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CSPG Bulletin
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Foreword — Thematic studies in Bowser and Sustut Basins: establishing a geoscience framework for future resource assessment and development
Carol A. Evenchick, Filippo Ferri
Evidence of different contractional styles along foredeep margins provided by Gilbert deltas: examples from Bowser Basin, British Columbia, Canada
Brian D. Ricketts, Carol A. Evenchick
Nature, origin and tectonic significance of anomalous transverse structures, southeastern Skeena Fold Belt, British Columbia
Margot McMechan
Seismic tomographic cross-sections of the Bowser Basin in northwest British Columbia, Canada
David B. Snyder, Brian J. Roberts
Compositions and significance of crude oil stains in Bowser and Sustut basins (Intermontane Belt) British Columbia
K.G. Osadetz, C. Jiang, C.A. Evenchick, F. Ferri, L.D. Stasiuk, N.S.F. Wilson, M. Hayes
Diagenetic remagnetization in Bowser Basin: implications for timing and tectonics
Randolph J. Enkin, Judith Baker, Carol A. Evenchick
Whole-rock geochemistry and heavy mineral analysis as petroleum exploration tools in the Bowser and Sustut basins, British Columbia, Canada
K.T. Ratcliffe, A.C. Morton, D.H. Ritcey, C.A. Evenchick
Seepage of biogenic natural gas in the Intermontane Belt of the Canadian Cordillera
K.G. Osadetz, C.A. Evenchick, F. Ferri, B. Mayer, L.R. Snowdon