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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GEO ExPro Magazine

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4D Seismic – Status and Future Challenges

Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø

4D Seismic – Status and Future Challenges

Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø

America’s Last Frontier

Thomas Smith

The Azolla Story: Climate Change and Arctic Hydrocarbons

Jane Whaley

Borehole Images: Present and Future Applications

Jeremy Lofts, Stephen Morris, Baker Hughes

Bridging the Gap Between Reservoir and Seismic

Mike Branston

Cable-Free Freedom

Bob Heath

Challenging the Established Truths

Laurent Gernigon, Odleiv Olesen, Continental Shelf Geophysics team NGU

Connecting the Geologist to the Digital Oilfield

Jane Whaley

De-Risking Exploration with CSEM

Ross Bethell

Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico


Deep Structure: Strength Through Integration in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico

GeoExPro Staff

Deepwater Lures Statoil Back

Thomas Smith

Do OPEC Reserves Figures Matter?

Jane Whaley

East African Exploration: Myths, Myopia and Misinformation?

Jane Whaley

Entering the Oil Sands


Exorcising the Ghosts – The New Streamer Technology Launched by PGS

Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø

Free at Last

GeoExPro Staff

Geological History of the Arctic Ocean

Jane Whaley

Hollywood Pay-Dirt and the Active Basin

Thomas Smith

Imaging Deep into the Gulf of Mexico

Thomas Smith

Improving Structural Imaging

Svein-Erik Sjulsen, Chris Stevens

Ireland: 90% Undiscovered, Undeveloped – and Underwater

Jane Whaley

Laptev Sea: A Frontier Arctic Basin

Edward Dongarov

Like Everywhere You’ve Never Been

Jane Whaley

Listening with Light!

Jane Whaley

The Luva Gas Field: Detailed Analyses Reveal Subtle Anomaly

Halfdan Carstens

A New Look into the Norwegian Barents Sea

Tore Nordtømme Hansen

The North Sea: Deep Imaging

Jørn B. Christiansen, TGS

Norwegian Sea: Deep Penetration

GEO ExPro, Fugro

The Norwegian Sea – Exploration in a Frontier Province

David Mudge, Malcolm Gall, Katrine Holdoway

OIL on Troubled Waters

Susan Turner

Oil Under Foot

Thomas Smith

Producing Gas from Shales

Thomas Smith

The Reality of Reserve Growth

Mahendra K. Verma

Real Time Formation Evaluation

Jane Whaley

Safeguarding the “Crown Jewels”

James Pritchett

Searching for Stratigraphic Traps

Jane Whaley, Robert Trice

Sediment Compaction the Achilles’ Heel of Basin Modelling

Roy H. Gabrielsen

Significant Gas Potential in an Underexplored Basin

Prithiraj Chungkham

A Sleeping Giant Awakes

Steve Toothill

Targeting Deeper

Halfdan Carstens

UKCS Activity and the Acreage Supply Gap

Andrew Vinall, Chris Bulley, Jim Hannon

Visualising the Subsurface: From 2D to 3D

Jane Whaley