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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
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Net Benefit of Well Purging Reevaluated
Paul D. Lundegard, Ken Williams, Anthony Martinez, Seth Daugherty
Shallow High-Resolution Seismic Reflection to Delineate Upper 400 m around a Collapse Feature in Central Kansas
Richard D. Miller, Ana Villella, Jianghai Xia
Perspectives on Environmental Risk Management at Hydrocarbon Contaminated Sites
David Hippensteel
Remote Sensing Applications to Evaluating Patterns of Coastal Erosion around the Niger River Delta, West Africa
Adewale A. Sobande
Application of Environmental Organic Petrology and Geochemistry to Fingerprint Organic Pollutants in the Recent Sediments of Lake Ontario
P. K. Mukhopadhyay, M. A. Kruge, C. F. M. Lewis
Pitfalls in Statistics for Environmental Sampling Evaluation
Yue Rong
Aspects of Environmental Cost Accounting
Dana R. Hayworth