract: Dendroclimatic response of alpine treeline species in central Labrador: a multi-species perspective

Mariana Trindade, Trevor Bell, Colin Laroque, John Jacobs, Luise Hermanutz

Abstract: Development of a background soil chemistry/toxicology database for the Atlantic Region and the North American Soil Geochemical Landscapes Project (NASGLP)

Rita Mroz, Gerry McCormick, Kok-Leng Tay, Ken Doe, Paula Jackman, Terry Goodwin, Toon Pronk, Michael Parkhill

Abstract: Did Laurentide Ice Sheet floodwater change the history of European civilization?

Peta J. Mudie, Fabienne Marret, Richard N. Hiscott, Ali E. Aksu

Abstract: Distinguishing between geogenic and anthropogenic sources of arsenic in soils in the North Brookfield Gold District, Nova Scotia

Lori A. Wrye, Heather E. Jamieson, Michael B. Parsons, Stephen R. Walker

Abstract: Distribution, form, and origin of precious metals related to the Boomerang and Domino volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits, Tulks belt, central Newfoundland

Angela M. Page, David R. Lentz, Ryan M. Toole

Abstract: Earth science outreach in Canada: Cottage industry or national program?

Godfrey S. Nowlan

Abstract: Element mobility as a result of chemical weathering of a Carboniferous saprolite near Valparaiso, Chile

Jessica Drysdale, John Gosse, Anne Marie O’Beirne-Ryan

Abstract: Enhancing the understanding of the 3D architecture of the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick

Neil Rogers, Bogdan Nitescu, Steve McCutcheon, Cees van Staal, Anastasia Vandermost, Hernan Ugalde, William Morris, Mike Parkhill, Mike Thomas

Abstract: Erosion-induced reactivation of the Main Central Thrust zone: Comparison of model results with tectonic and thermochronologic data

Christopher Beaumont, Rebecca A. Jamieson, Mai H. Nguyen

Abstract: Evidence from fluid and melt inclusions for synchronous sulfide melt oxidation and aqueous-carbonic fluid exsolution in intrusion-related gold deposits

Jacob J. Hanley, Edward Spooner, Craig Hart

Abstract: Evidence from LiDAR and multibeam data of post-glacial relative sea level change in the Bay of Fundy region, Nova Scotia

Chris Bates, Tim Webster, Ian Spooner, D. Russell Parrott

Abstract: Exhalites: their genesis and use in volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit exploration

Jan M. Peter

Abstract: Expanding on radial growth forecasting: Future responses of tree species of the Acadian forest to climate change

Ben Phillips, Colin Laroque

Abstract: Field relations, structure, and provenance studies of Cambrian rocks in the Saint John area, southern New Brunswick

Sandra M. Barr, Chris E. White, Aaron M. Satkoski, Peter H. Reynolds, Michael A. Hamilton

Abstract: Flatwater Pond Group: tectonostratigraphy and age constraints of an Ordovician ophiolite cover sequence, Baie Verte Peninsula, Newfoundland

Ian Kerr, Tom Skulski, Vicki McNicoll, Sébastien Castonguay, Cees R. van Staal

Abstract: Four Billion Years and Counting: a book to celebrate Canada’s geological heritage and International Year of Planet Earth

Robert A. Fensome, A. Achab, John Clague, David Corrigan, Jim Monger, Godfry S Nowlan, Graham Williams

Abstract: Geochemical identification of clastic sediment provenance from known sources of similar geology: the Cretaceous Scotian Basin, offshore eastern Canada

Stavros Triantafyllidis, Georgia Pe-Piper, David J. W. Piper

Abstract: Geochemistry and Sm-Nd isotopic signature of the 0.76 ga Burin Group: a compositional equivalent of the basement for late Neoproterozoic Avalonian magmatism?

