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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions

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Age of the Balcones Igneous Province, South-Central Texas: Additional Revisions

Mark E. Thompson

Alteration of Volcanic Grains to Glauconite in the Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk Formation in the Balcones Igneous Province, South and Central Texas: Implications for Depositional History

Robert G. Loucks, Robert M. Reed

Characterization of the Upper Cretaceous Del Rio–Buda Section on the Drowned, Outer Comanche Platform in South Texas and Implications for Reservoir Development and Exploration

Robert. G. Loucks, Ahmed Alnahwi, Priyanka Periwal

Chemostratigraphic Variability of the Wolfcamp Group Core in Winkler County, Texas: Insights from Geochemical Proxies and Mudstone Composition

Maria A. Gutierrez, Eric J. Peavey, Arthur Donovan, Michael C. Pope

The Coming Commodity Super Cycle

William DeMis

Comparison of the Characteristics of Cretaceous Salt Deposition in Brazil with Jurassic Salt Deposition in the Gulf of Mexico

Sharon Cornelius

First Record of Ranikothalia catenula (Cushman and Jarvis) from the Late Paleocene Salt Mountain Limestone of Alabama

Belkasim Khameiss, Richard Fluegeman

Frontmatter: GeoGulf Transactions: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies

James J. Willis, Norman C. Rosen, Dorene West, Jill C. Willis

Gulf Coast Giant and Super-Giant Fields (Onshore and Offshore): Analogs to Help us Find More

Charles A. Sternbach, Richard S. Bishop

Identification of Producible and Bypassed Pay Oil Zones in the Smackover Formation by Using API Gravity Determined on Core Samples Together with Determination of Recoverable Oil Reserves through Pyrolysis Analysis

Albert Maende, Wesley Ingram, W. David Weldon

Interactive Framework for Prospects Volume Assessment in the Gulf Coast

Jean-Marie Laigle

Late 1990s Downdip Austin Chalk Play Led to the Eagle Ford Shale Play

William DeMis

Late Paleocene Foraminifera from the Toulmin Bed of the Salt Mountain Limestone, Alabama

Belkasim Khameiss, Richard Fluegeman

The Mystery of the Missing Eagle Ford Bentonites

Leah Evans, Arthur Donovan, Michael Pope

Outcrops of the Upper Simsboro to Lower Calvert Bluff Formations (Wilcox Group)

Peter Flaig, Christopher Denison, William Ambrose

Recent Rock Discoveries at Pilot Knob Volcano, Austin, Texas

Alan J. Cherepon

Regional Sequence Stratigraphy, Biostratigraphy, Facies, and Depositional Environments of the Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk in South and Central Texas

Christine Griffith, James Pospichal, Eric de Kaenel, Michael Pope, and Arthur Donovan

Revision of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Chronostratigraphy of Belize

David T. King, Jr., Lucille W. Petruny

Salt Cavern Storage Potential in the Gulf Coast of Texas

Harold H. Rogers, III

Saratoga Chalk Update

Donald W. Downey

Slump Folding Versus Tectonic Folding in the Cretaceous Eagle Ford and Equivalent Boquillas Formations, Southwestern Texas

David A. Ferrill, Kevin J. Smart, Daniel J. Lehrmann, Alan P. Morris, Ronald N. McGinnis

The Smackover-Norphlet Petroleum System: Comparisons of the U.S. Gulf Coast, U.S. Deep Water, and Shallow Waters of Mexico’s Sureste Basin

Ted Godo

Understanding Holographic Imaging of Seismic Data— Contrast with Signal Processing Imaging Methods

Norman S. Neidell

Water Ice Resources on the Moon

William A. Ambrose, Bruce L. Cutright