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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
CSPG Bulletin
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The Presqu'Ile Complex -- Implications for Middle Devonian Paleogeography of Northern Alberta and British Columbia
D. W. Morrow
Source and Depositional Environments of the Moose Channel Formation, Northwest Territories
D. W. Holmes, T. A. Oliver
Regional Geology of the Grand Banks
Amoco Canada Petroleum Company Ltd., Imperial Oil Limited
Quantitative Geologic Aspects of Cretaceous and Jurassic Oil and Gas Pools in Alberta
G. J. Dickie, G. D. Williams
Model Studies of the Displacement Transfer Associated with Overthrust Faulting
D. A. C. Gardner, J. H. Spang
Regional Geology of Northern Yukon: Discussion: GEOLOGICAL NOTE
Lenz, A. C., Perry, D. G.
Problematical Microstructures from the Waterton Formation (Late Precambrian) of Southwestern Alberta
Alan McGugan