J. Brendan Murphy, Phil J. A McCausland, Sean J. O’Brien, Sergei Pisarevsky, Michael Hamilton

Abstract: Geochemistry of the bauxitic-lateritic occurrences in the Deh-Dasht area, Zagros, Iran: exploration guidelines

Alireza Zarasvandi, Marcos Zentilli

Abstract: Geographic Information System for terrestrial analogue research and planetary databases

Mickaël Germain, Marie-Claude Williamson

Abstract: Geological factors affecting surface water chemistry in southwestern Nova Scotia

Daniel J. Utting, Terry A. Goodwin

Abstract: Geological mapping in northwestern Bhutan using ASTER remote sensing data

Tara Muth, Djordje Grujic, Charles Walls, Dawn Kellett

Abstract: Geological vignettes from York Redoubt, National Historic Site

D. Patrick Potter, Graham L. Williams

Abstract: Geology and architecture of deformation associated with the Scottie Creek fault, western Yukon

Lise Robichaud

Abstract: Geology and mineral occurrences of the Faribault Brook area, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia

Matthew Tucker, Sandra M. Barr, Chris E. White

Abstract: Geology of the Ice Cu-Au deposit, Yukon

Adam Fage, Marcos Zentilli

Abstract: Geotourism in Saint John, New Brunswick

Randall F. Miller

Abstract: Getting geology into the grade IV classroom: The FENOREX collection

Fenton M. Isenor

Abstract: Glacial and environmental history of Lake Banook, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

Tammo J. Huppertz, Nicole M. Peters, Edward L. King, Gordon D. M. Cameron

Abstract: Graphite thermometry in the Halifax contact aureole

Luke J. Hilchie, Rebecca A. Jamieson

Abstract: Hafnium isotopes as a geochemical tracer in zircon from tonalite plutons from Adamello, northern Italy

Jason Duff

Abstract: Historical and recent mine data rescue through 3D data integration and analysis

Anastasia Vander Most, Eric A. de Kemp

Abstract: Host lithologies and ore characterization of the Dumont Sill, Quebec

Chris Lister

Abstract: Hydrocarbon potential of the eastern Shelburne sub-basin and surrounding areas from petroleum systems modelling constrained by well log information, seismic images, and analogue models

Eric Negulic

Abstract: Hydrogeological and geological inferences from core, well-logs, drill-stem tests, and 3D seismic data in the Sussex region of the Moncton sub-basin, New Brunswick, Canada

Arnfinn Prugger, Janelle Appleyard, Terry Danyluk, Balazs Nemeth, Brian Roulston

Abstract: Ice-flow and deglacial chronology, Foxe Peninsula, southwest Baffin Island, Nunavut

Daniel J. Utting, John C. Gosse

Abstract: Impact cratering: A planetary process as seen from Earth

Richard A. F. Grieve

Abstract: Impacts of climate change to the water resources of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia

Cindy D. MacNeill, Grant A. G. Ferguson, Fred Baechler

Abstract: In-situ LA-MC-ICPMS Sm-Nd dating using REE-enriched accessory minerals

Chris McFarlane, Malcolm McCulloch

Abstract: Investigating flood risk in an ungauged watershed using LiDAR, GIS and HEC TOOLS

Doug Stiff, Christopher Hopkinson, Ian Spooner, Tim Webster

Abstract: Late Paleozoic felsic volcanic rocks in southwestern New Brunswick: relevance to uranium mineralization in the region

Carolyn Garrett, Jarda Dostal, Andrew MacRae, Malcolm J. McLeod, Ashley Garroway

Abstract: Late Wisconsinan glacial history of Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, as interpreted from seabed geomorphology and stratigraphy

Denise Brushett, Trevor Bell, John Shaw, Martin J. Batterson

Abstract: LiDAR collection and processing in the coastal Bay of Fundy region and Cobequid-Chedabucto fault system, Nova Scotia

Tim Webster, Peter MacDermott

Abstract: Lithogeochemistry of hydrothermally altered host rocks about the Amaranth low sulphidation epithermal gold-bearing quartz vein, Waihi, New Zealand

