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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
GEO ExPro Magazine
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Adventures in Middle Eastern Oil
M. Quentin Morton
AI: a Game Changer in Seismic Acquisition and Processing
Matt Deighton, Sverre Olsen
AI Seismic Interpretation for a Better, More Sustainable Tomorrow
Ryan Williams, Chris Han, Peter Szafian, Mark Brownless, James Lowell, Geoteric
Alaska Anxiously Awaits its Fate
Heather Saucier
Australia's Beetaloo Shale Play
Jonathan Craig
Barents Sea: New TopSeis Images Illuminate Near-field Opportunities
Gustav Aagenes Ersdal, Idar Kjørlaug, CGG
The Bear in the Room
Iain Brown
Behind the Hybrid Curtain
Karyna Rodriguez, Neil Hodgson
Big Questions and Challenges in Geoscience
Rasoul Sorkhabi
Can Sparse OBN Equal Savings and Data Quality?
Yannick Cobo, Rodrigo Felicio, Carlos Calderon, Paul Farmer, ION
A Carbon-Free Russia: Barriers and Opportunities
Jane Whaley
Countdown to CCS
Will Bradbury, Alex Kurobasa, Bent Kjølhamar, TGS
Critical Minerals From Sedimentary Basins
Rasoul Sorkhabi
Delivering a Geological Service for Europe
Kris Piessens, Gregor Götzl, Klaus Hinsby, Jørgen Tulstrup, Antje Wittenberg, Serge van Gessel, Joop Hasselman
Driving a Quantum Leap in E&P Efficiency
James L. Etienne
From Agua Caliente ('Hot Water') to Aceite Caliente! ('Hot Oil!')
Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriquez, Dennys Uyen, Julia Davies, Lauren Found, Discover Geoscience, Searcher
From Arrhenius to CO2 Storage: Part XI: How Earth's IR Photons are Transferred in the Atmosphere in the Presence of CO2
Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø
From Arrhenius to CO2 Storage: Part XII: Model for Radiative Transfer of Fluxes in the Temperature-Stratified Atmosphere
Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø
From Arrhenius to CO2 Storage: Part XIII: The Temperature Profile in a Grey Atmosphere
Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø
Gas Flaring
John-Henry Charles, Brian Hepp, Mark Davis
GeoStreamer X Delivers Near-Field Multi-Azimuth Dataset for Accurate Lead Characterisation, South Viking Graben, Norway
Cyrille Reiser, Eric Mueller, PGS
Geothermal Energy
Ellie Maccines
Gippsland Basin, Australia: New Data Reveals Further Potential in a Mature Basin
Jarrad Grahame, Keat Huat Teng, Iain Burnie, CGG
Gradiometry — The New Standard
Christopher van Galder, Alessandro Colla, Dan DiFrancesco
The Greater Orphan Basin: Unraveling Newfoundland's Emerging Energy Plays
Hermann Lebit, Yermek Balabekov, Taylor Buckley, PGS
Hot Enough in the South-East Adriatic?
Tiago Cunha, Laura Milne, Leonidas Gouliotis, George Panagopoulos, Panagiotis Konstantopoulos, Dennis Anestoudis
How Machine Learning is Helping Seismic Structural Interpreters in The Age of Big Data
Çağil Karakaş, James Kiely
Increasing Energy While Decreasing Carbon
Jane Whaley
The Incredible World of Fossils
James Etienne
A Journey of a Thousand Miles
Wissam Chbat, Wael Khatib, Jad Abi Khalil
Know Before You Go!
Lars Zühlsdorff, Trond Haugland
A Long Route to Lake Kivu
Philip Morkel
Mature Fields: Easing into Retirement or a Second Career?
Douglas Peacock
Mexico: Onshore to Offshore
M. Quentin Morton
Microbial Magic
Mart Zijp, Theo Mallinson
Natural Gas: Underexplored in Bangladesh?
Thomas L. Davis, Badrul Imam
NE Mongolia (Tamtsag Basin) Block XX Exploitation Licence
Mike Lakin, Envoi Ltd, Petro Matad
The Net-Zero Transition: An Important Conversation
James Ball
New Life for Legacy Well Cuttings
Jack Cawthorne, Mike Snape, Douglas Langton, Peter Wellsbury, Andrew Barnwell
New Life for Old Wells
Joseph Batir, Alan J. Cohen, Hamed Soroush
Nimble Nodes
Amine Ourabah
North Sea Core: An Undervalued Asset
K. A. Wright, H. Kombrink
Offshore Colombia: Discovering New Value in Legacy Data Using Modern Workflows
Kyle Reuber, Antara Goswami, Darren Judd, Shihong Chi, ION
The Outer Rovuma Fan
Gregor Duval, Madhurima Bhattacharya
The Power of Data
Jane Whaley
Productive Petroleum Basins of Morocco
Stuart Harker
Quantitative Interpretation Reveals Prospectivity of the Kwanza Shelf, Offshore Angola
Roberto Ruiz, Cyrille Reiser, Avril Burrell, PGS, Jean Afonso Colsoul, Naire Judith Ricardo Cahumba Quenge, ANPG
Revealing the Intra-Zechstein Prospectivity on the UK Mid North Sea High
Paul Bellingham, Will Reid, Emily Kay, Neil Hurst, ION Geophysical
Robots on the Seabed
Iain Brown
Seabed Mineral Exploration
Richard Cooper
Secure Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste
Kirsty Simpson
A Sleeping Giant
Heather Saucier
South Africa Poised for Exploration Greatness
Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez, Julia Davies
South East Asia: Renewables Moving Centre Stage
Jane Whaley
A Straightforward Workflow for Monitoring CO2 Storage
Marc-Antoine Dupont, Sven Philit, Fabien Cubizolle
The Supercontinent Cycle: Patterns and Impacts
Rasoul Sorkhabi
Suriname's Demerara
Clément Blaizot
Sustainable Geophysics
Jane Whaley
Timor-Leste: Exploration Renaissance
Peter Elliott
True Hybrid 3D
Jeroen Hoogeveen, Kristen Berli, Lars Ivar Leivestad, Tor Åkermoen, Geoex MCG
UK Continental Shelf: An Evolution in 3D Seismic Imaging of the Central North Sea
Matthew Dack, Gregor Duval, CGG
UK Onshore Palaeozoic
Oliver Button
Ultra-Long Offsets Signal a Bright Future for OBN
Duncan Bate, Mike Perz, TGS
Unconventionals in Mexico
Alfredo E. Guzmán
Undiscovered Potential in the Basement
Tako Koning, Nick Cameron, John Clure
Unlocking Potential in South East Asia
Max Webb
Vintage Maps Reborn
Steve Parker
The West of Shetland Petroleum System
J. Moore, Z. He
What Can Multiscale 3D Imaging Do for Energy Geoscience?
Kevin G. Taylor, Lin Ma
What Does It Mean When Bottom Simulators Are Black Swans?
Karyna Rodriguez, Neil Hodgson, Julia Davies, Searcher Seismic, Discover Geoscience
What Drives Continents Apart?
Robert Maurer
Wild Roving with Percy
Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez, Iain Brown
The Winning of Romanian Oil
M. Quentin Morton