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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
GEO ExPro Magazine
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Analyzing a hydraulically fractured horizontal core to assess refrac candidates
Molly Turko, Cameron Thompson, Kourtney Brinkley, Julia Gale, Sara Elliot
Argentina’s first deep water well
Ian Cross
Australia Faces a Future of Contrasting Policies for Oil and Gas in a Rapidly Evolving Energy Landscape
Geoff Freer, NVentures
COVER STORY: Swimming in Subsurface Data
Henk Kombrink
Data Operations as a Service
Femi Makanjuola
De-risking Gas Saturation
Said Amiri Besheli, Panos Doulgeris
De-Risking the Cabora Bassa Basin
Jamie Vinnels
Ronny Setså, GEO ExPro Staff
GEO ExPro Staff
Deep Sea Minerals
Ronny Setså
Deep Sea Minerals
Geo ExPro Staff
Deep sea minerals
Geo ExPro Staff
Deep Sea Minerals
Geo ExPro Staff
Did You Know That Rocks Have Memory?
Åsmund Drottning, Per Avseth, Tore Nordtømme Hansen, DIG Science
Efficient Identification of Reservoir Flow Connections
Martin Haege, Jarle Haukås, Aicha Bounaim
The Eyes of North Sea Geology
Henk Kombrink
The future looks bright for the world’s fourth-youngest country
Ian Cross
Gas in a Zechstein carbonate platform
GEO ExPro Staff
GEO ExPro Staff
GEO ExPro Staff
Geothermal Energy
Elliot Yearsley, GEO ExPro Staff
Geothermal Energy
Elliot N. Yearsley, Geo ExPro Staff
Geothermal energy
John Gibb, Elliot Yearsley
Geothermal Energy
Geo ExPro Staff
Ghawar keeps on going
Geo ExPro Staff
Have bottom currents defined the Golden Lane and determined updip prospectivity?
Nick Cameron
The heartbeat of Europe
Ian Cross
Hotly Debated Arctic Boundaries
Ian Cross
Hot Spot – Malaysia
Mark Harris
How to promote unexplored areas?
Henk Kombrink
Interest from Majors Shows that Bangladesh is still on the Exploration Map
Thomas Davis, Badrul Imam
The Kavango Onshore Namibia – Reconafrica’s Exploration Program in One of the Most Underexplored Basins
Ansgar Wanke, Jim Granath
Keeping an eye on Cuba
Ian Cross
Machine Learning Validation: An Often Understated Requirement in Geophysics
Charles Puryear
Major Drilling campaign planned for the new mega-gas trend in Indonesia
Jonathan Craig
Mature basins still favoured for exploration dollars
Peter Elliott
Natural Fracture Networks are not Created Equal
Molly Turko
New Studies in the Levant Basin Offshore Israel
N. Stronach, M. Gaardosh, M. Kachkachev Shuifer, B. Holzweber
The Northern Perth Basin in a Nutshell
Amely Allgöwer
The northern Perth Basin in a nutshell
Amely Allgöwer
GEO ExPro Staff
GEO ExPro Staff
North West Europe
GEO ExPro Staff
North West Europe
Geo ExPro Staff
Northwest Europe
Geo ExPro Staff
Northwest Europe
Gehrig Schultz, Patrick Barnard, Geo ExPro Staff
A Novel Phanerozoic Eustatic Sea-Level Curve
Douwe Van Der Meer, Kent Wilkinson
The power of paleogeography
Henk Kombrink, Andy Horbury
Production Allocation and Fluid Fingerprinting in Conventional Reservoirs
Craig D. Barrie, Eric Michael
Progress on the UKCS online National Data Repository
Nevil Hall
Regional update – Horn of Africa
Ian Cross
Reservoir Modeling: Can we get more comfortable with uncertainty?
James Mullins, Bastian Steffens
Seismic Foldout: A big beast makes a big point
Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez, Lauren Found, Searcher
Seismic Foldout: Cameroon: Douala Kribi-Campo Basin – Seize the opportunity!
