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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

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Caracteristicas Estratigraficas de la Region La Perla-Orizaba-Tequila, Estado de Veracruz. IN SPANISH. Stratigraphic Characteristics of The Region's Perla-Orizaba-Tequila, Veracruz State.

S. Salinas.

Desarrollo Petrolero en Mexico Durante 1959 . IN SPANISH. Mexico Petroleum Development During 1959.

F. Mina U.

Dos Generos y Dos Especies Nuevos de Foraminiferos del Cretacico Superior de Cuba. IN SPANISH. Two Genera and Two New Species of Foraminifera from The Upper Cretaceous of Cuba.

George A. Seiglie.

El Jurasico Marino de La Region de Cordoba. IN SPANISH. The Marine Jurassic of The Cordoba Region.

E. Mena Rojas.

El Metodo Potencial de Oxidacion-Reduccion en la Exploracion de Yacimientos Petroliferos. IN SPANISH. The Potential Method of Oxidation-Reduction in The Oil Fields Exploration.

G. V. Chilingar.

Estado Actual del Problema del Origen del Petroleo y Gas y El Proceso de su Acumulacion. IN SPANISH. Current Status of The Problem of The Origin of Oil and Gas and The Process of Their Accumulation.

I. O. Brod.

Estudio Geologico de los Campos Petroleros de San Andres, Hallazgo y Gran Morelos. Estado de Veracruz. IN SPANISH. Geological Survey of San Andres, Hallazgo and Gran Morelos Oil Fields. Mexico State.

P. Carrillo Martinez.

La Familia Nannoconidae y Su Alcance Estratigroco en America (Protozoa, Incertae Saedis). IN SPANISH. The Nannoconidae Family and Stratigraphic Extension in America. (Protozoa, Incertae Saedis)

M. Trejo H.

Mapeo de Subsuelo. IN SPANISH. Subsurface Mapping

Margaret S. Bishop

Morfologia y Origen de los Domos Salinos del Istmo de Tehuantepec. IN SPANISH. Morphology and Origin of Salt Domes of The Tehuantepec Isthmus.

H. Contreras V., M. Castillon B.

Nota Bibiografica Stratigraphic and Practice. IN SPANISH. Bibliographical Note Stratigraphic Principles and Practice.

Marvin Weller

Nota Bibliografica, Mapas Paleogeologicos. IN SPANISH. Bibliographical Note, Paleogeologic Maps.

A. I. Levorsen.

Nota Bibliografica: Metodos Estructurales para los Geologos de Exploracion. IN SPANISH. Bibliographical Note: Structural Methods For The Exploration Geologist.

Peter C. Badgley.

Presencia de Pellatispirella Hanzawa 1937 en Mexico. IN SPANISH. Pellatispipella Hanzawa 1937 Presence in Mexico.

Jacques Butterlin

Revistas y Publicaciones AMGP. IN SPANISH. Mexican Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin Magazine and Publications

Mexican Association of Petroleum Geologists

Version Castellana de la Redaccion Preliminar del Codigo Estratigrafico. IN SPANISH. Spanish Preliminary Version of The Stratigraphic Code Draft.

Ernesto Lopez Ramos.