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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Australian Energy Producers Journal

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2023 Development and Production review

Martin Wilkes

2023 Exploration and appraisal year in review

Adam Craig

2023 PESA business environment review

Erin Wild, Emmanuel Adeyinfa, Adrian Farrant

Accelerating industrial decarbonisation through common user infrastructure

Amy Lomas, Dan Demilew

Advocating for a behavioural science approach to inclusion and diversity

Yhana Lanwin

Aligning stars: making LNG imports happen in Australia

Kaushal Ramesh, Krishan Pal Birda

Alternative application of availability and deliverability studies to reduce the energy sectors’ carbon emissions

Helge Lawrenz, Hamed Mahdianfar

Ammonia – an assessment of potential environmental impacts including prevention and mitigation measures

Anam Saeed, Bethan Parnum

Analysis of an existing hydrocarbon gas pipeline for conversion to dense phase CO2 service

David Levy

Angel CCS project – decarbonising the hard-to-abate industries of WA

Dmitry Kosyak

Are Australian carbon prices sufficient to support decarbonisation in gas production?

Daniel Lorng Yon Wong, Prabhat Agrawal

Asset management and risk based process safety management approaches to the energy trilemma

Erik Vandenberg

Australia-Japan energy partnerships for regional security and decarbonisation

Celeste Koravos

The Australian Hydrogen Centre – feasibility studies for achieving 10 and 100% renewable hydrogen in South Australia and Victoria

Owen Sharpe, Kristin Raman

Australia’s 2024 decommissioning landscape

Francis Norman, Shaun Sadler

Australia’s Future Energy Resources project: the untapped potential of onshore low carbon energy resources

Thomas Bernecker, Barry Bradshaw, Jeremy Iwanec, Keith Bradey, Ryan Owens, Andrew Feitz, Aleksandra Kalinowski, Lidena Carr

Australia’s gas markets: similar problems…similar solutions?

John Gibb, Angus Rodger, Lucy Cullen

Bayesian inversion of tilt data using a machine-learned surrogate model for pressurised fractures

Saeed Salimzadeh, Dane Kasperczyk, Teeratorn Kadeethum

The Bayu-Undan liquid CO2 import facilities – finding an effective solution

Ross Weiter, Christopher Toft

Beetaloo gas, hydrogen and geothermal resources – insights from 3D basin modelling

Mohinudeen Faiz, Vincent Crombez, Claudio Delle Piane, Laurent Langhi, Nicholas Lupton, Juan Carlos Hidalgo

Beetaloo or bust: the route to commercial success for an Australian Shale play

Anne Forbes, Angus Rodger, John Gibb

Beetaloo’s gas bounty: potential for LNG exports and domestic supply

Krishan Pal Birda, Kaushal Ramesh

Brownfield modifications to convert existing gas production facilities for CCS operations

Christopher Jones

Building a carbon dioxide storage portfolio for the Barrow-Dampier sub-basins through regional screening – an integrated geoscience approach

David Barlass, Ruth Hamilton, Sabine Mehay, Adeline Parent, Ivan Pei, Oliver Schenk, Merrie-Ellen Gunning, Adam Vonk

Building a carbon storage portfolio for the Barrow and Dampier sub-basins – a national resource

David Barlass, Kiran Ferguson, Leo Leon, Nigel Seymour, Paul Phythian, Adam Vonk, Merrie-Ellen Gunning

The bystander approach to prevention

Bukkie Orugun, Dean Cooper, Hannah Clifford

Can Australia become APAC’s CCS hub of choice?

