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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
GEO ExPro Magazine
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Central Utah Thrust Belt: Tectonics of a New Exploration Province
Rasoul Sorkhabi, Greg Nash
Changing Exploration Focus Paved Way for Success
Tong Xiaoguang, Shi Buqing
Demonstrating Capability
Trond Gravem
Discovery Shows Onshore Potential
Jane Whaley
Dolomite-Limestone Alternations — from Outcrop to 3D Model
Wolfgang Blendinger, Edwin Meißner
Encouraging Exploration
Halfdan Carstens
Episodic Global Tectonics: Sequence Stratigraphy Meets Plate Tectonics
Ashton Embry
Frontier with High Expectations
Morten Smelror, Roger Key, Elias Daudi, Fernando Njange
Huge Potential Still Waiting in the Gulf of Mexico
Jane Whaley
Improving Seismic Quality
Jane Whaley
India – An Unprecedented Opportunity
Jane Whaley
Managing the Future
Halfdan Carstens
Microscopic Fossils Help Steer the Drillbit
Håvard Selnes
Much Ado about Nothing?
Lars Edward Kjellesvik
New Life for Overthrust Belt
Thomas Smith
Offshore West-Greenland
GeoExPro Staff
An Oil Prone Frontier Basin
Lane Franks, Daire Sloan, Mark Sloan, Chris J. Matchette-Downes
Quantum Leap for Seismic
Halfdan Carstens
Remote Sensing — The Rise of the Virtual Geologist
Jane Whaley
Revolutionising History Matching and Uncertainty Assessment
Jens-Petter Nørgård
The Sub-Salt Imaging Challenge
Jane Whaley
Targeting Giants in Kurdistan
Halfdan Carstens
Ten Reasons Why 3D Geo-Modeling and Flow Simulation must be Integrated
Emmanuel Gringarten
Towards a New Era
Halfdan Carstens
Twilight Years for the North Sea?
Jane Whaley