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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
GEO ExPro Magazine
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3D Contrast Property Mapping to Enhance Subsurface Mapping Visualisation
Robert Van Eykenhof, Etienne Wildeboer Schut, Vincent Aubin
Andaman Basin
Gary Scaife, Andy Billings
The Application of Microseismics in the Oil and Gas Industry
Kim Gunn Maver, Shawn Maxwell, Nick Koutsabeloulis, Robert Greenaway
Bay of Bengal: Many Possibilities and Challenges Ahead
Ian Blakeley
Beyond Tadpoles, Beyond SCAT
Jim Morse, Dimitri Massaras
Bright Future for Brazil’s Newest Independent?
Thomas Smith
Buried Treasure in Jamaica
Chris Machette-Downes
Carnarvon Basin: Continuing Exploration Success with Eendracht 3D
Barrett Cameron, FUGRO
A Classic Southern North Sea Analogue
Bernard Cooper
CSEM Reduces Exploration Risk
GEO ExPro Staff
Depth Imaging — Seeing the Invisible
Vetle Vinje
Drilling Uphill
Paul Wood
Exploration and Beyond
Paul Wood
Faroe Islands: Increasing Activity Shows Promise
Jane Whaley
The First Oil Discoveries in the Middle East
Rasoul Sorkhabi
The First UK Giant Oil Field
Jane Whaley
Ghawar, Saudi Arabia: The King of Giant Fields
Rasoul Sorkhabi
Grabbing a Larger Share of the Market
Halfdan Carstens
Is the ‘Shale Gale’ Blowing Itself Out?
David Bamford
Kurdistan: Safe and Secure, with Billion Barrel Prospects
Jane Whaley
The Lofoten Islands
Alozie-Davies Okere
A Long and Winding Road
David Bamford
Marine Seismic Sources: Part I: Air-Guns for Non Experts
Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø
Marine Seismic Sources: Part II: Air-Gun Arrays for Non Experts
Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø
Marine Seismic Sources: Part III: A Feeling for Decibels
Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø
Marine Seismic Sources: Part IV
Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø
Marine Seismic Sources: Part V: The Hearing of Marine Animals
Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø
Microseeps: The Only Real DHI?
Jane Whaley
Mining Heat
Paul Wood
Miri 1910: The Centenary of Oil Discovery in Sarawak
Rasoul Sorkhabi
The NE Greenland Continental Margin
Menno G. Dinkelman, James W. Granath, Richard Whittaker, ION Geophysical
New Insights into Australia’s Bight Basin
Thomas Smith, ION Geophysical
The Next Global Frontier
Jane Whaley
Northeast Atlantic Continental Margin: Improved Sub-basalt Imaging
Menno G. Dinkelman, Paul Keane
The North Falkland Basin
David Bamford
The Norwegian Sea: Improved Imaging with Long Offset Data
Lars S. Eikum, FUGRO
Permanent Seismic Monitoring of the Ekofisk Field
Per Gunnar Folstad
The Qatar Oil Discoveries of 1940 and 1960
Rasoul Sorkhabi
The Road to OPEC 1960
Rasoul Sorkhabi
Senegal: Still Looking for the ‘Big One’
Jane Whaley
Shetland Rocks! Improved Sub-Basalt Structural Imaging
Bent Baumbach, TGS
Sourcing an Oil Boom
Tom Smith
Two Frontier Basins Come to Light
Ian Davison, Menno G. Dinkelman, Wouter Kool, GEO International Ltd., ION’s G
An Underexplored Salt Province
Jane Whaley
Western Canada’s First Oil Discovery: Promises of Fortunes End in Disappointment
Thomas Smith
West Loppa: A Hot Spot in the Barents Sea
Rupert Hoare, Paul Bathurst
Why So Much Oil in the Middle East?
Rasoul Sorkhabi