Stephanie Chiang

The case for integrated IMR programs: increasing operational efficiency with a holistic approach that reduces risk and carbon emissions

Ka Henney

Case study using APDMS and RPEMS for SAWL pipes and benefits for offshore pipelay

T. S. Kathayat, Atul Srivastava, Jan de Boer, Bhavin Mapara, Mahesh Gajjar

The central and southeast offshore Otway Basin well folio

Duy Nguyen, Chris Cubitt, Dianne S. Edwards, Steve Abbott, George Bernardel

Challenges and opportunities in Australian greenhouse gas storage legislation: insights from the CarbonNet project

Victoria Mendes Da Costa, Victoria Fitzgerald

Changes in well control training to meet the challenge of reducing well control incidents

Zdenek Sehnal

Charting a path to low-carbon leadership: unlocking up to 90% emissions reductions in greenfield LNG

Peter Carydias, Simon Flowers

Chemostratigraphy of the Sherbrook Supersequence – 13 wells from the offshore Otway Basin

Merrie-Ellen Gunning, Duy Nguyen, David Riley, Clare Tansell, Giada Bufarale

Commercialising carbon capture and storage – how much does regulatory certainty truly matter?

Polly Mahapatra, Rob Creswell

Comparative analysis of hydrogen production pathways for emethanol synthesis to decarbonise industry

Bhrat Bobby Daswani, Andrew P. Campbell

Comparing hybrid method simulations to hydrogen dispersion and explosion tests

Juliana F. Roos, Madhat Abdel-jawad

Corporate positioning in Australia for a new investment outlook

Andrew Harwood

Cost-effective and modular CO2 capture to support decarbonisation for oil and gas, industrial and hard-to-abate sectors

Jai Kant Pandit, Kwong Soon Chan

Critical incidents: what the psychologist sees

Zara Hart

Critical supply chains and Australian maritime training requirements

Peter Court, Richard Owen

Decarbonisation – how are we tracking against plans

Martin Wilkes

Decarbonising LNG value chain using carbon capture and storage: why, where, how much and what are the limitations?

Zlata Sergeeva, Colin Ward

Decommissioning and restoration: early planning is critical to an efficient and risk-minimised process

Quinton Crew, Robbert de Weijer, Kylie Seccombe

Deep bed filtration and formation damage by particles with distributed properties

Nastaran Khazali, Gabriel Malgaresi, Yuri Osipov, Ludmila Kuzmina, Pavel Bedrikovetsky

Defining the geomechanical operating limits for subsurface CO2 storage

Simon Holford, Mojtaba Rajabi, Scott Mildren, Rosalind King, Adam Bailey

Developing a ‘fit for purpose’ approach to measuring methane emissions

Ian Joynes, Rory O’Keeffe, Yvette Manolas

Development of a novel seismic acquisition system based on fully autonomous ocean bottom nodes

Fabio Mancini, Ben Hollings, Ted Manning, Henry Debens

Development of long-distance and large-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) value chain using liquefied CO2 ship transportation

Daein Cha

Don’t forget your keys when trying to unlock the productivity of low-permeability coals

Raymond L. Johnson Jr

Early exploration modelling of natural hydrogen systems through the use of existing open source data

Clare Baxter, Frank La Pedalina, Andrew McMahon, Toon Hoong Lim

Emissions, carbon abatement and data integration: CCS projects

Fabio Terzini, Brett Morkunas

Emissions reduction in LNG production facilities through emerging post-combustion carbon capture and storage technologies

David T. Kearns

Empowering process safety hazard awareness and technical learning in energy operations

Laurence Ledrut

Energy efficiency as an accelerator to environmental and operational performance

Stuart Scott, Scott Hastie

Enhancing maintenance efficiency in energy assets through AI: a case study of maintAI

Gordon Buchan, Muhammad Abdullah

EOR simulation of polymer flooding

Pierre-Victor Cueille

Evergreening of seismic data to enable carbon storage screening at scale – a case study from the Barrow-Dampier sub-basins

Nigel Seymour, Paul Phythian, Merrie-Ellen Gunning, Kiran Ferguson, Suyang Chen, Dayang Aini Binti Awang Piut

Exploration potential of Papua New Guinea – latest multiclient 3D provides new insight into the underexplored Papuan Basin over the Papuan and Eastern Plateaus

Tad Choi, Jens Beenfeldt, Marcin Przywara

Exploring for the Future: new geomechanical data in frontier Australian basins

Adam Bailey, David Dewhurst, Liuqi Wang, Chris Carson, Jade Anderson, Grace Butcher, Paul Henson

