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East Texas Geological Society

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Alabama Ferry (Glen Rose) Field, Leon County, Texas

Nick Pollard

Ann McKnight (Paluxy) Field, Smith County, Texas

James P. Balkey

Bellwood Lake (Paluxy) Field, Smith County, Texas

Richard Griffin

Cyril (Travis Peak 7650) Field, Rusk County, Texas

C.F. "Casey" Clawson, II

Damascus (Woodbine) Field, Angelina and Polk Counties, Texas

D.C. Havron

Danville (Pettet) Field, Gregg and Rusk Counties, Texas

Micheal Snell, John C. Robbins

Eustace (Smackover) Field, Henderson County, Texas

Charles P. Doubek

Eylau, Tophat and West Texarkana (Smackover, Eagle Mills) Field Complex, Bowie County, Texas

Mike Green

Ezim (Pettet) Field, Rusk County, Texas

D.W. Mize

Ginger and Ginger SE (Smackover) Fields, Rains County, Texas

Charles P. Doubek

Kerens South (Woodbine) Field, Navarro County, Texas

Alan K. Jasper, W.O. Wagner

Martins Mill (Rodessa) Field, Van Zandt County, Texas

Alan T. Bryan

McBee (Rodessa, Travis Peak) Field, Leon County, Texas

David M. Nentwig

McLeod, North (Smackover) Field, Cass County, Texas

Jim Fox

Merigale-Paul (Paluxy) Field, Wood County, Texas

Clifford A. Walker

Michael Birch (Rodessa, Pettet) Field Area, Freestone County, Texas

Steve White and Jim Ewbank

Occurrence of Oil and Gas in Northeast Texas. Front Matter: CONTENTS / PREFACE

Frank A. Herald

Overton Northeast (Pettet) Field, Rusk County, Texas

Alan K. Jasper, Russ A. Berkoben

Percy Wheeler (Travis Peak, Rodessa, Pettet) Field, Cherokee County, Texas

John Charles Welch

Pine Mills (Woodbine, Subclarksville, Paluxy) Field Area, Wood County, Texas

William E. Godsey

Pokey (Travis Peak, Pettet, Rodessa) Field, Limestone County, Texas

Ken Sands

Rischers Store (Travis Peak, Pettet, Rodessa, Woodbine) Field, Freestone County, Texas

Mark Brown

Running Duke (Rodessa) Field, Houston County, Texas

Russell W. Jackson

Scoober Creek and Tip (Rodessa) Fields, Rusk County, Texas

Phillip W. Shoemaker

Shady Lane (Rodessa) Field, Harrison County, Texas

Clyde R. Seewald

Tecula (Eagle Ford) Field, Cherokee County, Texas

Chris H. Reed

Trawick (Travis Peak, James) Field, Nacogdoches and Rusk Counties, Texas

Robin F. Boyd and Leslie P. White