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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
CSPG Bulletin
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High Angle Dips at Erosional Edge of Overthrust Faults
Gray W. Crosby
Carbonate-Evaporite Cycles in Lower Duperow Formation of Williston Basin
James Lee Wilson
Classification of Geological Samples by Discriminant-Function Analysis
J. E. Klovan, G. K. Billings
Influence of Compaction on Stratigraphic Analyses
C. E. B. Conybeare
Petrology and Mineralogy of Watt Mountain Formation, Mitsue-Nipisi Area, Alberta
J. W. Kramers, J. F. Lerbekmo
Structure, Seismic Data and Orogenic Evolution of Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains: DISCUSSION
C. Warren Hunt