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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
CSPG Bulletin
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Reappraisal of a Reported Unconformity in the Paleogene (Oligocene) Kishenehn Formation: Implications for Cenozoic Tectonics in the Flathead Valley Graben, Southeastern British Columbia
R. D. McMechan, R. A. Price
Petroleum Source Potential of the Boundary Creek Formation, Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin
Lloyd R. Snowdon
Cyclicity and the Facies Model Concept in Fluvial Deposits
Andrew D. Miall
The Geology of the 1977 Offshore Hydrocarbon Discoveries in the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, N.W.T.
P. B. Jones, J. Brache, J. K. Lentin
The Organic Petrology of the Upper Cretaceous Boundary Creek Formation, Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin
Stephen Creaney
Subsurface Fluid Environments and the Potentiometric Surface: A Do-It-Yourself Exercise: GEOLOGICAL NOTE
Eric Dahlerg