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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
CSPG Bulletin
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Subsurface Correlation of Bentonite Beds in the Lower Cretaceous Viking Formation of South-Central Alberta
L. C. Amajor, J. F. Lerbekmo
Diagenesis and Rock-Fluid Interactions in the Cadotte Member From a Well in Northeastern British Columbia.
Mark Thomas, Brian Miller
Microvisual Studies of Size Distribution of Oil Droplets in Porous Media
E.O. Egbogah, R.A. Dawe
Basinal Isostatic Adjustment Faults and their Petroleum Significance
Roy M. P. Jones
Problems with Plate Tectonics: The Labrador Sea
A. C. Grant
Did Greenland Drift Along Nares Strait?
J. WM. Kerr
A New Approach to Sediment Diagenesis, by J. N. Van Elsberg: DISCUSSION
Kinji Magara
Reply to K. Magara's Discussion of "A New Approach to Sediment Diagenesis": REPLY
J. N. Van Elsberg
Structural Evolution of the Hosmer Thrust Sheet, Southeastern British Columbia: DISCUSSION
Alan McGugan
Reply to Discussion by Alan McGugan on Structural Evolution of the Hosmer Thrust Sheet, Southeastern British Columbia: REPLY
Raymond A. Price, Gary L. Benvenuto