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Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)
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Actualidades Geologicas y Geofisicas, I.. IN SPANISH. Geological and Geophysical News I.
Manuel Maldonado Koerdell
Aplicacion de la Paleogeografia a la Busqueda de Yacimientos Petroliferos en el Area Misantla-Ebano-Panuco. IN SPANISH. Application of The Paleogeography in the Search for Oil FIelds in The Misantla-Ebano-Panuco Area.
Rufino Sanchez Lopez
Clima y Genesis del Aceite. IN SPANISH. Climate and Genesis of Oils.
L. A. Nazarkin.
Cuencas Sedimentarias de Colombia. IN SPANISH. Sedimentary Basins of Colombia.
B. Taborda A.
Desarrollo y Utilizacion del Vapor Geotermico en Italia y Posibilidades de Aprovechamiento en Mexico. IN SPANISH. Development and Utilization of Geothermal Steam in Italy and Ability to Benefit in Mexico.
Hector Alonso Espinosa
El Mecanismo del Ciclo Geotectonico Mexicano. IN SPANISH. The Mechanism of Mexican Geotectonic Cycle.
Manuel Alvarez Jr.
Ensayo de Evaluacion Petrolifera de la Parte Norte Central de Mexico. IN SPANISH. Petroleum Evaluation Essay of The North Central Part of Mexico
Guillermo P. Salas
Estratigrafia del Area Bernal-Jalpan, Estado de Queretaro. IN SPANISH. Stratigraphy of The Bernal-Jalpan Area, Queretaro State.
Kenneth Segerstrom.
Geologia del Anticlinorio Hizachal-Peregrina al N-W de Ciudad Victoria Tamps. IN SPANISH. Geology of the Huizachal-Peregrina Anticline in The N-W of Victoria Tamps City.
J.Carrillo Bravo.
Geologia del Suroeste del Estado de Hidalgo y Del Noreste del Estado de Mexico. IN SPANISH. Geology of The Southwestern Hidalgo State and Northeastern Mexico State.
Kenneth Segerstrom
Las Rocas del Basamento de la Cuenca de Tampico-Mislanta. IN SPANISH. Basement rocks of the Tampico-Mislanta
Armando Gaspar Quezadas Flores
Metodos de Investigacion de Gases en La Exploration y Busqueda de Aceite y Gas. IN SPANISH. Gas Research Methods for The Oil and Gas Exoploration.
George V. Chilingar, Mostafa Karim.
A Proposito de la Formacion Paltoltecoya. IN SPANISH. About The Paltoltecoya Formation.
Manuel Alvarez Jr.
Resultado de la Exploracion Petrolera en Mexico Durante 1960. IN SPANISH. Result of Oil Exploration in Mexico During 1960.
Federico Mina Uhink.
Rocas Metamorficas en el Armazon Tectonico de la Parte Septentrional de Mexico. IN SPANISH. Metamorphic Rocks in The Tectonic Frame of The Northern Part of Mexico.
Peter T. Flawn.
Sobre la Llamada Formacion Paltoltecoya. IN SPANISH. About The Named Paltoltecoya Formation
F. Bonet, J. Carrillo.