Tim A. Cross, Clifford R. Stanley

Abstract: Lower Silurian subduction-related volcanic rocks in the Chaleurs Group, northern New Brunswick, Canada

Reginald A. Wilson, Cees van Staal, Sandra Kamo

Abstract: Marketing geoscience data

Garth J. DeMont

Abstract: Metallogenic and Tectonic Significance of mafic volcanism in the Early to Middle Jurassic Hazelton Group, northwestern British Columbia

Tony Barresi, Jarda Dostal, JoAnne Nelson

Abstract: MicroCT analysis of mineral phases, total and effective porosity in the Abenaki Formation, Scotian Shelf offshore eastern Canada

Donovan Blissett, Tom Al, Karl Butler, Dave Keighley

Abstract: Microlite in the Greenbushes pegmatite, Western Australia

Julia J. King, Alan J. Anderson

Abstract: Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of alteration in the Afton copper-gold porphyry, Kamloops, British Columbia

Morgan Quinn, Yana Fedortchouk, Jacob Hanley

Abstract: Mineralogical controls on the distribution of platinum-group elements and gold in the Afton porphyry deposits, Kamloops, British Columbia

Kay MacKenzie, Jacob Hanley

Abstract: Mineralogical investigations at Canadian Analogue Research Network (CARN) sites using a portable Raman spectrometer

Marianne Mader, Denis Lacelle

Abstract: Mineralogy of a lead-barite occurrence in Kap Henson, Northumberland Island, Greenland

Marcos Zentilli, Yawooz Kettanah, Alexander M. Grist

Abstract: Monazite as a provenance indicator for the Lower Cretaceous reservoir sandstones, Scotian Basin

Stavros Triantafyllidis, Georgia Pe-Piper, Robert M. MacKay, David J. W. Piper

Abstract: Morphology and sedimentology of raised-beach sequences as a proxy indicator of past sea-ice intensity, Canadian Arctic Archipelago

Dominique St. Hilaire, Trevor Bell, Donald L. Forbes

Abstract: Nature and distribution of copper mineralization in the Hinds Lake spillway, Howley area, central Newfoundland

Greg Case, Alexandre Zagorevski, Neil Rogers

Abstract: New insights on the structural geology of the Pacquet Harbour Group and Pointe Rousse Complex, Baie Verte Peninsula, Newfoundland: implications for mineral exploration

Sébastien Castonguay, Tom Skulski, Cees R. van Staal, Maggie Currie

Abstract: Newly-recognized lowstands of the Laurentian Great Lakes signal their sensitivity to changed climate

Mike Lewis, Steve Blasco

Abstract: New outlooks on styles and classifications of VMS deposits in the Tulks Volcanic Belt: implications for exploration

John G. Hinchey, Stephen J. Piercey

Abstract: Nova Scotia case studies of radon soil gas distribution and mobility

Robert J. Ryan, Danielle Finlayson, Anne Marie O’Beirne-Ryan

Abstract: Old marine seismic and new satellite radar data: exploring for petroleum in the northern frontiers

Christopher D. Jauer, Paul Budkewitsch

Abstract: On the Silurian rocks and the gold-bearing veins of White Bay, western Newfoundland

Andrew Kerr

Abstract: Overview of some key characteristics and genesis of the LaRonde Penna world-class Au-rich VMS deposit, Abitibi greenstone belt, Québec: implications for exploration

Patrick Mercier-Langevin, Benoît Dubé, Mark Hannington

Abstract: Paleolithic to Neolithic sites in the Belan Valley of India: early agriculture under an unstable monsoonal climate following the Last Glacial Maximum

Martin R. Gibling, Rajiv Sinha, Nonigopal Roy, Sampat K. Tandon, Mayank Jain

Abstract: Partial digestions in soil geochemical exploration: How buffering, adsorption, and mineral stabilities influence data processing and interpretation

