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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
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Physiographic Implications of Laterite in West Malaysia
R. J. Eyles
Bibliography and Index of the Geology of West Malaysia and Singapore --- Supplement 1968
D. J. Gobbett
Limestone Occurrences in Johore
S. Senathi Rajah
Radiocarbon Dates of Holocene Emergence and Submergence in the Tambelan and Bunguran Islands, Sunda Shelf, Indonesia
Neville Seymour Haile
Bouldery Mudflow Deposit at Ranau, Sabah, East Malaysia
Leong Tin Kong
An Analysis of Basin Asymmetry in the Klang Basin, Selangor
R. P. C. Morgan
Geomorphology and Biological Erosion of Limestone Coasts in Malaysia
Ernest P. Hodgkin
Quarternary Sediments at Sungei Besi, West Malaysia
Mohammad Ayob
On a Lower Devonian Fauna from Pahang, West Malaysia
C. R. Jones
Later Mesozoic Flora from Maran, Pahang, West Malaysia Part 1: Geologic Considerations
Charles J. Smiley
Later Mesozoic Flora from Maran, Pahang, West Malaysia Part 2: Taxonomic Considerations
Charles J. Smiley
Monsoon-Control of the Eastern Shoreline of Malaya
H. D. Tjia