Exploring innovation in operations – the Multi-user Remote Operations Centre (MROC) concept

Jonathan Beales

A feasibility study of Boree Salt body mapping in the Adavale Basin using passive seismic data

Peng Guo, Erdinc Saygin, Asrar Talukder

From carrot to stick – the impact of a changing landscape of CCS policy and funding in Australia since 1999

Rosie Johnstone

From port to disposal: a strategic view to Australia’s O&G decommissioning success across the value chain

Erin Wild, Anjana Warrier

From raw seismic data to quantitative interpretation via cloud-based FWI

Henry A. Debens

Geomechanical risk assessment of injection test for a carbon storage site appraisal, offshore Northern Territory

Sadegh Asadi, Abbas Khaksar, Adrian White, Guil Coelho, Raed Rahmanseresht

Geoscience skills supplement emissions reduction through carbon solutions

Jeffrey Ball, Melinda Reynolds, Nick Kennedy

Global focus on ESG in the supply chain – insights into supply chain management of Environmental, Social and Governance requirements and trends both locally and globally

David Bibby

Goldilocks dilemma: lower cost, more supply, reduced emissions, and reliable trading partner. What is the outlook for Australia getting the gas balance just right?

Matt Paull

Gross depositional environment mapping in the onshore South Australian Otway Basin: an example of data integration

C. Cubitt, R. Kirk, T. Rady, S. Tiainen

Hydrogen and carbon capture utilisation and storage policy for progress on climate change mitigation

Thomas Koller

Hydrogen carriers – transporting hydrogen from producers to export power markets

Andrea Hosey, Phil O’Neil

The impact of exploration/appraisal activities on the recovery per well in North Perth Basin

Hongfeng Wu, Frank Glass, Martin Storey, Simon Molyneux, William Walton

Implications of Western Australia’s updated domestic gas policy

Krishan Pal Birda, Kaushal Ramesh, Sally Bogle

Innovation and opportunity through regulatory change

Sue McCarrey, Graham Blair, Cameron Grebe

Insights into the depositional setting for the Gippsland Basin from modern basin-wide 3D datasets

Angus Goody, Clare Davies, Paul Rheinberg

Leadership and talent attraction and retention – an existential risk to our industry

Scott Hastie

Leading transformations – a holistic approach to leadership development

Scott A. Marshall, Eva Freedman

Life of field emission forecast development and reduction option screening for a multi-train LNG hub

Louise Whitelaw, Holly Patrizi, Sally Hillam

Maximising opportunities from integration of decommissioning and offshore wind activities

Andrew Taylor

Megawatts to methane – a deep drop in emissions reduction transition for existing regional gas-based ammonia plants

Jacob De Boer

A Mesoproterozoic (~1.25 Ga) ‘fossilised’ oil column in the Moroak Sandstone of the Beetaloo Sub-basin, NT

Richard Kempton, Siyumini Perera, Mohinudeen Faiz, Michael Verrall

The migration of hydrogen in sedimentary basins

Bhavik Harish Lodhia, Luk Peeters

Modelling CO2 storage in oil and gas reservoirs in the Gippsland Basin

Jianlin Wang, Dan Gillam, Soubhagya Das, Tom Boyle, Melanie Ryan

Monitor and reduce emissions to meet compliance and sustainability goals

Nicolas Castelijns

Monitoring geomechanical pumped storage in horizontal fluid-filled lenses with surface tiltmeters

Dane Kasperczyk, Saeed Salimzadeh, Scott Wright, Henry Lau

Neighbourhood watch: the future of Asian LNG demand growth

Kaushal Ramesh

New dog old tricks – process safety for the energy transition

Steve Cooper, Alice Stembridge

New insights into the Kingia Sandstone facies distribution, and implications for hydrocarbon prospectivity, north Perth Basin, Western Australia

Aisling Sloan, Matthew Wright, Anthony Cortis, Andrew Farley, Michael Wilkins

A new perspective on regional structural architecture across the offshore Otway Basin

