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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
CSPG Bulletin
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Upper Silurian Leopold Formation in the Somerset-Prince Leopold Islands Type Area, Arctic Canada
Owen A. Dixon, Brian Jones
The Abenaki Formation, Nova Scotia Shelf, Canada -- A Depositional and Diagenetic Model for a Mesozoic Carbonate Platform
Leslie S. Eliuk
Revised Models for Depositional Grand Cycles, Cambrian of the Southern Rocky Mountains, Canada
J. D. Aitken
Authigenic Tourmaline from the Middle Precambrian Belcher Group, Northwest Territories, Canada
B. D. Ricketts
Geometry and Mechanical Relationship of Folds to Thrust Fault Propagation Using a Minor Thrust in the Front Ranges of the Canadian Rocky Mountains
S.P. Brown, J. H. Spang
Estimation of Recovery Efficiency by Visual Observation of Pore Systems in Reservoir Rocks
N.C. Wardlaw, J.P. Cassan