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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
CSPG Bulletin
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Implications of Apatite Fission Track Analysis for the Thermal History of the Scotian Basin, Offshore Nova Scotia, Canada
G. Li, C.E. Ravenhurst, M. Zentilli
The Thermal Evolution and Timing of Hydrocarbon Generation in the Maritimes Basin of Eastern Canada: Evidence from Apatite fission Track Data
A.M. Grist, R.J. Ryan, M. Zentilli
Geology and Hydrocarbon Habitat in Rift Setting: Northern and Central Gulf of Suez, Egypt
A.S. Alsharhan, M.G. Salah
Organic Maturation and Petroleum Source Rock Potential of Tofino Basin, Southwestern British Columbia
R.M. Bustin
Petroleum Geochemistry and Hydrocarbon Potential of Cambrian and Ordovician Rocks of Western Newfoundland
M.G. Fowler, L.D. Stasiuk, A.P. Hamblin, D. Hawkins, I. Knight
Dolomites of the Middle Devonian Elm Point Formation, Southern Manitoba: Intrinsic Controls on Early Dolomitization
Nancy Chow, Frederick J. Longstaffe
Biostratigraphic and Sequence Stratigraphic Relationships of Upper Carboniferous Conodont and Foraminifer Distribution, Canadian Arctic Archipelago
Charles M. Henderson, Sylvie Pinard, Benoit Beauchamp