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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
CSPG Bulletin
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Microfaunas, Megafaunas, and Rock-Stratigraphic Units in the Alberta Group (Cretaceous) of the Rocky Mountain Foothills
J. H. Wall, R. K. Germundson
The Mannville Group (Lower Cretaceous) of Central Alberta
Gordon D. Williams
The Besa River Formation
F. A. Kidd
Late Carboniferous and Permian Stratigraphy of a Part of Northeastern British Columbia
E. J. W. Irish
Paleocurrent Directions From the McMurray Formation
M. A. Carrigy
Correlation of the Blairmore Group and Equivalent Strata
G. B. Mellon, J. H. Wall
Upper Devonian Calcispheres From Redwater and South Sturgeon Lake Reefs, Alberta, Canada
R. J. Stanton, Jr.