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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
GEO ExPro Magazine
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Adapting Conventional E&P Workflows to Scale Up Hydrogen and Helium Exploration
Marc-Antoine Dupont, Emmanuelle Baudia, Nicolas Daynac
Angolan Kwanza Basin – Expanding Proven Opportunities
Madhurima Bhattacharya, Harrison Moore
Artificial Intelligence – Its Use in Exploration and Production. Part 1: What is it really and what are its limitations?
Barrie Wells
Attention for Andaman
Ian Cross
Barents Sea Geology Exposed
GEO ExPro Staff
Brazil: Losing its Way
Jane Whaley
Breaking New Ground in São Tomé & Príncipe
Peter Elliott
A Clearer Vision with Seismic Inversion
Christian Ellis, Abbie Morrison, Niall Mark, Heather Poore, Jim Jordan, Mark Pay, Frederik Horn, Henrik Juhl Hansen
Cover Story: CCS in Scandinavia
David Pickering
Cover Story: Gulf of Mexico: Mature – but significant potential
Henk Kombrink
Critical Minerals for Electric Vehicles
Iain Brown
Deep Sea Minerals
Halfdan Carstens
Halfdan Carstens
Ronny Setså
The Discovery that Changed the World
Halfdan Carstens
Energy Transition Update: Sustainable Aviation Fuels: Carbon-Free Flying?
Jane Whaley
Energy Transition Update: What is the U in CCUS?
Jane Whaley
Exploration: California Dreaming
Thomas L. Davis, Geoff Gallant
Exploration: OBN Seismic Unlocks New Play Potential
Grant Byerley, Ayman Rehan, Kareem Mondy, Oliver Cheshire, David Ginger, Abdalla Ibrahim Abouelela
Exploration: Responsible Upstream Investment in the UKCS
Graham Goffey, Nick Terrell
Exploration: The Future of Gas Exploration in the Transition
Kike Beintema
Exploration Update
Ian Blakeley
From Arrhenius to CO2 Storage: Part XIV: The Doom of a Photon on a Random Walk
Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø
A game-changing geothermal project
Henk Kombrink
Geophysics: Seeing the Whole Picture
Steve Morse, Gerrard Spear
Henk Kombrink
Henk Kombrink
Henk Kombrink
Go West: Deepwater Prospectivity in the Côte D’lvoire Basin
Avril Burrell, Elena Polyaeva, Sié Georges Kam, Samuel Essoh
History of Oil: A Time for Reflection
M. Quentin Morton
History of Oil: The History of Oil and Gas in Dragon Country
Ian Cross
HotSpot: Gas Renaissance in Europe
Peter Elliott
HotSpot: The High Impact Potential of the Orange Basin
Peter Elliott
How Stryde Enabled New African Opportunities to be Explored
Illuminating the Complex Geology of the UK Faroe Shetland Basin
Antonio Castiello, Gareth Venfield, Jens Beenfeldt
Land Plants Didn't Evolve Until the Silurian
James Etienne
Licensing Update: Egyptian Activity Buoyant with a 2022 Exploration Bid Round Expected
GEO ExPro Staff
Licensing Update: Reversal in Alaska
GEO ExPro Staff
The Many Ways Fossils Help Decode the Subsurface
James Etienne
Master's Meltdown or New Dawn
Jonathan Redfern, Bernie Vining
Maximising the Potential of Seismic Expressions by Surgical Geological Modelling and Spectral Decomposition
Lory Evano, Fabien Cubizolle
Microfossils and the World of Chalk and Chert
James Etienne
A Minute to Read
GEO ExPro Staff
Mozambique – a Gas Nation in Development
Henk Kombrink
Myanmar Oil and Gas Exploration, Delayed but not Forgotten
Thomas L. Davis
Nature Shows Off
Iain Brown
The New Gas Giants of Northwest Africa
Peter Elliott
North Africa Round-Up
Ian Cross
Henk Kombrink
Henk Kombrink
Offshore Jamaica
Mike Lakin, Paul Ryan, Myles Watson, ENVOI, UNITED OIL & GAS
Offshore Oman: Stunning Hydrocarbon Geology from a Closing Ocean
Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriquez, Julia Davies, Peter Hoiles, Saleh A Al Anboori, Searcher, Discovery Geoscience, Ministry of Energy and Minerals Oman (MEM)
The often-forgotten potential of Africa’s landlocked countries
Ian Cross
The Opening of a New Play in Norwegian Waters
Henk Kombrink
Opportunities for African Gas are Plentiful
Paul Sinclair
Palaeontology: Jurassic Deep-Sea Fishing
James Etienne
Palaeontology: “Gone Fossil Hunting...”
