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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
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Accounting for sediment sources and sinks in the linear regression analysis of the suspended sediment load of streams: The Rio Puerco, New Mexico, as an example
Isam E. Amin, Alan M. Jacobs
Concentrations of heavy metals and hydrocarbons in groundwater near petrol stations and mechanic workshops in Calabar metropolis, southeastern Nigeria
T. N. Nganje, A. E. Edet, S. J. Ekwere
Geologic and anthropogenic factors influencing karst development in the Frederick region of Maryland
David K. Brezinski
Combination of natural gums and synthetic surfactants for washing of a soil highly contaminated with crude
Luis G. Torres, Patricia Zavala, Margarita Beltrn, Mabel Vaca, Rosario Iturbe