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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Circum Pacific Council Publications

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The Antarctic Continental Margin Geology and Geophysics of Offshore Wilkes Land

The Antarctic Continental Margin Magnetic Gradiometer Data: Suppression of Time Variations

R. O. Hansen

Bulk Geochemistry of Woodlark Basin and Solomon Islands Offshore Sediments: Some Implications for Crustal Evolution

Keith A. W. Crook

Cobalt-Rich Ferromanganese Crusts from the Exclusive Economic Zone of the United States and Nodules from the Oceanic Pacific

James R. Hein, Lisa A. Morgenson, David A. Clague, Randolph A. Koski

Complex Ridge Subduction and Island Arc Magmatism: An Isotopic Study of the New Georgia Forearc and the Woodlark Basin

Hubert Staudigel

The Conjugate Continental Margins of Antarctica and Australia

J. J. Veevers

Deep-Sea Fan Bodies, Terrigenous Turbidite Sedimentation, and Petroleum Geology, Gulf of Alaska

Andrew J. Stevenson

The Deep Crustal Structure of the Wilkes Land Continental Margin

J. R. Childs, H. M. J. Stagg

Diatoms from the 1984 USGS Antarctic Cruise in the Ross Sea

J. A. Barron

Extent and Nature of Ross Sea Unconformity in the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica

H. A. Karl

FRONTMATTER: Geology and Resource Potential of the Continental Margin of Western North America and Adjacent Ocean Basins--Beaufort Sea to Baja California

FRONTMATTER: Marine Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry of the Woodlark Basin--Solomon Islands

FRONTMATTER: The Antarctic Continental Margin Geology and Geophysics of the Western Ross Sea

Gas Hydrates Offshore Alaska and Western Continental United States

K. A. Kvenvolden

Geochemistry and Petrology of Volcanic Rocks from the Woodlark Basin: Addressing Questions of Ridge Subduction

M. R. Perfit

Geologic Evolution and Petroleum Geology of the Aleutian Ridge

David W. Scholl, Tracy L. Vallier, Andrew J. Stevenson

Geologic Framework of the Bering Sea Crust

A. K. Cooper

Geologic Potential for Hydrocarbons in Unexplored Offshore Basins of Western North America

Hugh McLean, Thomas J. Wiley

Geology, Evolution, and Mineral Potential of the Juan de Fuca Ridge

Janet L. Morton, William R. Normark, Dennis M. Mann; Donald H. Tompkins

Geology, Petrology, and Mineral Potential of the Gorda Ridge

David A. Clague, Mark L. Holmes

Geology and Evolution of the Kodiak Margin, Gulf of Alaska

Roland von Huene, Michael A. Fisher, Terry R. Bruns

Geology and Neogene History of the Pacific Continental Margin of Baja California Sur, Mexico

William R. Normark

Geology and Petroleum Potential of the Shumagin Margin, Alaska

Terry R. Bruns, Roland von Huene, Raymond C. Culotta; Stephen D. Lewis; John W. Ladd

Geology and Petroleum Potential of the Southeast Alaska Continental Margin

T. R. Bruns, P. R. Carlson

Geology and Physical Properties of Ross Sea, Antarctica, Continental Shelf Sediment

B. D. Edwards

Geology and Structure of the Ross Sea Region

F. J. Davey

Geology of Sediment Cores from the George V Continental Margin, Antarctica

M. A. Hampton, J. H. Kravitz, G. Luepke

Geology of the California Continental Margin North of Cape Mendocino

Samuel H. Clarke Jr.

Geophysical Data from the Continental Margin off Wilkes Land, Antarctica--Implications for Breakup and Dispersal of Australia-Antarctica

M. König

A Geophysical Survey of the Woodlark-Solomons Region

Brian Taylor

Geothermal Resources

C. R. B. Lister

Geothermal Surveys in the Solomon Islands-Woodlark Basin Region

Michael A. Hobart

Gravity Studies of the Victoria Land Basin and Iselin Bank

F. J. Davey

Heat Flow and Tectonics in the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica

D. K. Blackman

Heavy-Mineral Placer Deposits of the Continental Margin of Alaska and the Pacific Coast States

H. E. Clifton, G. Luepke

Hydrocarbon Geochemistry of Sediments Offshore from Antarctica

J. B. Rapp

Hydrocarbon Geochemistry of Sediments Offshore from Antarctica: Wilkes Land Continental Margin

K. A. Kvenvolden, M. Golan-Bac, J. B. Rapp

Hydrothermal Processes and Massive Sulfide Deposits on the Juan de Fuca Ridge and Other Northeast Pacific Spreading Axes

Randolph A. Koski, Steven D. Scott, Mark D. Hannington, John R. Delaney, Margaret K. Tivey

INDEX: Geology and Resource Potential of the Continental Margin of Western North America and Adjacent Ocean Basins--Beaufort Sea to Baja California

