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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Fort Worth Geological Society
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Depositional Setting of Lowstand Carbonates in BC (Canyon) Field, Howard County, West Texas*
Arthur H. Saller, Matthew J. Frankforter, Stacie A. Boyd
Developing New Oil Reserves in the N.E. I.A.B. Unit, Coke County, Texas: An Abandoned Waterflood Project*
Charles E. Mear, John M. O'Rear
Faces and Depositional Environments of the Lower Cretaceous (Middle Albian) Finlay Limestone, Western Trans-Pecos Texas*
Vincent E. Malott, Donald F. Reaser
Glacial-Eustatic Sea-Level Fluctuation Curve for Carboniferous-Permian Boundary Strata based on Outcrops in the North American Midcontinent and North-Central Texas*
Darwin R. Boardman II, Merlynd K. Nestell
Lithostratigraphy, Sedimentation, and Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Triassic Dockum Formation, West Texas*
Spencer G. Lucas, Orin J. Anderson
Looking Back to Find the Future*
Maynard F. Ayler
Recognizing Bell Canyon and Cherry Canyon "Behind Pipe" Pay Sandstones, Reeves and Culberson Counties, Texas*
G.B. Asquith, M.D. Thomerson, M.D. Arnold
Sequence Stratigraphy, Systems Tracts, and Mapping Strategies for the Subsurface Middle and Upper Pennsylvanian of the Eastern Shelf, North-Central Texas*
Arthur W. Cleaves
Table of Contents
Rex E. Crick
Trapping Mechanisms in Arbuckle Group Sediments, Eastern Major County, Oklahoma*
Jeffrey Heyer