Chris Nicholson, Steve Abbott, George Bernardel, Yvette Poudjom Djomani

A novel approach for geomechanical modelling in the absence of stress magnitude data

Mojtaba Rajabi, Moritz Ziegler, Rasoul Ranjbarkarami, Parisa Tavoosiiraj

The ongoing transformational journey of Australia’s oldest and largest oil and gas operation

Tom Burger

Opening versus shearing of a fluid-driven fault reactivation

Feng Xiao, Saeed Salimzadeh, Qian-Bing Zhang

Operating in the context of evolving climate disclosure practices and frameworks

Mark Smyth, Edward Einfeld

Optimising CO2 storage resource utilisation: insights from the Otway Stage 4 field program

Max Watson, Hadi Nourollah, David Bason, Scott Higgs, Sally Benson, Peter Cook, Yong-Chan Park, Mitch Allison, Ziqiu Xue

Passive well monitoring systems and carbon, capture and storage (CCS) application

Andrew Jaffrey, Jim Gordon

A path to make well-informed decisions when considering the decommissioning of subsea pipelines

Andrey Chikin

Petroleum systems analysis of the onshore Otway Basin, South Australia

Casey Edwards, Tim Rady, Chris Cubitt, Rob Kirk, Sharon Tiainen

Pioneering CCS in Australia – the CarbonNet journey

Jane Burton

Planning for complex decommissioning projects in Australia – Gippsland Basin case study

Richard Perry

Post-stack 3D merging to fast-track regional interpretation – offshore Otway Basin case study

Merrie-Ellen Gunning, Scott Wilkinson, Pei-Fei Chau, Cameron Mitchell, Jennifer Badry

The potential for CO2 storage in residual oil zones in onshore Australian basins

Aleksandra Kalinowski, Eric Tenthorey, M. Ben Clennell, Mojtaba Seyyedi, Richard Kempton, Samuel Jackson, Claire Patterson, Siyumini Perera

Practical lessons from implementing a top-down, drone-based methane emissions quantification technology into global oil and gas operations

David Turner

Predicting ground surface deformation induced from CO2 plume movement using machine learning

Ibrahim M. Ibrahim, Saeed Salimzadeh, Dane Kasperczyk, Teeratorn Kadeethum

A preliminary assessment of regional CO2 storage potential in the onshore northern Perth Basin

Louisa Ellis, Charmaine Thomas, Julie Cass, Arthur Mory, Deidre Brooks

Prioritising mental health: a focus on energy sector fabrication workforce

Suvadip Das, Mat Hyland, Vanessa Macedo

Probabilistic CO2 plume modelling

David Tang

The Rafael gas-condensate discovery – a potential game-changer in the Canning Basin

Kurt Chambers

Ramsay 1 and Ramsay 2, learnings from the first natural hydrogen exploration wells in Australia

Josh Whitcombe, Neil McDonald, Roger Cressey, Billy Hadi Subrata, Steve Falloon, Neil Carr, Frank Glass

Real-time chemostratigraphy at wellsite; removing drilling uncertainties

David Riley, Morven Davidson, Tim J. Pearce, Alex Fuerst, Jordan Kinsley

Reducing risk of sexual harassment: a positive duty of care

Elizabeth Shaw

Rehabilitation challenges for the onshore coal seam gas sector in Australia

James Purtill, Louisa Nicolson

Reliable local renewable power decarbonising offshore energy

Ana Silva, Lorna Yuill

Repurposing oil and gas infrastructure as artificial reefs – a global perspective

Anam Saeed, Bethan Parnum

Requalification of pipelines for CO2 transport – giving new life to the Bayu-Undan and Reindeer pipelines

Nigel Lim, Bethwyn Green, Zakery Thomson

Revisiting the rocks discovers turbidites and a new exploration play in the Penola Trough, Otway Basin, South Australia

Sharon Tiainen, Rob Kirk, Chris Cubitt, Tim Rady

The rising significance of the Perth Basin

Krishan Pal Birda, Kaushal Ramesh, Arsh Vahie

The role of salt basins in the race to net zero: a focus on Australian basins and key research topics

Rachelle Kernen, Kathryn J. Amos, Ingrid Anell, Sian Evans, Leticia Rodriguez-Blanco

Safeguard Mechanism reforms – how big and how much will it cost?