Interpretation of Marine Magnetic Gradiometer and Multichannel Seismic-Reflection Observations over the Western Ross Sea Shelf, Antarctica

J. C. Behrendt

An Interpretation of the Multichannel Seismic Reflection Profiles Across the Continental Margin of the Dumont d'Urville Sea, off Wilkes Land

M. Tanahashi, T. Saki, N. Oikawa, S. Sato

An Investigation of Ridge Subduction in the Woodlark-Solomons Region: Introduction and Overview

Brian Taylor

Kavachi, An Active Forearc Volcano in the Western Solomon Islands: Reported Eruptions Between 1950 and 1982

R. W. Johnson, D. Tuni

Marine Geology and Resource Potential of Cascadia Basin

Paul R. Carlson, C Hans Nelson

Marine Topography of Offshore Antarctica

T. E. Chase, B. A. Seekins, J. D. Young, S. L. Eittreim

Mechanism of Extension and Rifting at the Antarctica Continental Margin

G. W. Moore, S. L. Eittreim

Morphologic Studies of the Wilkes Land Continental Shelf, Antarctica--Glacial and Iceberg Effects

P. W. Barnes

Morphology, Structure, and Resource Potential of the Blanco Transform Fault Zone

R. W. Embley, L. D. Kulm, G. Massoth, D. Abbot, M. Holmes

Offshore Alaska Coal

Ronald H. Affolter, Gary D. Stricker

The Palynology of Core Samples from the S. P. Lee Wilkes Land Cruise

E. M. Truswell

Petrography of Rock Samples Dredged from Iselin Bank, Ross Sea, Antarctica

F. L. Wong

Petroleum Geology of the Beringian Continental Shelf

Michael S. Marlow

Petroleum Geology of the Canadian Pacific Continental Margin

C. J. Yorath

Phosphorite Deposits Along the Western North American Continental Margin

B. J. Loebner, D. Z. Piper, J. G. Vedder

Post-Breakup Sedimentation on the Wilkes Land Margin, Antarctica

M. A. Hampton, S. L. Eittreim, B. M. Richmond

Preliminary Stratigraphy for a Portion of the Wilkes Land Continental Shelf, Antarctica: Evidence from Till Provenance

E. W. Domack

Provenance of Glacial Stones Dredged off Wilkes Land, Antarctica

G. W. Moore

Quarternary Depositional History and Potential Sand and Gravel Resources of the Alaskan Continental Margins

Peter H. Stauffer

Recording and Processing Procedures for Multi-channel Seismic-Reflection Data Collected in the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica

S. V. Dadisman

Regional Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of Offshore Central California

David S. McCulloch

Regional Geology and Petroleum Potential of the Northern Gulf of Alaska Continental Margin

George Plafker

Regional Geology and Petroleum Potential of the Southern California Borderland

J. G. Vedder

Regional Geology and Petroleum Potential of the United States Beaufort and Northeasternmost Chukchi Seas

Arthur Grantz

Regional Geology and Petroleum Potential of the United States Chukchi Shelf North of Point Hope

Artur Grantz

Ridge Subduction and Forearc Volcanism: Petrology and Geochemistry of Rocks Dredged from the Western Solomon Arc and Woodlark Basin

R. W. Johnson

Sedimentary Petrology and Mineral Chemistry, Woodlark Basin-Solomon Islands Offshore Region

Keith A. W. Crook, Gordon R. Taylor

Sedimentology of Quarternary Sediment Cores from the Solomon Islands Offshore Region

N. F. Exon

Seismic Sequences and Their Distribution on the Wilkes Land Margin

S. L. Eittreim

Seismic Stratigraphy and Structure of the Victoria Land Basin, Western Ross Sea, Antarctica

A. K. Cooper

The Spatial Distribution of Earthquakes, Focal Mechanisms, and Subducted Lithosphere in the Solomon Islands

Patricia Cooper, Brian Taylor

Structural Framework, Sedimentary Sequences, and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Aleutian and Bowers Basins, Bering Sea

A. K. Cooper, D. W. Scholl, M. S. Marlow

Structure and Stratigraphy of the Hope Basin, Southern Chukchi Sea, Alaska

Ralph B. Tolson

Structure of Extensionally Rifted Crust Beneath the Western Ross Sea and Iselin Bank, Antarctica, from Sonobuoy Seismic Data

A. K. Cooper

Tectonics and Basin Evolution of Western North America--An Overview

David G. Howell

Tectonics and Petroleum Geology of the Cook-Shelikof Basin, Southern Alaska

Michael A. Fisher, Robert L. Detterman, Leslie B. Magoon

Tertiary Geologic Framework, Neotectonics, and Petroleum Potential of the Oregon-Washington Continental Margin

P. D. Snavely, Jr.