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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GEO ExPro Magazine

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Activity and opportunities abound across the Africa region

Peter Elliott

Announcing Discoveries

Henk Kombrink

Can a seal fail

David Rajmon

Chasing giant oil prospects on the Arabian Platform in southeastern Türkiye

Mehmet Akif Sunnetcioglu, Tugba Ozdogan, Tugrul Uludag, Elif Uz, Ahmet Ergun Genis, Mehmet Sahin, Gokhan Kose, Sezer Turk, Ahmet Postaagasi, Umit Nayiroglu, Yucel Deniz Erdal, Sevgi Kosal

CNOOC makes largest offshore hydrocarbon discovery in special rock formation. What is that about?

Henk Kombrink

Compound Features

Henk Kombrink

Deep Sea Minerals

Henk Kombrink, Dag Helland-Hansen, Bent Kjølhamar

Deep Sea Minerals

Ronny Setså, Henk Kombrink

Don't forget to look deeper

Molly Turko, Alex Biholar

Exploring subtle traps in deeply buried plays

Henk Kombrink

Fibre Optic Sensing

Henk Kombrink

The genesis of natural hydrogen exploration


Geomodelling for CCS, a bridge too far?

Raffik Lazar

Geothermal Energy

Kim Gunn, Henk Kombrink, Taras Popadynets, Yuliia Demchuk, Geothermal Ukraine

Geothermal Energy

Henk Kombrink, Ronny Setså

Helium – the birth of a new exploration industry

Mariël Reitsma

Hot Spot — Suriname second shallow offshore bid round

Jonathan Leaather

How to explain these rates?

Marcos Asensio

Hydrocarbon find at the far eastern end of Brazil’s Equatorial Margin

Henk Kombrink

Is the Colombian Basin on its way to become the next big frontier?

Luis Carlos Carvajal-Arenas, Lucia Torrado, Juan Pablo Ramos, Paul Mann

Large licence turnover, but what’s the value added?

Ian Cross

A new and unique multi-client core scanning and thin section digital catalog from pre-salt reservoirs offshore Brazil

James Shreeve, Lucas Rocha Frascaroli, GEOTEK, Félix Gonçalves, SOLINTEC

Northwest Europe

Henk Kombrink, Ronny Setså, Mariel Reitsma

Northwest Europe

Henk Kombrink, Bryan Lovell, Ronny Setså

Oil — and increasingly gas — on steroids

Henk Kombrink

Permeability multipliers: allies or foes?

Raffik Lazar

Rejuvenating legacy seismic for screening carbon storage sites in the Gulf of Mexico

Neville Brookes, Ravi Kumar, Gregor Duval, Simon Otto, CGG

Riedel shears, my favorite kinematic indicator

Molly Turko

Seismic Foldout: Namibia's Orange Basin and the holey slope mystery

Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez, Lauren Found, SEARCHER

Seismic Foldout: Supporting the search for large scale carbon storage sites

Nick Lee, Bill Powell, Tilman Kluver, Cyrille Reiser, PGS

Seismic Foldout: The Danish Energy Island

Martin Bak Hansen, Louise Sandberg Sørensen, Jens Colberg-Larsen, Ana Maia, Henrique Duarte, GEOSURVEYS, Bruno Stuyts, Esben Dalgaard, SOLIDGROUND

Seismic Foldout: Why the conjugate margin in Uruguay and Southern Brazil may have even more to offer than the Orange Basin in Namibia

Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez, Lauren Found, SEARCHER, Pablo Rodriguez, Bruno Conti, ANCAP

The sequel: The hunt for Buzzard II continues

Harry Dye, Matt England, Henry Morris

Should you rely on geothermal gradients?

David Ramjon

The State of Global Gas Exploration

Juan Pablo Ramos, Marel Sanchez, Juan Francisco Arminio, Katya Casey, Kevin Schofield, Henk Kombrink

Subsurface Storage

Henk Kombrink, Kim Morrison

Subsurface Storage

Henk Kombrink


Henk Kombrink, Christophe Germay


Jesse Lord, David Wade, Sissa Stefanowicz, Eric Anthonissen, Alex Cullum

This is the time of subsurface by-products

Mariël Reitsma, Henk Kombrink

Uruguay — from totally open to totally licensed in just a few years

Ian Cross

Vertical Geology — Bouma and Tybalt

Marcos Asensio

A working petroleum system on purely oceanic crust

Christian Niño, Francisco Silva, Diana Rocha, Teresa Martins, Sara Pestana, Martin Zubiri