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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)
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Al Noreste de la Peninsula de Yucatan, Republica Mexicana, Se Descubre una Nueva Area para el Estudio de Sedimentos de Evaporitas-Carbonatos. IN SPANISH. Towards the Northeast Of The Yucatan Peninsula, Mexican Republic, A New Area was Discovered For The Study Of Evaporite-Carbonate Sediments.
James Lee Wilson, William C. Ward, Michael J. Brady
Analisis de Fracturamiento en el Area de Panuco-Topila y su Aplicacion a la Exploracion Petrolera. IN SPANISH. Analysis Of The Fracking In The Panuco-Topila Area And Its Application To Petroleum Exploration.
Luis Rodriguez Vivanco
Breve Interpretacion Tectonica de una Porcion de la Republica Mexicana. IN SPANISH. Brief Tectonic Interpretation Of A Portion Of The Mexican Republic.
Jose Manuel Lopez Rubio
Megafosiles de la Planicie del Guayalejo, Tamaulipas. IN SPANISH. Megafossils Guayalejo The Plain, Tamaulipas.
E. Riva-Palacio