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Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)
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Analisis Geologico-Economico De Las Areas Del Golfo De Mexico Con Posibilidades Petroleras. IN SPANISH. Geological-Economic Analysis Of The Gulf Of Mexico Areas And Petroleum Possibilities.
Antonio Camargo Zanoguera, Juan Manuela Quezada Muñeton
Biomarcadores E Isotopos En La Idenificacion De Hidrocarburos. IN SPANISH. Biomarkers And Isotopes In Identifying Hydrocarbons.
David J. Terrell, Eduardo Rosales Contreras
Discordancia Cenomaniana Sobre La Plataforma De Coahuila. IN SPANISH. Cenomanian Uncomformity On The Coahuila Platform.
Samuel Eguiluz De Antuñano
El Segmento San Felipe Del Cinturon Cabalgado, Sierra Madre Oriental, Estado De Durango, Mexico. IN SPANISH. San Felipe Segment Ridden Belt, Sierra Madre Oriental, Durango State, Mexico.
Mario Aranda Garcia
Glosario De Geoquimica Isotopica. IN SPANISH. Glossary Of Isotope Geochemistry.
Ruben Dario Arizabalo, Sandra Ortega Lucach
La Geoquimica Del Petroleo En Mexico. IN SPANISH. The Geochemistry Of Petroleum In Mexico.
Noel Holguín Quiñones