Clifford R. Stanley

Abstract: Petrographic, chemostratigraphic, and alteration analysis through the deformed volcanosedimentary sequence hosting the Boomerang massive sulfide deposits, Tulks belt, central Newfoundland

Ryan M. S. Toole, David R. Lentz

Abstract: Petrology and tectonic significance of coronitic mafic granulites, Southampton Island, Nunavut

Chris Yakymchuk, Mary Sanborn-Barrie, Joyia Chakungal, Rebecca Jamieson

Abstract: Petrology of cuttings from oil wells in the Phetchabun basin, Thailand

Kathryn A. Albright

Abstract: Phosphate deposits in Cambrian rocks of Avalonia in the Saint John area, New Brunswick

Kara-Lynn Scallion, Peir K. Pufahl, Sandra M. Barr

Abstract: Physical evidence of a late-glacial (Younger Dryas?) impact event in southwestern Nova Scotia

George Stevens, Ian Spooner, Jared Morrow, Peir Pufahl, Robert Raeside, Richard A. F. Grieve, Cliff Stanley, Sandra Barr, David McMullin

Abstract: Pleistocene landscape evolution of the southern Central Andes quantified with cosmogenic nuclide techniques

Jose Luis Antinao, John Gosse, Marc Caffee, Robert Finkel

Abstract: Post-glacial tsunami hazard for eastern North America: real or imagined?

Alan Ruffman

Abstract: Preliminary experiments on mixing and unmixing of immiscible liquids

Mostharul Hassan, Alison M. Leitch

Abstract: Preliminary investigation of a major high-strain zone in the Caledonian Highlands, southern New Brunswick

Adrian F. Park, Sandra M. Barr, Chris E. White

Abstract: Preliminary results from multibeam bathymetry and LiDAR surveys in 2007 of the Bay of Fundy, Canada

D. Russell Parrott, Brian J. Todd, John E. Hughes Clarke, Jonathan Griffin, Timothy Webster

Abstract: Provenance of ophiolite to arc transition in the peri-Laurentian realm, central Newfoundland Appalachians

April Coombs

Abstract: Radial growth of trees from northeastern to southeastern Labrador

Colin Laroque, A. Dean Dumeresq

Abstract: Remote predictive mapping of the Baie Verte Peninsula, Newfoundland: integration of geophysical and remote sensing imagery

Heather Slavinski, Bill Morris, Hernan Ugalde, Tom Skulski, Rogers Neil

Abstract: Reservoir quality, diagenetic history and provenance of the Late Triassic sandstones of Wolfville Formation, Cambridge Cove, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia

Muhammad Kettanah, Yawooz Kettanah, Grant Wach

Abstract: Robert’s Arm volcanic belt, central Newfoundland: Late Ordovician-Early Silurian underthrusting and regional metamorphism of a peri-Gondwanan Darriwilian-Caradocian arc complex beneath Laurentia

Brian H. O’Brien

Abstract: Salt-related growth fault history and structural inversion in the Penobscot area, western Abenaki Subbasin, offshore Nova Scotia

Stephen Rankin, Andrew MacRae

Abstract: Sapping channels in a glaciofluvial complex: A possible Martian analog?

Amanda Ehler, Grant A. G. Ferguson, Gaywood Matile

Abstract: Seismic and core stratigraphy of a glaciated lake, Dartmouth Nova Scotia

Nicole M. Peters, Edward L. King, Gordon D. M. Cameron

Abstract: Silver-bearing alkali feldspars in experiment - and in nature?

