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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin

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Introduction to the Special Edition from the 2014 Gussow Conference on Advances in Applied Geomodeling

David L. Garner, Olena Babak, Clayton V. Deutsch

A Review of Three Geostatistical Techniques for Realistic Geological Reservoir Modeling Integrating Multi-scale Data

Brigitte Doligez, Mickaele Le Ravalec, Sarah Bouquet, Mathilde Adelinet

Stratigraphic Rule-based Reservoir Modeling

Michael J. Pyrcz, Richard P. Sech, Jacob A. Covault, Brian J. Willis, Zoltan Sylvester, Tao Sun

Surface Prediction using Rejection Sampling to Handle Non-linear Constraints

Petter Abrahamsen, Pål Dahle, Vera Louise Hauge, Ariel Almendral-Vazquez, Maria Vigsnes

A Discussion of the Importance of Particle Size Distribution Data for Characterizing Athabasca Oil Sands

Olena Babak

Advances in Micromodeling using Resistivity Borehole Images

John G. Manchuk, David L. Garner, Clayton V. Deutsch

Optimization of Variograms used for Truncated Plurigaussian Simulation

Samaneh Sadeghi, Jeff B. Boisvert

Use of Connection Constraints for Checking and Enhancing Geological Models

Jean-Marc Chautru, Renaud Meunier, Hélène Binet, Matthieu Bourges

Stochastic Regridding of Geological Models for Flow Simulation

Saina Lajevardi, Clayton V. Deutsch

Enabling Cross-discipline Collaboration and Forward Modeling through Advanced Subsurface Geocellular Earth Modeling

Ronald Dusterhoft, Shameem Siddiqui, Carlos Davila