Misha Isakov, Paolo Gabrielli, Emmanuel Nformi, Shona Culwick, CGG, Blanche Mahamat, Achta Boubakar, Christophe Atangana Ndende, Société Nationale Des Hydrocarbures
Seismic Foldout: Characterising CCUS sites: Legacy data. Powered by machine learning
Mike Powney, Jeniffer Masi, Dan Austin, Theresia Citraningtyas, Monika Dyrendahl, Behzad Alaei, Anastasiia Jacobsen, Sharon Cornelius, Felix Dias, Pete Emmet, Geoex MCG, Earth Science Analytics
Seismic Foldout: Deepwater Niger Delta: Revealing the structural influence on reservoir channel deposition to highlight remaining prospectivity
Avril Burrell, Wole Oyetoran, PGS, Ahmad Abdullahi, NUPRC
Seismic Foldout: Dynamic Matching FWI + EEI makes a difference to your interpretation
Bent Kjølhamar, Adriana Citlali Ramírez, Reidun Myklebust, TGS
Seismic Foldout: Fast and Slow catastrophes trapping slope and basin floor plays
Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez, Lauren Found, Searcher
Seismic Foldout: FWI Imaging Under Complex Geological Anomalies
Adriana Citlali Ramirez, Simon Baldock, Stuart Fairhead, TGS
Seismic Foldout: Geneva: Why 3D seismic is essential for effective geothermal exploration
Thomas Bianchi, Patrick Robert, Jean-Baptiste Chalvidan, Smart Seismic Solutions
Seismic Foldout: New Geo Streamer X data for exploration, ILX and appraisal in the Norwegian Sea
Kjetil Roverud, Stefan Möller, Eric Mueller, Jens Beenfeldt, PGS
Seismic Foldout: Northern Viking Graben – Chasing the Upper Jurassic Play
Jaswinder Mann-Kalil, Anna Rumyantseva, Idar Kjørlaug, CGG
Seismic Foldout: Offshore Brazil: Reducing Risk with Regional 3D Reprocessing
Andrew Hartwig, TGS
Seismic Foldout: Quad 35 Hybrid MC3Ds: Innovative multi-parameter FWI for near field exploration
Tor Akermoen, Jeroen Hoogeveen, GEOEX MCG, Kristen Berli, Seismic Partner, Tom Rayment, Percy Mellar
Seismic Foldout: Revealing a Promising New Play Concept in the Salar Basin, Offshore Canada
Yermek Balabekov, Susana Tierrablanca, Sriram Arasanipalai, Nizar Chemingui, PGS
Seismic Foldout: Revealing new Exploration Potential Onshore Colombia
Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez, Andres Mesa, Rob Yorke, Searcher
Seismic Foldout: Sands and source rock delivered by the Tangier WAZ3D in the current Nova Scotia Licence Round
Karyna Rodriguez, Neil Hodgson, Searcher
Seismic Foldout: Santos Basin, Brazil: Understanding the CO2 exploration risk with ultra-deep seismic
Roberto Juncken, Bruna Lyra, Mariano Gatti, Abraham Rodriguez, CGG, Natasha Stanton, Andres Gordon
Seismic Foldout: The Big Buzz of Buzzard II
Neil Hodgson, Lauren Found, Karyna Rodriguez, SEARCHER
Seismic Foldout: Trinidad and Tobago’s Advantage: Underexplored Frontier Amongst Discoveries
Jeniffer Masi, Mike Powney, Geoex MCG
Seismic Foldout: “Cryptic Seismic Clues: Hunting for another Source Rock in the South Atlantic”
Neil Hodgson, Lauren Found, Karyna Rodriguez, Searcher
Seismic velocity – A strong identifier of gas prospects
Martin Essenfeld, Rafael Sandrea
Shaking up the Earth: The AI revolution in seismic interpretation
Ryan Williams
Should Academia cut ties with the Fossil Fuel Industry?
Henk Kombrink
A Significant Gas Discovery at the Right Time
Geo ExPro Staff
Somalia: The final frontier?
Kevin Schofield, Katya Casey, Marel Sanchez, Coastline Exploration
Striking Oil – Gulf of Suez
Geo ExPro Staff
Edison Sirodj, GEO ExPro Staff
GEO ExPro Staff
Subsurface Storage
GEO ExPro Staff
Subsurface Storage
Geo ExPro Staff
Subsurface storage
Tina Lohr, Ellen Mitchell
Subsurface Storage
Mikael Luthje, Martin Patrong Haspang, Carsten Moller Nielsen
The Suriname-Guyana Basin—Where are the Limits?
Jamie Vinnels, Henk Kombrink
Hidekazu Yoshida, Jeremy O’Brien
Geo ExPro Staff
Geo ExPro Staff
Tidal influence in a deep marine turbiditic succession
Francois Raisson
A unique well at a unique time: How did Exxon manage to drill a frontier well offshore Ireland so close to prognosis?
Geo ExPro Staff
Well Logs and Facies Interpretation: Who gets it right?
Henk Krombrink
Who’s Andy? And what did he know about faults?
Molly Turko
Why it is not a slam dunk to ramp up gas production in Bolivia
Geo ExPro Staff
The world of step-out wells
Henk Kombrink
“It’s not difficult, it’s different”