John Gibb, Anne Forbes, Luke Simpson

Sand fill cleanout on wireline enables access to additional perforation zones in gas well producer

David Field

Satellite based oil spill emergency response and recovery support

Børre Pedersen, Hugo Isaksen, Martine M. Espeseth

A satellite constellation dedicated to frequently monitor methane emissions from oil and gas facilities around the world

Lola Odunsi

Securing the Australian CCS project rollout by improving aspects of the GHG storage legislation: a discussion paper

Geoffrey O’Brien, Simone de Morton, David Bason

Sediment provenance analysis of the early Permian reservoirs of the Perth Basin

Stuart Munday, David Riley, Liam Gallagher

Shipwreck and Sherbrook supersequence regional gross depositional environments, offshore Otway Basin

Steve Abbott, Chris Cubitt, George Bernardel, Chris Nicholson, Duy Nguyen

Source rocks of the Birrindudu Basin: perspectives from a new sampling program

Grace A. Butcher, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Tehani J. Palu, Padmasiri Ranasinghe, Richard H. Kempton, Siyumini Perera

A speculative ridge within the Kidson Sub-basin – integrated interpretation from geophysical data

Y. Zhan

Static contact angle, interfacial tension, and column height measurements for underground hydrogen storage

Nasiru Salahu Muhammed, Bashirul Haq, Dhafer Al Shehri, Sayed Qudrat

Steps to accelerate net zero delivery

Clare Anderson, Paul Ebert, Kerry-Ann Adamson, Chris Greig

Stochastic model for migration and breakage of detrital and authigenic fines

Bryant Dang-Le, Abolfazl Hashemi, Cuong Nguyen, Grace Loi, Nastaran Khazali, Yutong Yang, Alexander Badalyan, Thomas Russell, Pavel Bedrikovetsky

Structural framework of the Caswell Sub-basin, North West Shelf, Australia

Kosuke Tsutsui, Simon Holford, Mark Bunch, Rosalind King, Ken McClay, Nick Schofield

The study on mechanism of water-rock reaction in shale oil formation rich in alkaline minerals in Mahu Sag by using supercritical CO2

Yamin Wang, Kouqi Liu

Thermochronological constraints on the tectonic history of the Polda Basin

Simon Holford, Ian Duddy, Paul Green, Richard Hillis, Martyn Stoker

Toward less carbon-intensive, faster gas-to-market offshore development schemes a case study of using discovered resources in the Bedout Sub-basin

Hongfeng Wu, Stephen Molyneux, Qi Chu, Fengxu Jian, Julian Mather

Transforming offshore field developments with Pivotree™: an innovative technology solution for fast, cost effective, and low footprint projects

Christopher Merrick

Transitioning a hydrogen facility from project to operations

Gregory J. Chrisfield

Unconventional hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Paleoproterozoic Fraynes Formation in Manbulloo S1, Northern Territory

Liuqi Wang, Adam H. E. Bailey, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Tehani Palu, Chris Carson, Lidena K. Carr, Jade Anderson, Grace Butcher, Chris Southby, Paul A. Henson

An uneasy truce: a post-intervention gas market in Eastern Australia

Kaushal Ramesh, Krishan Pal Birda, David Dixon

Unpacking the decline: Australian E&P capital trends in a global context

Krishan Pal Birda, Kaushal Ramesh, Arsh Vahie

Variation of vertical stress in the McArthur and Beetaloo basins

Rasoul Ranjbarkarami, Mojtaba Rajabi, Parisa Tavoosiiraj

Whale detection and microseismic monitoring via DAS using submarine telecommunications cables – a case study from the NWS, Western Australia

Henry A. Debens, Denise McCorry, Evgenii Sidenko, Christine Erbe, Olivia Collet, Roman Pevzner, Boris Gurevich

Why global decarbonisation requires cross-sector understanding

Jessica Dwyer