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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
CSPG Bulletin
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Upper and Middle Devonian Ostracodes from the Beaverhill Lake Formation, Alberta, Canada
Peter McGill
Age of the Whittaker Formation, Northwest Territories
E. O'Bertos, D. E. Jackson
Carbonates and Grade Size
James M. Drummond
An Early Middle Pennsylvanian Bryozoan Fauna from the Banff Area, Alberta
Madeleine A. Fritz
Saskatchewan Stringocephalids
J. E. Brindle, D. M. Lane
Lower Cretaceous Section, Belcourt Ridge, Northeastern British Columbia
G. B. Mellon, J. H. Wall, C. R. Stelck
Suggestions to Authors of Bulletin Articles
T. A. Oliver, R. L. Zell
Paleozoic Sections Along the Clearwater River: OUTCROP NOTES
A. McGugan