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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
CSPG Bulletin
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Sedimentology, Palynology and Source Rock Potential of Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian) Rocks, Conche Area, Great Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland.
A.P. Hamblin, M.G. Fowler, J. Utting, D. Hawkins, C.L. Riediger
Petroleum Resource Potential of the Queen Charlotte Basin and Environs, West Coast Canada
J.R. Dietrich
Magnetobiostratigraphy of Late Maastrichtian to Early Paleocene Strata of the Hand Hills, South Central Alberta, Canada
J.F. Lerbekmo, A.R. Sweet, D.R. Braman
Notes on Changing Paleoenvironments Across the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary (Scollard Formation) in the Red Deer River Valley of Southern Alberta
David A. Eberth, Shaun C. O'Connell
Apatite Fission-Track Dating of Two Crater Structures in the Canadian Williston Basin
Barry P. Kohn, Kirk G. Osadetz, Ruth K. Bezys
Lithoprobe Basin-Scale Seismic Profiling in Central Alberta: Influence of Basement on the Sedimentary Cover
D.W. Eaton, B. Milkereit, G.M. Ross, E.R. Kanasewich, W. Geis, D.J. Edwards, L. Kelsch, J. Varsek