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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin

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Upper Devonian Carbonates of the Southesk Cairn Complex and Associated Strata, Eastern Rocky Mountains Foothills, Alberta

W. S. MacKenzie

A Numerical Method of Classification Using Qualitative and Semi-Quantative Data, as Applied to the Facies Analysis of Limestones

G. F. Bonham-Carter

Potassium-Argon Dates as Provenance Indicators for the Dunvegan Formation

J. M. Tater

Hydrocarbon-Generation Potential and Hydrocarbon-Yield Capacity of Sedimentary Basins

C. E. B. Conybeare

The Determination of Strontium in Oil Field Brines by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry: GEOLOGICAL NOTE

G. K. Billings, E. E. Angino

The Determination of Potassium in Oil Field Brines by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry: GEOLOGICAL NOTE

G. K. Billings

Abstracts: The Ostracod Fauna of the Eramosa Member of the Lockport Formation (Middle Silurian)

James W. Teeter

Abstracts: Petrology of the Carbonate Rocks of the Siyeh Formation, Southwestern Alberta

John D. Adshead

Abstracts: The Geochemistry of Some Ordivician and Silurian Shales from South Western Ontario

Graham J. Candy

Abstracts: Petrogrophy of Middle Triassic Cross-Bedded Sandstones in Northeastern British Columbia

Gerald L. Goruk

Abstracts: Permian Spiriferella from the Yukon Territory

Charlie E. Johnson

Abstracts: Basal Belly River Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous), Pembina Field, Alberta, Canada

Daulat Singh Khamesra

Abstracts: Bentonites and the Geochronology of the Bearpaw Sea

Giovanni G. Nascimbene

Abstracts: Groundwater Resources of the Blindman River Valley

Grant L. Nielsen

Abstracts: Geochronology of Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary, Alberta, Canada

Muhammad Shafiqullah

Abstracts: Palynology of the Mannville Group (Lower Cretaceous), Central Alberta

Chaitanya Singh

Abstracts: Mid-Devonian Elk Point Group and Cambrian Rocks of North-Central Alberta

Maria M. Suska