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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions

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Abstract: An Analysis of Electrical Logging Devices; Their Advantages and Limitations

D. L. McCray

Abstract: Cheniers of Vermilion Parish, Louisiana: Their Relation to Mississippi River Delta Chronology

Jack R. Van Lopik , Wm. G. McIntire

Abstract: Chief Tool of the Petroleum Exploration Geologist--The Subsurface Structural Map

Louie Sebring, Jr.

Abstract: Citronelle Field Mobile County, Alabama

Everett Eaves

Abstract: Fault Map of South Louisiana

W. E. Wallace

Abstract: Foraminiferal Faunules from the Mudlumps

Harold V. Andersen

Abstract: Geology of Fish Passes

E. Alan Lohse

Abstract: Gravity Survey Over a Continental Shelf Mound

L. L. Nettleton

Abstract: Mechanics of Basin Evolution and its Relation to the Habitat of Oil in the Basin

K. F. Dallmus

Abstract: Preliminary Report on Slocum Area Anderson County, Texas

John L. Read, Jr.

Abstract: Recent and Pleistocene Deposits of the Mississippi Delta Platform

Thomas J. Zimmerman

Abstract: Recent Developments in the Smackover Trend of North Louisiana

G. B. Hickok

Abstract: Subsurface Quaternary Stratigraphy in Coastal Louisiana and Adjacent Continental Shelf

E. McFarlan, Jr. (), M. R. Thomson ()

Abstract: Summary of Oil Occurrence in the Anahuac and Frio Formations of Texas and Louisiana

Ray A. Burke

Abstract: The Frio Formation in the Upper Gulf Coast of Texas

A. M. Tolbert

The Anahuac and Frio Sediments in Louisiana

A. D. Warren

Changes in the Louisiana Shoreline

James P. Morgan, Philip B. Larimore

Chloride Ion Concentration in Formation Waters of Northeast Texas

Ralph E. Tenny

Edwards Limestone Exploration in Webb, Lasalle, McMullen, and Live Oak Counties, Texas

Charles E. Kimmell

Edwards Limestone Fields of Atascosa County, Texas

Robert M. Knebel , Franklin C. Jones

Eocene - Oligocene Boundary, Eastern Gulf Coast Region

Alan Cheetham

Faulting and Superficial Structures in East-Central Texas

William L. Russell

Geologic Occurrence of Hydrocarbons in Gulf Coastal Province of the United States(1)

Grover E. Murray

Geology and Geophysics of the Gulf of Mexico

Paul L. Lyons ()

Geology and Unitization of Soso Field

Max Newsom

Geophysics Along the Edwards Trend

W. Lee Moore

Interpretation and Application of Side Wall Core Analysis Data

F. O. Reudelhuber, J. E. Furen

Lower Cretaceous (Edwards) Oil Fields, Caldwell and Guadalupe Counties, Texas (1)

W. J. Hendy

Miocene Geology of Southeastern Louisiana

C. M. McLean

A New Log: The Induction-Electrical Log Combination

C. A. Doh , M. P. Tixier

The Oil Exploration Aureole

R. A. Steinmayer

Petroleum Geology of the Anahuac and Frio Formations of Northeastern Mexico

Lauro A. Yzaguirre

Production and Drilling Techniques and Costs for Deep Edwards Limestone in McMullen and LaSalle Counties of Southwest Texas

Duward W. Dassow

A Quaternary Molluscan Assemblage from Orleans Parish, Louisiana

Charles L. Rowett

The Recent Marine Sediments and Pleistocene Surface of Matagorda Bay, Texas

David Bruce Fagg

Recent Ostracode Facies from Panama City to Florida Bay Area

Harbans S. Puri , Neil C. Hulings

Recent Sediments from the East Bay, Galveston, Texas

Donald J. Weintritt , Paul H. Fan

Resume of the Lower Cretaceous of South Texas

Edman R. Zink ()

The South Texas Frio Trend

Ray B. Johnson , Harold E. Mathy

A Study of the Foraminifera and Sediments of Matagorda Bay, Texas

Edward H. Shenton