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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)
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Bioestratigrafia del Mioceno en el Area de Matamoros, Tamps. y su Aplicacion a la Reinterpretacion de los Datos Geofisicos Locales. IN SPANISH. Miocene Biostratigraphic In The Matamoros Area, And Its Application To The Reinterpretation Of Local Geophysical Data.
Baldomero Carrasco V.
Boletin de la Asociacion Mexicana de Geologos Petroleros. Volumen XVIII. IN SPANISH. Mexican Association Of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. Volume XVIII.
Mexican Association Of Petroleum Geologists
Bosquejo Geologico de la Region de Santiago-San Jose del Cabo, Baja California. IN SPANISH. Geological Sketch Of The Santiago-San Jose Del Cabo Region, Baja California.
Jerjes Pantoja Alor, Jose Carrillo Bravo
Espectrometria y Difractometria de Rayos X. Generalidades y Algunas de sus Aplicaciones. IN SPANISH. Spectrometry and X-Ray Diffractometry. Generalities And Some Of Its Applications.
Luis Limon Gutierrez
Estratigrafia del Eaglefordiano (Cenomaniano-Turoniano) en Mexico, Texas, e Indias Occidentales. IN SPANISH. Eaglefordian Stratigraphy (Cenomanian-Turonian) In Mexico, Texas and The West Indies.
Emile A. Pessagno Jr.
Estudio Geologico de la Porcion Suroriental de la Sierra dePaila y Noroccidental de la Sierra del Chiflon, Estado de Coahuila. IN SPANISH. Geological Study Of The Southeast Portion Of The Sierra De Paila and Northwestern Of The Sierra Del Chiflon, Coahuila State.
Ricardo L. Ruiz Ojeda.
Importancia Ecologica de los Factores Quimicos Ambientales. Ecological Significance Of Environmental Chemical Factors.
Jose T. Castro-Mora
La Exploracion Petrolera en Mexico en 1965. IN SPANISH. Petroleum Exploration In Mexico In 1965.
Federico Mina U.
Notas Sobre la Sedimentacion y Estratigrafia de una Porcion del N.E. de Mexico (Area Adyacente a la Laguna Madre). IN SPANISH. Notes About Sedimentation And Stratigraphy Of A Portion Of The Mexico N.E. (Laguna Madre Adjacent area)
Jesus Morales Q.
origen de los Plegamientos dela Corteza Terrestre. IN SPANISH. Origin Of The Folds Of The Earth's Crust.
V. V. Beloussov
Variaciones de Curvas Ambientales . IN SPANISH. Environmental Curve Variations.
Alejandro Madrid S.