D. Barrie Clarke

Abstract: Sources of magnetic and gravity anomalies on the Scotian Shelf southeast of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, and onshore-offshore geological correlations using geophysical modeling

Sheri A. Lyon, Sandra M. Barr, Sonya A. Dehler

Abstract: Spatial and temporal evolution of the Rockeskyllerkopf volcanic centre, west Eifel volcanic field, Germany

Cliff S. J. Shaw, Alan. B. Woodland, Nesha D. Trenholm, J. Hopp

Abstract: Spectroscopic analysis of alkali feldspar from the Georgeville Granite, Nova Scotia: Evidence for pervasive metasomatic alteration

Kim N. Dalby, Alan J. Anderson, Anthony N. Mariano, Robert A.Gordon

Abstract: Summary of the Nova Scotia component of the North American Soil Geochemical Landscape Project

Terry A. Goodwin

Abstract: Synergy between terrestrial and space technologies: auto-synchronized 3D-laser imaging and electromagnetic induction sounding

Claire Samson

Abstract: Tectonostratigraphy and geological history of the Cape St. John Group, Baie Verte Peninsula, Newfoundland

Yves Moussallam, Thomas Skulski, Tony Fowler, Vicki McNicoll, Sébastien Castonguay

Abstract: Tectonostratigraphy of ophiolite and volcanic cover, Baie Verte Peninsula, Newfoundland

Tom Skulski, Sébastien Castonguay, Vicki McNicoll, Cees van Staal

Abstract: TGI 3 Appalachians: an overview

Neil Rogers

Abstract: The Bent Hill and ODP massive sulphide deposits, Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge: hydrothermal architecture, fluid evolution and sulphide formation in a sedimented rift environment

Wayne D. Goodfellow

Abstract: The Boomerang and Duck Pond VMS deposits, Newfoundland: birth by “raining” or “stewing”?

Gerry C. Squires

Abstract: The carousel: a thinking activity for geoscience outreach enthusiasts

Heather Johnson

Abstract: The challenge of collaborative environmental geoscience

Jennifer L. Bates, Michael B. Parsons

Abstract: The changing landscape of the lower Saint John River valley, New Brunswick

Pam J. Dickinson, Bruce E. Broster

Abstract: The Early Jurassic Heracles Sequence, Scotian Basin, Canada: Recognition of a latest stage synrift/pre-breakup tectonic and sedimentary event

David E. Brown, Sonya A. Dehler, Keith Louden, Yue Wu

Abstract: The future for geology-3D interactive data: an example from the Sussex area of the Moncton sub-basin, New Brunswick, Canada

Janelle Appleyard, Terry Danyluk, Balazs Nemeth, Arnfinn Prugger, Brian Roulston, Chrissy Williston

Abstract: The Halifax Experimental Pollen and Spore Monitoring and Forecast Program: publicizing 6-year results and trends

David L. Waugh, Ann A. L. Miller, Benjamin J. A. Moulton, Erin Pitman, David H. S. Richardson

Abstract: The Lower Devonian North Pole Stream Pluton: A strongly peraluminous granitic complex hosting a polymetallic vein-type uranium deposit, New Brunswick, Canada

David A. Shinkle, David R. Lentz, Steven McCutcheon

Abstract: The Maritime Soil Project: a New Brunswick perspective

Michael A. Parkhill, Toon Pronk, Rex Boldon, Marc Desrosiers, Parrish Arnott, Heather Campbell, Louis-Philippe Cyr, Sherry McCoy

Abstract: The occurrence and significance of quartzine in open spaces in a basaltic flow: Dunn Point Formation, Nova Scotia

Stuart MacNeil

Abstract: The Quaternary erosional and depositional history of the Black Point area, Saint John, New Brunswick, based on seismic sub-bottom profiles

James Whitehead, Karl E. Butler, D. Russell Parrott

Abstract: The relationship of actively migrating sand bodies to the tidal streams and eddies in the Bay of Fundy - new insights through combined mapping and modeling

John E. Hughes Clarke, Susan Haigh, D. Russell Parrott, Garret Duffy

Abstract: Thermal structure and chemical composition of the Archean mantle and origin of mantle “plumes”: Insights from ca. 2.73 Ga komatiite and basalt, Nunavut, Canada

