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CSPG Bulletin
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Early Middle Cambrian Formations in the Front Range Near Ghost River, Alberta
E. L. Fitzgerald
The Origin of Some Anomalies in the Plains of Western Canada
T.B. Haites , H. Van Hees
Subsurface Correlation of the Mount Head Formation
G. H. Stafford
Quaternary Geology, Peace River District, British Columbia [Abstract]
W. H. Mathews
Placer Mining in the Peace River Region [Abstract]
R. Spence Taylor
Upper Cretaceous, Peace River Area, British Columbia [Abstract]
C.R. Stelck
Cretaceous Rocks of Peace River Foothills [Abstract]
D. F. Stott
The Jurassic Fernie Group in Northwestern British Columbia [Abstract]
W. N. Hamilton
Permo-Carboniferous Stratigraphy of the Rocky Mountains North of Peace River [Abstract]
H. R. Hovdebo
Triassic Stratigraphy in the Vicinity of Peace River Foothills, British Columbia [Abstract]
D. J. Colquhoun
The Besa River Formation [Abstract]
F. A. Kidd
Brief Notes on the Lower Paleozoic Rocks of the Rocky Mountains Along the Peace River [Abstract]
B. T. Gallant
Diagrammatic Structure Cross-Sections Along the North and South Sides of Peace River Valley, B.C. [Abstract]
E. J. W. Irish