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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
CSPG Bulletin
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Mass Balance and Fluid Flow Constraints on Regional-Scale Dolomitization, Late Devonian, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
Michael J. Shields, Patrick V. Brady
Genetic and Stratigraphic Significance of the Upper Devonian Frasnian Z Marker, West-Central Alberta
Jack Wendte, Myles Bosman Frank Stoakes, Lawrence Bernstein
Kilometre-Scale Microbial Buildups in a Rimmed Carbonate Platform Succession, Arctic Canada: New Insight on Lower Ordovician Reef Facies
Tim De Freitas, Ulrich Mayr
Productivity Versus Preservation Controls on Two Organic-Rich Carbonate Facies in the Devonian of Alberta: Sedimentological and Organic Petrological Evidence
Nancy Chow, Jack Wendte, Lavern D. Stasiuk
Lithofacies Associations and Depositional Environments in the Middle Triassic Doig Formation, Buick Creek Field, Northeastern British Columbia
Richard W. Evoy, Thomas F. Moslow
Geoindicators of Rapid Environmental Change: Report on the International Workshop on Geological Indicators of Rapid Environmental Change: CONFERENCE REPORT
Dr. J. McCall, Dr. D.C. Elliott