James Etienne
Palynology Reinvested
Mike Stephenson
Planetary Geology: The Artemis Project
Neil Hodgson, Iain Brown
Pressure is Mounting on Groningen
Henk Kombrink
The Prospective Foresets Situated Below a Polar River
GEO ExPro Staff
Recent Advances in Technology: From Arrhenius to CO2 Storage – Part XV
Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø
Regional Update: UK Unconventionals
Ian Cross
Reservoir Management: Evaluating Fluid Drainage Dynamics in Resource Plays
Craig D. Barrie, Eric Michael
Reservoir Management: Exploring Uncertainty in Subsurface Modelling and Forecasting
Jon Sætrom, Philip Neri
Reservoir Management: Who Owns the Oil?
Doug Peacock, Gaffney Cline
Seismic Foldout: Accurate Reservoir Attributes Delivered with GeoStreamer X in the South Viking Graben, Norway
Cyrille Reiser, Roberto Ruiz, Eric Mueller, Julien Oukili, PGS
Seismic Foldout: A New Arcadia: Seismic Acceleration of the Nova Scotian Margin
Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez, Peter Hoiles, Julia Davies, George Kovacic, Searcher
Seismic Foldout: Baleine Discovery: Cote D’Ivoire’s Exploration “Black Swan”
Javier Martin, CGG
Seismic Foldout: Chasing the Many Plays of the Mauritanian Margin
ION, Elisabeth Gillbard, Paul Bellingham
Seismic Foldout: Exploration Opportunities in The Gambia and Senegal
Felicia Winter, Anongporn Intawong, Paolo Esestime, TGS
Seismic Foldout: Gippsland Basin, Australia: New Data Provides Compelling Insights in Unexplored Areas
Jarrad Grahame, CGG
Seismic Foldout: New Life for the Extended Orange Basin
Felicia Winter, Anonporn Intawong, Jason Robinson, TGS UK, CGG, NAMCOR
Seismic Foldout: Northern North Sea: A Dual-Azimuth Solution
Anna Rumyantseva, Jaswinder Mann-Kalil, Idar Kjørlaug, CGG
Seismic Foldout: Potential Prospectivity Identified in the Orphan Basin
Yermek Balabekov, Yang Yang, Sriram Arasanipalai, PGS Ultima
Seismic Foldout: Seismic Imaging-Led Sedimentology Insight Reveals Extraordinary New Potential in the Gulf of Papua
Alaister Shakerley, Tim Rady, Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez, Searcher Seismic, Larus Energy
Seismic Foldout: The Gateway to India: OALP-IX Offers Industry Access to East India’s Extraordinary Hydrocarbon Basins
Neil Hodgson, Peter Hoiles, Karyna Rodriguez, Searcher
Seismic Foldout: The Most Advanced Datasets Offshore Barbados and T&T
Jeniffer Masi, Jeroen Hoogeveen, Nick Tanushev, John Walker, Alexander Mihai Popovici, Geoex MCG, Z-Terra
Seismic Foldout: The Rise of Venus in Uruguay's Pelotas Basin
Karyna Rodriguez, Neil Hodgson, Pablo Rodriguez, Bruno Conti, Hector de Santa Ana, Searcher
Seismic Foldout: The Striking Similarities between Namibia and Brazil’s Conjugate Margins
Pedro V. Zalan, Randall Etherington, Milos Cvetkovic, TGS
Seismic Foldout: UK Mid North Sea High: Defining and De-risking Exploration in the Zechstein Play
Rosie Andrews, Dale Cameron, Emily Kay, Jonathan Denly, ION
Showing Wit at Warka
Henk Kombrink
Subsurface Storage
Henk Kombrink
Henk Kombrink, C. Jenkins, P. Pestman, P. Carragher, R. M. Constable
Henk Kombrink
Sudan’s Red Sea Oil
Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez, Peter Hoiles
Technology Explained: Artificial Intelligence — Its Use in Exploration and Production: Part 3
Barrie Wells
Technology Explained: Artificial Intelligence — Its Use in Exploration and Production — Part 2
Barrie Wells
Technology Explained: From Arrhenius to CO2 Storage – Part XVI: A Greenhouse Model for Stratospheric Cooling – 2
Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø
UK North Sea: A Step-change in Imaging Quality
Steven Bowman, Ramez Refaat, Per Helge Semb
Unifying Offshore Brazil: From the Abimael Propagator to the Abrolhos Islands
Andrew Hartwig, Jonathan Denly, Jeff Faw, ION
Vertical Geology: The Biggest Flooding Event in North Sea Geological History
Henk Kombrink
Western Australia – Looking Towards a Busy Year in 2023
Henk Kombrink, Simon Molyneux, Molyneux Advisors
“All the Beautiful Domes”: Oil in Indonesia, 1871-1949
Quentin Morton