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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Atlantic Geoscience Society Special Publications
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Field Trip A1: Stratigraphic Setting of Base-metal Deposits in the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick
J. A. Walker
Field Trip A2: The Popelogan Arc—Tetagouche Backarc Basin, the Brunswick Subduction Complex and the Salinic Orogeny in Northern New Brunswick
C. R. van Staal, R. A. Wilson, S. Kamo, W. McClelland, V. McNicoll
Field Trip A3: Intrusion-related Mineralization in Southwestern New Brunswick: The Mount Pleasant and Clarence Stream Deposits
Kathleen Thorne, David Lentz
Field Trip A5: Field Guide to Southern New Brunswick and the Mactaquac Dam Area at Fredericton
B. E. Broster
Field Trip B10: Stratigraphic and Paleoenvironmental Setting of the Woodstock Fe-Mn Deposits in West-Central New Brunswick
Bryan Way
Field Trip B1: Granite-related Mineralization and Alteration in the Acadian Plutonic Belt: Implications for Sn-W-Mo-Cu Exploration in Central New Brunswick
S. H. McClenaghan, K. G. Thorne, N. Rogers, L. R. Fyffe, H. E. MacLellan, C. Lentz, R. A. Wilson
Field Trip B3: Geology of the Island of Grand Manan, New Brunswick: Precambrian to Early Cambrian and Triassic Formations
J. Gregory McHone, Leslie R. Fyffe
Field Trip B5: Geoheritage and Geotourism in Stonehammer Geopark: North America’s First Global Geopark
J. Randall Miller, Gail Bremner, Lucy Wilson
Field Trip B6: The On-Going Saint John Geology Enigma: Avalonia vs Ganderia in Southern New Brunswick
Sandra M. Barr, Susan C. Johnson, Chris E. White