Trevor G. MacHattie, Larry M. Heaman, Robert A. Creaser

Abstract: The rostroconch mollusc Euchasma Billings, 1865 from the Lower Ordovician Catoche Formation (St. George Group), western Newfoundland, Canada

David M. Rohr, W. Douglas Boyce, Ian Knight, Elizabeth A. Measures

Abstract: The search for life on Mars: the importance of Mars-like minerals on Earth to astrobiology

Richard J. Léveillé

Abstract: The Severn Estuary (UK): Quaternary investigations and human exploitation

Simon K. Haslett

Abstract: The South Tally Pond project: a high-grade, polymetallic VMS discovery

David A. Copeland

Abstract: The Tail of the Bank Mud: a deposit originating from Agassiz-driven outburst floods?

Ann A. L. Miller, C. F. Michael Lewis, David J. W. Piper, Gordon B. J. Fader

Abstract: The Tambogrande VMS deposit, Perú: size matters!

Lawrence Winter

Abstract: The tectonic architecture of the vestiges of Iapetus Ocean in the Newfoundland Appalachians

Cees R. van Staal

Abstract: Trench parallel translation of accreted terranes along the Laurentian margin, Newfoundland: implications for timing and distribution of mineral deposits

Alexander Zagorevski, Vicki McNicoll, Neil Rogers, Cees R. van Staal

Abstract: Tri-national Soil Survey: Start of a North American geochemical data base

Andrew Rencz, Peter Friske

Abstract: Understanding the origin of deformed Albert Formation sandstone reservoirs: An analogue study with the northeastern Uinta Basin, Utah

Nicola M. Harcourt, David G. Keighley

Abstract: Unravelling the sources of the thick Miocene pyroclastic flows, Kos (Greece)

Nikolaos Tsoukalas, Georgia Pe-Piper, David J. W. Piper

Abstract: Variations in sedimentation rates to the western Gulf of Mexico over multiple glacial-interglacial cycles

Alan J. Hidy, John C. Gosse

Abstract: VMS mineralization at the Ming Mine, Baie Verte, Newfoundland

Darrell Hyde

Abstract: What are Hoodoos and how do they form? Cosmogenic nuclide insights into Holocene landscape evolution in the Colorado Plateau

John Gosse, Les McFadden, Guang Yang, Robert Finkel

Abstract: What is climate change? Engaging the public in a critical discussion

Ian Spooner

Abstract: Winter ice and sediment budgets in upper Fundy

Elisabeth C. Kosters

Abstract: “Beds rather than regular veins or lodes”: VMS deposits, plate tectonics and the emergence of metallogeny in central Newfoundland

Scott Swinden

Dating hydrothermal alteration and IOCG mineralization along a terrane-bounding fault zone: the Copper Lake deposit, Nova Scotia

Daniel J. Kontak, Douglas A. Archibald, Robert A. Creaser, Larry M. Heaman

Eochelysipus horni, a new vertebrate trace fossil from the Tournaisian Horton Bluff Formation, Nova Scotia

David J. Mossman, Robert G. Grantham

The last 100 million years on the Scotian Margin, offshore eastern Canada: an event-stratigraphic scheme emphasizing biostratigraphic data

Robert A. Fensome, Jason A. Crux, I. Gunilla Gard, R. Andrew MacRae, Graham L. Williams, Frank C. Thomas, Flavia Fiorini, Grant Wach

Magma evolution and PGE mineralization in the Late Neoproterozoic Mechanic Settlement Pluton, southern New Brunswick

Russel S. Hiebert, Sandra M. Barr, Clifford R. Stanley

Preliminary investigation of a major high-strain zone in the Caledonian Highlands, southern New Brunswick

Adrian F. Park, Sandra M. Barr, Chris E. White

Windsor Group (Late Mississippian) stratigraphy, Magdalen Islands, Quebec: a rare eastern Canadian record of late Visean basaltic volcanism

Peter S. Giles