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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Circum Pacific Council Publications

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Acquisition and Ananlysis of Wide-Angle Reflection and Refraction Seismic Data

Paul L. Stoffa

Appendix I

Appendix II

Application of Petrophysics of Oolitic Limestone in Petroleum Exploration

Hugh J. Mitchell-Tapping

Application of Seismic Data to Lithology and Hydrocarbon Identification in East China

Qian Shao-Xin

Applications of Subsurface Sedimentology for Hydrocarbon Exploration and Development in the Beibu Gulf, China

G.P. Allen

Argillaceous Rock Compaction and Primary Migration in the Mangnai Depression, Qaidam Basin, China

Chen Heli

Basin Evolution and Hydrocarbon Exploration in the South China Sea

D.G. Roberts

Bituminous-Sandstone Diagenetic Sequence of Silurian Age in the Majiang Paleopool, Guizhou Province, China

Liu Shuhui

Calcite Cementing of Quartz Grains

Hugh J. Mitchell-Tapping

Cenozoic Reefs--New Targets for Oil Fields in the Northern Part of the South China Sea

Hao Fuguang

Characteristics and Oil-Generating Conditions of Carbonate Source Rocks in China

Fu Jiamo

Characteristics and Oil and Gas Potential of Sedimentary Basins of China

Zhai Guangming

Communication and Exploration Synergism

John H. Silcox

Developments in Concepts of Hydrocarbon Generation from Terrestrial Organic Matter

T. G. Powell

Effective Well-Log Evaluation of Light-Oil Zones, Dagang Oil Field, China

Tan Ting-Dong

Estimation of Coal-Generated Gas Using the Geologic-Thermal-Evolution-Sifting Method in the North China Basin

Zhou Xingxi

Explanatory Notes for the Geologic Map of the Circum-Pacific Region Antarctic Sheet

Circum-Pacific Map Project

Exploration and Production in the Eromanga Basin, Central Australia

V.G. Swindon

Favorable Oil- and Gas-Bearing Facies of the Carboniferous and Permian Systems in South China

Li Xuehui

Formation Conditions of Three Oil Fields in the Jizhong Depression, China

Wu Huayuan

FRONTMATTER: Petroleum Resources of China and Related Subjects

Generation of Quaternary Gas in the Eastern Part of the Qiadam Basin, Qinghai Province, China

Gu Shusong

Geochemical Characteristics of Natural Gas in the Dongpu Depression, North China

Zhu Jiawei

Geochemical Studies of Carbon and Argon Isotopes in the Karamay Oil Field and Other Oil Regions of China

Xu Yongchang

Geologic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the East China Sea

Liu Guangding

Geophysical Techniques Used in Petroleum Exploration in the Ying Ge Hai Area, Zhanjiang, SW Guangdong Province, China

L. William Edwards

Influence of Geological and Geochemical Characteristics of Heavy Oils On Their Recovery

J. Connan

Jurassic Paleo-Landform Oil Fields in the Ordos Basin, North China

Song Guochu

Latest Advances in Research on Nonmarine Oil Generation in China

Huang Difan

Marine Petroleum Source Rocks and Reservoir Rocks of the Miocene Monterey Formation, California, U.S.A.

Caroline M. Isaacs

Mesozoic and Cenozoic Basins and Hydrocarbon Prospects in China and Adjacent Offshore Area

Zhang Wenyou

The Multi-Information Stack Method for the Prediction of the Hydrocarbon Distribution in China

Zhao Xudong

A New Exploration Method for Buried-Hill Oil Fields, The Liaohe Depression, China

Zheng Changming

A New Strategy For Improving Exploration Incentives in Developing Countries

A. E. Owen

Oil-Bearing Features Along the Karamay Overthrust Belt, Northwestern Junggar Basin, China

Xie Hong

Oil and Gas Exploration in Bohai Bay, China

Arika Matsuzawa

Oil and Gas Fields in the Jianghan Basin, Hubei Province, China

Xie Taijun

Oil and Gas Potential of Island Arcs in the Southwest Pacific--A New Frontier

H. Gary Greene

Oil and Gas Prospects of Marine Deposits in South China

Xie Zhan

Origin of Sinian (Upper Proterozoic) Gas Pools in the Sichuan Basin, China

Tang Zeyao

Petroleum Geology of the Langfang-Guan Basin, Beijing-Tienjing Region, China

Li Desheng

Petroleum Potential of Part of the Quantou Formation, Songliao Basin, Northeast China

Ma Li

Primary Hydrocarbon Characteristics of the Middle and Upper Proterozoic Rocks of North China

Hao Shisheng

Prospect Evaluation Based on Geological Modeling

R.J. Murris

Remote Sensing to Petroleum Exploration in the Qaidam Basin, China

Wang Wenyan

Sedimentary Analysis and Oil-Bearing Structures of the Biyang Basin, Southern Henan Province, China

Li Chunju

Sedimentary Basins and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Continental Shelf of China

Qiao Han Sheng

Sedimentary Facies Recognition in China with Well-Logging Data

Ouyang Jian

Seismic-Reflection Studies in the Huanghua Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China

Zhao Xueping

Seismic Stratigraphic Criteria for Recognition of Submarine Fans

Robert M. Mitchum Jr.

Seismic Stratigraphy of the Quintong Depression, Jiangsu Province, China

Hu Zhen-Zhong

The Special Project Team Approach to Evaluation of Small Oil Fields

S. A. Jabaley

Stratigraphic-Lithologic Oil and Gas Pools in Continental Basins, China

Hu Jianyi

Stratigraphic-Lithologic Oil and Gas Pools in the Jiyang Depression, China

Shaui Defu

Structural Growth and Hydrocarbon Entrapment in the Surma Basin, Bangladesh

K. Hiller

Thermal and Cementation Histories of Permian Shelf-Edge Carbonate Rocks in the Nanpanjiang Basin, South China

Robert B. Halley

Three-Dimensional Seismic-Reflection Techniques

Hermann Buchholtz

Vertical Seismic Profiling in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Reservoir Development

Bob A. Hardage

Zonation and Oil and Gas Resource Potential of Oil-Bearing Regions of China

Yan Dunshi